Washington DC Regional 2012

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2962 2121 1418 619 1731 461 4 18
449 1646 3373 3279 4137 1849 23 0
768 2900 1389 1719 53 2961 10 20
4099 639 1885 2849 612 836 14 50
174 1747 2914 1522 1915 2377 15 3
3793 2534 4288 1218 4067 467 6 45
4266 2537 3455 87 3558 141 7 19
4242 3123 2963 614 346 116 24 41
357 620 2964 2912 395 1123 33 14
2421 2911 888 611 4083 2579 12 15
709 623 836 134 1849 1522 48 12
4099 2377 3373 467 2537 2121 4 21
3793 4137 346 1915 2534 2962 5 13
4242 2961 1885 1731 3455 1218 30 48
4288 2579 2912 1123 614 1389 21 12
1747 619 709 2911 395 449 16 17
768 87 53 2963 2421 174 25 19
639 3558 4067 2900 623 620 18 21
611 4266 2849 612 3279 1418 5 27
3123 134 141 1719 357 888 19 43
1646 4083 116 461 2964 2914 25 19
346 1218 395 4137 2912 768 30 22
619 3373 614 2421 3455 1747 10 6
1522 2962 4099 3279 3558 611 15 2
1731 2534 709 3123 53 639 24 38
4266 467 4083 1646 1123 2963 14 12
1389 461 174 449 836 1885 33 28
87 2964 2849 2900 1915 134 15 15
888 620 116 2537 1849 1418 17 26
4288 2121 612 2911 1719 4242 38 15
623 2579 2377 2961 3793 141 61 16
2914 1731 611 357 4067 836 22 38
3455 53 4137 2912 2849 4083 20 36
2964 639 888 768 3279 3373 41 15
1123 346 1522 2537 1719 612 17 37
620 449 134 4266 614 1885 44 28
4288 357 709 174 2377 2962 30 40
1849 2914 467 4242 141 2900 21 6
1646 2911 2579 2534 116 4099 7 38
3123 3793 4067 461 395 2421 23 25
87 1389 2121 623 1418 1747 15 33
619 3558 2963 2961 1218 1915 0 30
709 620 4266 346 2914 3373 32 43
449 4288 4137 1731 639 2900 6 28
3455 116 836 3793 1123 768 28 21
614 612 1522 888 467 53 24 31
3558 4083 2961 1747 3123 2121 0 46
461 2537 2911 2963 623 3279 22 16
2534 141 2912 174 134 611 12 22
1885 2421 1218 1646 357 1418 35 41
2964 2377 619 87 4242 2579 28 8
395 2962 4067 1389 1849 2849 13 20
1915 1719 623 4099 614 1731 24 35
2912 2900 174 2121 3793 888 37 21
3279 134 461 3455 4288 2914 28 3
2911 346 2961 2964 467 836 6 42
449 2377 1123 2421 3558 2534 24 12
141 2962 53 1885 3123 3373 10 27
612 116 4067 87 709 4137 10 10
619 768 4099 4266 357 1849 20 12
2537 1915 611 1218 1389 4083 29 42
2963 2849 1747 1646 1719 620 25 35
639 2579 1418 395 4242 1522 38 30
1123 4067 3279 53 346 2121 3 50
449 2914 3123 4099 87 467 36 29
836 2900 1218 116 4266 2962 53 2
134 4083 612 620 2377 768 16 48
395 3373 623 611 4288 1646 11 25
1418 3455 1719 174 2579 2964 20 21
2421 1522 1731 1389 2963 141 23 18
709 4242 461 888 2534 1747 9 43
2537 2961 614 2849 4137 357 2 32
2912 1885 1849 3558 2911 1915 25 11
639 619 611 3793 116 134 6 14
620 1522 1218 2900 3123 2964 79 9
888 2962 2963 4067 3455 2377 24 20
53 2579 1747 4266 836 4137 23 26
2911 2849 174 3373 1123 1731 35 34
3279 467 1719 2421 2912 619 32 18
395 2914 1885 2537 623 2534 10 31
346 141 4083 4099 449 1418 35 45
2961 1849 87 639 4288 461 4 33
357 1389 3793 4242 612 3558 46 28
614 1915 768 2121 709 1646 15 29
1719 1731 116 4266 395 2377 42 30
1123 4137 2421 1218 623 134 0 58
2900 3455 1849 1747 611 346 5 31
2964 4099 4288 2963 1885 3793 17 21
612 174 1646 619 4067 2961 67 15
467 3558 461 2849 2579 709 28 40
614 1418 53 639 2911 2914 14 28
357 2534 3373 4083 1522 87 35 42
2537 2912 4242 449 768 2962 24 9
3279 1915 2121 620 141 836 0 38
3123 888 346 1389 4137 619 34 21


