Wisconsin Regional 2010

to Week 2
US Cellular Arena in Milwaukee, WI, USA
http://www.wisconsinregional.com - details on firstinspires.org

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2574 1716 3362 537 1652 3197 4 3
2197 1018 1732 3147 1714 2481 5 6
1268 930 288 3418 3090 2830 0 0
2946 1675 1103 167 2530 2202 0 5
1306 2338 1864 2169 1816 2062 4 6
171 93 2077 216 2194 3410 2 0
1736 1781 2506 2826 2547 2500 1 0
706 1259 111 3381 1091 269 7 1
2039 1103 1018 2709 2946 3090 5 0
2830 3410 930 167 3147 3197 1 3
2500 1714 1716 1675 2077 1268 3 0
2530 288 269 1781 1732 1864 1 1
2338 2481 706 216 2039 2506 2 0
3362 1091 1652 3381 2826 2062 4 1
3418 2574 2202 93 2547 2197 2 1
1736 1306 1816 2194 537 2709 3 4
1259 2169 2077 111 171 1018 0 6
1864 1652 1714 1091 930 216 0 3
2338 2530 2826 2500 93 1268 1 0
2197 2709 3147 2194 167 1716 3 7
2830 2202 3362 269 3090 1736 0 2
1675 3197 1816 706 2547 2946 3 0
171 1781 2062 1103 2574 2481 4 6
537 2169 2039 3381 1259 1732 6 2
3410 288 3418 111 1306 2506 6 6
3090 3147 2547 1716 269 1652 2 3
2481 2197 3362 93 1864 2709 10 3
2338 3381 1268 2077 2574 167 2 5
1091 2506 1732 930 1675 171 4 2
1736 1259 1103 3197 1306 2169 1 0
2202 1714 1816 3410 1781 2826 6 0
1018 537 3418 2062 2530 706 5 9
2500 2194 111 2830 2946 216 5 1
2039 2077 3147 288 1091 1736 1 2
1306 1732 93 1716 3381 1781 9 4
171 3090 2826 3418 706 3197 2 5
537 1675 2481 2338 2830 1103 6 2
1652 930 167 2500 1018 1816 1 4
2197 216 269 3410 2530 2169 0 3
2547 1864 2194 1268 1259 2039 3 6
2574 1714 2062 2946 2506 288 10 3
3362 2709 930 111 2202 2077 5 7
1103 3090 1091 2338 2197 3418 4 0
1716 1675 1018 1864 1736 2826 4 2
2500 2506 2169 93 1816 2039 0 0
111 167 216 537 2574 2547 7 4
3147 3362 3410 2530 1781 1259 5 1
2946 269 171 1652 1306 1268 1 1
2202 2709 2062 2830 1732 706 0 6
2194 3381 2481 3197 288 1714 8 7
2506 2574 1816 1716 1259 1091 6 6
2077 2500 2946 3147 269 3418 3 0
1781 2169 2338 2709 1652 1675 2 1
3090 167 93 111 288 1864 4 2
1306 2830 171 2197 2039 2826 1 4
2062 2547 1103 2530 2194 1714 5 5
1736 3381 537 2481 3410 2202 0 4
1018 1268 216 3362 1732 3197 3 11
706 2039 1864 930 3147 2574 5 4
1306 2194 3418 2338 167 1714 6 6
1259 1816 2826 3090 2077 2481 3 8
3197 2830 2709 1091 2530 93 1 5
1781 2946 2197 930 111 3381 3 7
3410 2547 1675 1018 3362 288 3 6
216 2202 2169 2062 1716 1268 4 9
1736 1652 1732 2506 1103 706 3 5
2500 269 2709 171 537 1714 1 9
111 2574 93 3147 1675 1306 10 2
2830 2169 2481 3362 3418 2946 7 2
2077 1864 2530 2202 1652 2506 1 3
3381 288 1816 216 171 1736 3 2
1716 930 1732 1259 2547 2338 4 2
1091 537 1781 1018 2194 3090 6 6
706 1268 3410 1103 2500 2197 6 6
269 3197 2826 2062 2039 167 6 4
111 1714 2946 1716 1736 2338 7 5
93 2506 1018 1816 537 2830 4 0
3090 2500 3410 2709 2574 1732 3 7
2547 2530 1268 1091 1306 2481 1 6
1864 2062 3147 171 3381 1103 1 2
2197 167 706 1781 2077 3362 5 0
216 1259 1652 1675 3418 2039 6 2
288 2194 2826 930 2169 269 5 0
3197 1091 2338 2202 1864 2500 4 2


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2481 706 3362
Alliance 2 111 1714 2077
Alliance 3 2574 1732 171
Alliance 4 2194 537 93
Alliance 5 1716 1018 2202
Alliance 6 167 930 1736
Alliance 7 2062 1306 1259
Alliance 8 1091 2338 2826

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
706 3362 2481 2826 2338 1091 9 1
3362 706 2481 2338 1091 2826 7 1
93 2194 537 1018 1716 2202 4 3
2194 537 93 1716 2202 1018 6 4
111 1714 2077 1259 2062 1306 7 9
111 2077 1714 1306 2062 1259 10 4
111 1714 2077 1259 2062 1306 6 5
2574 171 1732 167 930 1736 6 2
2574 1732 171 1736 930 167 8 1
706 2481 3362 2194 537 93 6 5
3362 706 2481 537 93 2194 9 8
1714 2077 111 171 1732 2574 8 4
111 2077 1714 171 1732 2574 4 5
111 2077 1714 2574 1732 171 3 5
3362 2481 706 2574 1732 171 10 4
2506 706 2481 171 2574 1732 2 6
2481 706 2506 1732 2574 171 2 7

