NE District - Granite State Event 2017

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6328 4908 5735 1517 4929 4473 180 85
1831 509 238 885 3323 2876 235 85
5459 1729 2084 6691 319 811 190 143
1512 3566 131 95 6172 78 145 255
5902 5422 1073 467 3958 1058 91 185
3467 138 1100 1289 6763 1307 136 140
6324 5687 319 1247 3566 95 330 90
1517 1058 811 467 78 1831 180 305
3323 1100 5422 138 2876 131 183 195
1247 3467 885 1729 5902 5735 165 140
6691 5459 3958 6763 5687 6328 50 255
4473 6172 509 238 1307 1073 90 175
2084 4929 1289 6324 4908 1512 181 125
1729 6328 131 467 5902 95 156 195
6172 1307 1100 1058 509 1073 103 160
3566 1517 2876 1289 885 6691 40 145
4908 78 4473 3958 6324 811 231 146
6763 3323 4929 1247 5422 2084 135 160
138 238 5459 5735 1512 3467 185 85
4908 319 1831 5687 811 5902 205 166
4929 78 885 1073 1289 6172 141 140
95 3958 2084 467 1100 238 310 217
5422 319 138 3467 6324 1831 200 195
3323 6691 1729 3566 1058 5735 91 295
1307 1517 5459 1247 2876 6328 235 190
1512 6763 4473 509 131 5687 190 255
885 6324 5422 1100 5902 78 260 213
95 1058 1307 3323 4908 5459 170 135
6691 6763 1831 1289 238 1247 235 165
3958 1729 4929 5735 509 138 90 235
467 131 4473 2084 2876 319 260 235
811 1512 6328 3467 1073 3566 161 160
3323 1517 5687 6172 138 3958 280 95
1100 1831 1058 319 5735 6763 327 253
3566 1289 78 238 5902 4473 130 90
1073 2876 5687 6328 2084 6324 205 265
6172 131 5459 4908 1247 1729 70 105
1517 6691 95 3467 1307 4929 300 85
5422 467 811 1512 885 509 240 126
131 3958 238 6324 1058 5459 260 255
2876 1831 5902 3566 4929 138 145 151
1289 6328 1517 1100 319 1729 280 249
78 2084 1307 95 5735 5422 160 212
467 885 6172 6691 4473 5687 95 245
1073 1247 1512 4908 811 6763 110 281
3467 509 6328 3323 131 5902 215 280
1729 4473 1058 5687 1100 4929 210 156
6324 5735 6172 2876 95 6763 255 165
238 3467 811 3958 5422 1517 170 195
885 2084 3566 138 1307 4908 280 280
319 1247 509 78 1512 6691 149 181
467 1073 3323 5459 1831 1289 280 235
1058 138 6763 95 4473 6328 235 330
2876 4929 4908 78 3467 131 201 210
3958 885 1073 1517 2084 1831 252 381
1512 238 319 1307 5902 3566 197 145
1100 6691 6324 6172 811 3323 230 170
1247 5459 5735 509 1289 467 280 195
5687 1729 138 5422 78 238 245 195
4929 95 811 3958 3323 319 146 258
2084 3467 5902 1247 6172 1517 255 145
2876 1289 1512 885 5687 1058 90 245
1307 6328 1831 1729 6324 509 280 215
4473 5735 1073 6691 5422 131 307 235
4908 467 3566 6763 5459 1100 220 220
6324 3323 78 1512 1517 1729 140 155
1058 1247 5902 2084 1073 138 255 275
238 6172 4929 6328 467 319 190 198
5735 5687 1307 131 811 1100 326 255
5459 95 3467 1831 4473 885 205 140
509 3566 6691 5422 4908 1289 310 185
3958 6763 5902 2876 1729 1307 255 140


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 5687 1058 4908
Alliance 2 2084 95 3958
Alliance 3 5735 1831 5459
Alliance 4 6328 319 238
Alliance 5 138 131 1073
Alliance 6 467 78 6763
Alliance 7 1517 1100 6324
Alliance 8 6691 3566 885