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1218 836 141
Alliance 2 467 357 2914
Alliance 3 620 1731 3123
Alliance 4 1719 1389 2537
Alliance 5 116 174 1418
Alliance 6 639 888 346
Alliance 7 2849 2377 134
Alliance 8 1646 612 1747

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1218 141 836 1747 612 1646 67 17
141 1218 836 612 1747 1646 56 41
1389 2537 1719 174 1418 116 7 42
1719 1389 2537 1418 116 174 16 69
2914 357 467 134 2849 2377 35 47
2914 467 357 2849 2377 134 59 47
467 2914 357 134 2849 2377 66 47
3123 1731 620 639 888 346 63 60
1731 3123 620 346 639 888 55 38
836 141 1218 116 1418 174 55 62
1218 836 141 1418 174 116 36 10
1218 836 141 174 1418 116 74 23
467 357 2914 620 1731 3123 62 29
2914 357 467 1731 3123 620 20 28
467 357 2914 3123 620 1731 63 33
836 1218 141 2914 467 357 39 54
141 1218 836 2914 467 357 56 78

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Qual Score Hybrid Bridge Teleop Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Qual Score/Match*
1 1218 30 125 40 255 8-1-0 0 9 3.33
2 836 29 123 70 158 8-1-0 0 9 3.22
3 467 28 112 50 101 7-2-0 0 9 3.11
4 620 26 141 30 176 7-2-0 0 9 2.89
5 1719 26 107 50 111 6-3-0 0 9 2.89
6 116 25 54 80 83 6-2-1 0 9 2.78
7 639 24 100 90 54 6-3-0 0 9 2.67
8 2849 23 110 80 68 6-2-1 0 9 2.56
9 1731 23 85 80 109 6-3-0 0 9 2.56
10 357 22 143 30 137 6-3-0 0 9 2.44
11 1646 22 135 20 109 7-2-0 0 9 2.44
12 174 21 105 40 144 8-1-0 0 9 2.33
13 449 21 100 50 82 6-3-0 0 9 2.33
14 2900 21 65 20 99 4-4-1 0 9 2.33
15 461 20 121 50 44 6-3-0 0 9 2.22
16 3123 20 63 80 113 5-4-0 0 9 2.22
17 134 19 106 20 102 5-3-1 0 9 2.11
18 612 19 96 70 131 5-3-1 0 9 2.11
19 1418 19 92 70 86 6-3-0 0 9 2.11
20 2579 18 95 80 59 6-3-0 0 9 2.00
21 2537 18 82 50 67 6-3-0 0 9 2.00
22 4083 18 75 80 70 6-3-0 0 9 2.00
23 2914 18 36 80 81 5-4-0 0 9 2.00
24 2964 17 93 50 49 4-3-1 1 9 1.89
25 623 16 129 60 114 6-3-0 0 9 1.78
26 1747 16 110 30 98 5-4-0 0 9 1.78
27 888 16 95 20 151 6-3-0 0 9 1.78
28 53 16 81 80 70 5-4-0 0 9 1.78
29 2912 16 77 60 72 5-4-0 0 9 1.78
30 3558 16 40 30 48 1-8-0 0 9 1.78
31 1849 16 34 30 61 4-5-0 0 9 1.78
32 1885 15 85 30 103 3-6-0 0 9 1.67
33 2121 15 78 10 136 5-4-0 0 9 1.67
34 4137 15 54 20 46 2-6-1 0 9 1.67
35 2534 14 109 40 65 4-5-0 0 9 1.56
36 346 14 98 20 144 5-4-0 0 9 1.56
37 4288 14 97 10 72 4-5-0 0 9 1.56
38 2377 14 88 70 100 5-4-0 0 9 1.56
39 4266 14 85 10 61 2-7-0 0 9 1.56
40 2911 14 76 30 47 4-5-0 0 9 1.56
41 4099 14 73 80 64 5-4-0 0 9 1.56
42 87 14 33 70 64 3-4-2 0 9 1.56
43 1389 13 89 40 88 4-5-0 0 9 1.44
44 709 13 81 60 97 3-5-1 0 9 1.44
45 619 13 46 40 56 3-6-0 0 9 1.44
46 4067 13 38 60 87 2-6-1 0 9 1.44
47 1522 12 79 40 126 4-5-0 0 9 1.33
48 611 12 71 30 56 4-5-0 0 9 1.33
49 3793 12 61 40 72 3-6-0 0 9 1.33
50 1123 12 56 30 51 1-8-0 0 9 1.33
51 2421 12 36 30 84 2-7-0 0 9 1.33
52 2961 12 18 10 59 1-6-0 2 9 1.33
53 1915 11 48 30 62 2-6-1 0 9 1.22
54 141 10 90 20 63 2-7-0 0 9 1.11
55 3373 10 87 30 85 4-5-0 0 9 1.11
56 395 10 78 60 42 3-6-0 0 9 1.11
57 2963 10 66 40 53 2-7-0 0 9 1.11
58 614 10 60 50 71 3-6-0 0 9 1.11
59 768 10 53 70 62 3-6-0 0 9 1.11
60 3279 10 48 40 35 3-6-0 0 9 1.11
61 2962 10 40 30 56 4-4-0 1 9 1.11
62 4242 6 59 70 45 1-8-0 0 9 0.67
63 3455 6 40 40 77 2-7-0 0 9 0.67