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Seeding Score Coopertition Bonus Hanging Points DQ Played Seeding Score/Match*
1 2481 169 56 14 0 10 16.90
2 111 168 62 0 0 10 16.80
3 1714 154 60 2 0 10 15.40
4 2574 154 56 4 0 10 15.40
5 706 151 58 4 0 10 15.10
6 2194 146 66 2 0 10 14.60
7 1716 141 50 2 0 10 14.10
8 167 131 44 0 0 10 13.10
9 2062 130 46 10 0 10 13.00
10 1091 129 46 0 0 10 12.90
11 1732 127 38 0 0 10 12.70
12 3362 125 32 2 0 10 12.50
13 1103 121 46 4 0 10 12.10
14 1018 121 30 0 0 10 12.10
15 3197 118 38 0 0 9 13.11
16 2506 115 42 0 0 10 11.50
17 537 115 30 2 0 10 11.50
18 93 111 30 0 0 10 11.10
19 1259 107 32 0 0 10 10.70
20 1816 106 32 2 0 10 10.60
21 3381 105 28 2 0 10 10.50
22 1306 103 38 0 0 10 10.30
23 2530 100 32 2 0 10 10.00
24 3418 98 40 0 0 10 9.80
25 3410 98 32 0 0 10 9.80
26 2202 98 18 0 0 10 9.80
27 2039 97 22 0 0 10 9.70
28 3090 93 28 2 0 10 9.30
29 288 93 28 0 0 10 9.30
30 2077 93 22 2 0 10 9.30
31 2197 92 22 2 0 10 9.20
32 216 89 14 2 0 10 8.90
33 1268 86 28 2 0 9 9.56
34 2709 85 12 0 0 10 8.50
35 2169 84 20 4 0 9 9.33
36 2338 83 20 2 0 10 8.30
37 2826 82 16 0 0 10 8.20
38 2500 81 18 0 0 10 8.10
39 1652 80 22 0 0 10 8.00
40 1781 80 20 0 0 10 8.00
41 3147 80 18 0 0 10 8.00
42 2946 77 14 0 0 10 7.70
43 269 75 20 0 0 10 7.50
44 1675 73 8 2 0 10 7.30
45 171 72 10 2 0 10 7.20
46 930 69 12 0 0 10 6.90
47 1736 66 12 2 0 10 6.60
48 2830 65 8 2 0 10 6.50
49 1864 61 10 0 0 10 6.10
50 2547 55 10 2 0 10 5.50

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Appleton, Wisconsin, USA
Arlington Heights, Illinois, USA
Iowa City, Iowa, USA
Platteville, Wisconsin, USA
Grandville, Michigan, USA
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Grandville, Michigan, USA
Sussex, Wisconsin, USA
Hartland, Wisconsin, USA
Mukwonago, Wisconsin, USA
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Hartford, Wisconsin, USA
Delavan, WI, USA
Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Middleton, Wisconsin, USA
Pleasant Prairie, WI, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
De Pere, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Edina, Minnesota, USA
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Rockford, Illinois, USA
Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Wales, Wisconsin, USA
Savage, Minnesota, USA
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
New Carlisle, Indiana, USA
Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA
Oswego, Illinois, USA
Tremont, Illinois, USA
Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Franklin, Wisconsin, USA
Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Milwaukee, WI, USA
St. Anthony, Minnesota, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Winona, Minnesota, USA
Munster, Indiana, USA
Cedarburg, Wisconsin, USA
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Miami, Florida, USA
Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 1306
Engineering Inspiration 1714
Rookie All Star Award 3381
Woodie Flowers Award Margaret Guderyon (2506)
Outstanding Volunteer of the Year Chris Paulik (537)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Samantha Scharles (930)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Kathryn Widen (1675)
Winner 171
Winner 2574
Winner 1732
Finalist 3362
Finalist 706
Finalist 2506
Finalist 2481
Coopertition Award 111
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 2169
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 2077
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2062
Excellence in Design Award sponsored by Autodesk 1714
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 93
Highest Rookie Seed 3362
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 2826
Industrial Design sponsored by General Motors 2481
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2062
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 706
Judges Award 3362
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 111
Rookie Inspiration Award 3197
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 1736
Website Award 2506

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
111 4.16
2481 3.78
1732 3.06
1714 2.93
2062 2.87
2574 2.63
1716 2.48
3362 2.41
706 2.35
537 2.23
2194 2.20
3197 2.13
1018 1.87
1091 1.63
167 1.63
2197 1.61
1306 1.54
3090 1.42
1103 1.40
3410 1.35
1259 1.25
93 1.24
288 1.16
2039 1.15
1816 1.09
2530 1.05
171 1.04
1268 0.80
2169 0.74
2202 0.70
2506 0.66
2826 0.57
216 0.55
2338 0.47
930 0.38
3418 0.35
2077 0.30
2709 0.28
2500 0.15
1675 0.09
1736 0.09
3147 0.07
2946 0.05
1652 0.04
3381 -0.04
269 -0.07
1781 -0.16
1864 -0.18
2547 -0.26
2830 -0.83
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