Detroit FIRST Robotics District Competition 2012

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3769 2673 453 469 519 3619 5 29
123 2620 2591 1189 2676 3605 15 1
1023 51 3706 3096 313 3115 41 2
4380 2832 4002 815 322 201 0 0
3632 1504 314 2960 3002 3547 12 6
326 280 2224 217 1701 2611 20 3
3175 818 313 3538 94 4002 10 0
2673 1023 519 3002 322 2676 18 0
815 123 1701 3115 453 2620 18 9
3547 3175 201 2960 2224 2611 15 25
4380 94 314 3538 469 3706 6 13
3605 1504 2832 51 3619 280 3 34
2591 1189 3096 3769 326 818 9 3
217 3538 314 3632 2676 4002 29 0
2960 2620 322 3115 280 94 3 5
3002 453 1189 2832 3547 3096 11 21
3632 1023 3619 818 201 123 33 32
1504 1701 469 217 3605 519 28 24
3175 815 3706 326 2591 51 10 27
2611 4380 3769 2673 313 2224 6 12
4002 3115 201 3096 3605 3002 14 0
3547 51 3538 1504 1023 2591 15 31
4380 3619 313 519 1189 3175 3 10
123 217 326 94 2224 322 26 9
818 469 453 3632 2620 1701 31 9
2960 3769 2832 2611 2676 3706 9 0
2673 815 94 280 314 1023 8 27
519 4002 3096 3632 3002 326 0 6
2611 3175 3605 2832 3706 1701 6 0
1189 2960 280 453 815 2676 6 16
51 469 123 818 3547 322 46 0
217 2620 313 1504 201 4380 12 30
2224 3115 314 3619 2591 3769 25 10
3538 123 3632 2673 280 3706 22 3
2960 217 3096 1023 815 3605 19 25
453 314 326 313 2832 51 47 28
3769 1701 3547 322 4002 3175 19 1
2673 201 2620 1189 3619 94 8 17
2676 519 1504 4380 2224 469 21 41
2591 3538 3002 3115 818 2611 12 6
3769 3706 3605 217 3632 201 1 21
280 322 1504 3175 1023 3096 33 42
469 313 3002 2591 2960 815 18 16
123 1189 2224 314 51 4002 25 23
94 2676 3547 453 3619 1701 22 7
2832 3115 519 818 2673 4380 8 0
2611 326 1189 2620 3538 1023 5 25
3547 280 815 123 313 3769 25 21
3619 3115 3175 217 4002 2673 0 9
94 3605 818 2224 3706 1504 6 10
2591 2676 469 1701 201 3096 30 27
2832 314 2620 3538 519 2960 30 29
51 322 2611 453 3632 4380 33 8
3002 280 818 326 469 3605 0 58
1701 313 519 3706 3115 123 3 12
2676 217 3769 1189 51 1504 17 41
3096 2620 815 314 2611 3547 9 47
3002 201 3619 322 3538 326 9 16
2224 453 4002 2960 4380 1023 34 48
94 3632 2591 2832 2673 3175 18 10
326 2676 3096 3547 3115 217 9 12
2611 815 3538 1504 3619 818 26 9
1189 322 3706 2224 2591 2832 0 0
123 3002 1023 94 3769 2620 32 17
1701 51 4380 2673 469 2960 19 31
3175 280 453 314 201 519 13 30
313 3632 322 4002 3605 2620 0 30
2960 3619 326 123 3096 4380 17 4
217 818 3706 3547 453 2591 25 25
313 201 3605 2673 2676 314 38 16
3115 1189 1023 3632 469 3175 28 20
1701 3538 2224 815 51 3002 10 24
2611 2832 94 3769 4002 1504 3 10
519 4380 3547 280 3605 2591 15 0
322 1023 1701 313 1189 314 44 18
2224 3096 3769 2832 3538 453 13 45
51 201 94 519 2611 123 31 16
3632 2673 3115 326 815 1504 0 46
818 2960 2676 3175 3002 217 15 32
4002 3619 3706 469 280 2620 0 47


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 1023 469 3175
Alliance 2 51 217 1189
Alliance 3 326 453 94
Alliance 4 314 201 2611
Alliance 5 2591 815 2620
Alliance 6 3538 1504 313
Alliance 7 3547 123 2960
Alliance 8 3115 1701 280

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3175 1023 469 1701 3115 280 64 15
1023 3175 469 280 1701 3115 70 0
314 2611 201 815 2620 2591 15 3
2611 201 314 815 2591 2620 52 9
1189 217 51 123 3547 2960 59 43
217 1189 51 2960 3547 123 22 29
51 1189 217 2960 3547 123 33 26
326 94 453 3538 313 1504 21 45
453 326 94 1504 313 3538 39 47
469 3175 1023 2611 314 201 59 34
469 1023 3175 314 2611 201 69 17
51 1189 217 1504 313 3538 40 31
1189 217 51 313 1504 3538 26 41
1189 51 217 3538 1504 313 23 40
1023 3175 469 1504 313 3538 94 26
3175 469 1023 313 1504 3538 92 30