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
Mount Holly, New Jersey, USA
Herndon, Virginia, USA
Pembroke, NH, USA
Holland, Michigan, USA
Liverpool, New York, USA
Richmond, Virginia, USA
Drexel Hill, PA, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Silver Spring, Maryland, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Mc Lean, Virginia, USA
Chantilly, Virginia, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Vienna, Virginia, USA
Ithaca, New York, USA
Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USA
Baltimore, MD, USA
Hollywood, Maryland, USA
Glenelg, Maryland, USA
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Mechanicsville, Virginia, USA
Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Team Location Image
Washington, DC, USA
Haymarket, Virginia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Pasadena, Maryland, USA
Burke, Virginia, USA
Baltimore , Maryland, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Astoria, New York, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Pottstown, PA, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Washington, DC, USA
Frederick, Maryland, USA
Clarksville, Maryland, USA
Dorchester, South Carolina, USA
Poolesville, Maryland, USA
Columbia, Maryland, USA
Washington, District of Columbia, USA
New Oxford, Pennsylvania, USA
Berlin, Maryland, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 461
Engineering Inspiration Award 1885
Rookie All Star Award 4099
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Jason Stern
Volunteer of the Year Don Brobst
Volunteer of the Year Robin Thurman
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Abigail Ackerman
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Rishabh Simhal
Regional Winners 467
Regional Winners 357
Regional Winners 2914
Regional Finalists 1218
Regional Finalists 836
Regional Finalists 141
Coopertition Award 3558
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 620
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 1218
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 3123
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 1418
Highest Rookie Seed 4083
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 87
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 639
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 3123
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 449
Judges' Award 141
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 836
Rookie Inspiration Award 4083
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 467
Website Award 1646

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1218 30.55
836 20.85
357 18.83
174 18.36
620 17.06
1731 16.80
2377 16.20
612 16.02
346 15.85
623 15.29
3123 14.55
639 14.11
2849 13.18
1646 12.97
467 12.61
2912 12.37
888 12.21
1719 11.51
461 10.56
449 10.40
53 10.32
1418 10.09
1522 10.08
1747 9.32
2534 9.22
768 9.13
1389 8.81
2537 8.74
1885 8.24
4099 8.22
2121 7.94
2579 7.81
134 7.01
709 6.73
4083 6.45
2914 5.71
87 5.70
4242 5.63
116 5.53
614 5.09
3793 4.87
395 3.71
141 3.54
4288 3.23
3373 3.18
2963 3.06
2964 2.83
3558 2.66
4067 2.47
619 1.99
4266 1.40
611 1.05
3279 1.05
1915 0.87
3455 0.66
1849 0.30
1123 0.14
2421 0.07
2911 -0.13
2961 -0.18
4137 -0.39
2962 -1.42
2900 -1.64
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