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Qual Score Hybrid Bridge Teleop Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Qual Score/Match*
1 1023 36 127 60 207 12-0-0 0 12 3.00
2 51 34 134 60 168 8-4-0 0 12 2.83
3 326 34 80 70 130 9-3-0 0 12 2.83
4 314 32 111 80 119 8-4-0 0 12 2.67
5 469 30 121 40 231 11-1-0 0 12 2.50
6 2591 30 86 10 97 7-3-2 0 12 2.50
7 3538 28 59 90 93 8-4-0 0 12 2.33
8 217 27 93 50 86 6-5-1 0 12 2.25
9 3547 27 55 80 87 7-4-1 0 12 2.25
10 3115 24 39 20 60 7-4-0 1 12 2.00
11 815 23 63 60 100 7-4-1 0 12 1.92
12 2224 23 62 100 62 7-4-1 0 12 1.92
13 1189 23 52 40 68 6-4-1 1 12 1.92
14 1504 22 116 40 118 8-4-0 0 12 1.83
15 123 22 95 50 124 8-4-0 0 12 1.83
16 2960 20 88 20 116 5-7-0 0 12 1.67
17 2611 20 65 60 51 5-7-0 0 12 1.67
18 1701 20 59 70 58 4-8-0 0 12 1.67
19 3175 20 53 60 56 5-7-0 0 12 1.67
20 2832 20 52 50 55 5-5-2 0 12 1.67
21 201 19 110 30 115 6-5-1 0 12 1.58
22 453 19 106 60 74 4-6-1 1 12 1.58
23 2620 18 67 30 117 5-7-0 0 12 1.50
24 3002 18 65 30 38 6-3-0 3 12 1.50
25 519 18 61 40 78 6-5-0 1 12 1.50
26 280 18 56 70 87 6-6-0 0 12 1.50
27 3632 18 46 10 63 4-6-0 2 12 1.50
28 313 18 40 40 85 4-8-0 0 12 1.50
29 3096 18 38 40 77 3-9-0 0 12 1.50
30 818 17 73 20 44 2-9-1 0 12 1.42
31 3619 14 70 10 88 5-7-0 0 12 1.17
32 2676 14 57 10 80 3-9-0 0 12 1.17
33 2673 14 51 10 59 4-8-0 0 12 1.17
34 4380 14 40 20 75 3-4-0 5 12 1.17
35 322 13 40 40 47 3-4-1 4 12 1.08
36 3605 12 6 30 118 4-6-0 2 12 1.00
37 3769 10 62 30 34 3-8-0 1 12 0.83
38 94 10 57 20 65 5-7-0 0 12 0.83
39 3706 10 22 10 19 2-4-2 4 12 0.83
40 4002 8 36 20 50 3-3-0 6 12 0.67

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Southfield, Michigan, USA
Hamtramck, Michigan, USA
Rochester, Michigan, USA
Sterling Heights, Michigan, USA
Taylor, Michigan, USA
Westland, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Romulus, MI, USA
Clinton Township, Michigan, USA
Pontiac, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Allen Park, Michigan, USA
Warren, Michigan, USA
Temperance, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe, Michigan, USA
Okemos, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Team Location Image
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Jackson, Michigan, USA
Southgate, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Ecorse, Michigan, USA
Livonia, Michigan, USA
Birmingham, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Monroe, Michigan, USA
dearborn, MI, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Lincoln Park, MI, USA
Detroit, MI, USA
Royal Oak, MI, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 123
Engineering Inspiration Award 1023
Rookie All Star Award 4002
Regional Winners 469
Regional Winners 1023
Regional Winners 3175
Regional Finalists 1504
Regional Finalists 313
Regional Finalists 3538
Coopertition Award 818
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 1504
Engineering Excellence Award sponsored by Delphi 469
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 2832
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 314
Highest Rookie Seed 4380
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 280
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 3547
Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 1023
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2673
Judges' Award 51
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola 217
Rookie Inspiration Award 4380
Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler 3115
Website Award 217
Rank Team Qual Points Elim Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 469 22 30 16 5 73
2 1023 24 30 16 2 72
3 1504 16 20 11 5 52
4 3538 16 20 11 0 47
5 217 13 10 15 7 45
6 51 16 10 15 2 43
7 3175 10 30 1 0 41
8 314 16 10 13 2 41
9 201 13 10 13 0 36
10 313 8 20 6 0 34
11 326 18 0 14 0 32
12 3547 15 0 10 5 30
13 2591 16 0 12 0 28
14 815 15 0 12 0 27
15 123 16 0 10 0 26
16 1189 13 10 2 0 25
17 3115 14 0 9 2 25
18 2611 10 10 4 0 24
19 453 9 0 14 0 23
20 280 12 0 8 2 22
21 1701 8 0 9 0 17
22 2960 10 0 7 0 17
23 2832 12 0 0 5 17
24 2620 10 0 5 0 15
25 2224 15 0 0 0 15
26 94 10 0 3 0 13
27 4380 9 0 0 4 13
28 2673 8 0 0 5 13
29 3632 12 0 0 0 12
30 3002 12 0 0 0 12
31 519 12 0 0 0 12
32 3605 10 0 0 0 10
33 3706 10 0 0 0 10
34 3619 10 0 0 0 10
35 818 5 0 0 5 10
36 4002 9 0 0 0 9
37 322 8 0 0 0 8
38 3096 6 0 0 0 6
39 2676 6 0 0 0 6
40 3769 6 0 0 0 6

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1023 25.02
469 23.44
51 17.81
314 13.01
453 12.68
201 12.67
217 11.33
1504 10.95
326 10.75
123 10.67
2224 9.01
3547 8.86
2960 7.90
815 6.31
3538 5.66
2620 5.37
3605 4.54
280 4.42
2611 4.33
519 3.99
3175 3.90
313 3.58
2832 3.53
94 3.36
3619 2.30
2676 2.17
1189 1.99
3096 1.92
3769 1.65
2591 1.29
1701 0.71
818 0.51
4380 0.40
4002 0.14
322 -0.09
3632 -0.33
3115 -1.34
3002 -2.44
2673 -2.51
3706 -2.62
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