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4908 5687 1058 3566 6691 885 395 255
4908 5687 1058 3566 6691 885 435 145
238 6328 319 131 138 1073 165 280
238 6328 319 131 138 1073 269 305
3958 2084 95 1100 1517 6324 280 185
3958 2084 95 1100 1517 6324 395 185
5459 5735 1831 78 467 6763 264 305
5459 5735 1831 78 467 6763 232 255
4908 5687 1058 131 138 1073 205 205
4908 5687 1058 131 138 1073 445 205
4908 5687 1058 131 138 1073 420 315
3958 2084 95 78 467 6763 330 250
3958 2084 95 78 467 6763 330 260
4908 5687 1058 95 2084 3958 395 230
4908 5687 1058 95 2084 3958 305 355
4908 5687 1058 95 2084 3958 445 305

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Match Points Auto Rotor Touchpad Pressure Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 5687 1.72 2708 686 1500 950 3 8-3-0 0 11 19
2 2084 1.54 2692 450 1180 1200 2 8-2-1 0 11 17
3 5735 1.54 2568 436 1260 1000 33 8-3-0 0 11 17
4 1058 1.45 2517 332 1420 850 2 7-4-0 0 11 16
5 6328 1.45 2510 698 1300 950 5 8-3-0 0 11 16
6 95 1.45 2378 450 1100 950 8 8-3-0 0 11 16
7 138 1.45 2232 501 1280 700 2 7-3-1 0 11 16
8 1831 1.36 2683 334 1260 1150 8 7-4-0 0 11 15
9 467 1.36 2390 394 1120 1050 5 7-3-1 0 11 15
10 1517 1.27 2276 315 1020 900 1 7-4-0 0 11 14
11 6691 1.27 2165 200 1060 850 5 7-4-0 0 11 14
12 78 1.27 2161 378 1200 750 6 7-4-0 0 11 14
13 1307 1.27 2136 490 1240 650 1 6-4-1 0 11 14
14 319 1.09 2417 332 1140 1050 57 6-5-0 0 11 12
15 131 1.09 2321 675 1340 700 1 6-5-0 0 11 12
16 4473 1.09 2178 435 1140 750 3 6-5-0 0 11 12
17 5422 1.09 2156 388 1040 850 11 6-5-0 0 11 12
18 4908 1.09 2148 252 1000 750 8 5-4-2 0 11 12
19 3958 1.09 2096 378 1120 750 6 6-5-0 0 11 12
20 885 1.09 1934 425 1100 650 4 5-5-1 0 11 12
21 6763 1.00 2364 381 1240 800 19 5-5-1 0 11 11
22 5459 1.00 2060 310 1140 700 0 5-5-1 0 11 11
23 1729 1.00 1830 258 960 700 5 5-6-0 0 11 11
24 6324 0.90 2416 430 1100 1100 1 5-6-0 0 11 10
25 509 0.90 2185 320 1060 850 10 5-6-0 0 11 10
26 1073 0.90 2155 490 1240 700 5 5-6-0 0 11 10
27 238 0.90 2079 441 1100 750 14 5-6-0 0 11 10
28 3566 0.90 1966 370 1120 600 1 4-5-2 0 11 10
29 1289 0.90 1886 260 1120 600 1 5-6-0 0 11 10
30 3467 0.72 1881 471 1120 600 6 4-7-0 0 11 8
31 1247 0.72 1814 505 1000 600 9 4-7-0 0 11 8
32 1512 0.72 1565 330 920 450 20 4-7-0 0 11 8
33 1100 0.54 2289 327 1180 900 19 2-8-1 0 11 6
34 811 0.54 2058 445 1100 650 8 3-8-0 0 11 6
35 5902 0.54 2035 383 1160 600 5 3-8-0 0 11 6
36 3323 0.54 1639 143 900 550 4 3-6-0 2 11 6
37 4929 0.54 1561 271 1020 350 6 3-8-0 0 11 6
38 6172 0.36 1608 383 960 450 3 2-9-0 0 11 4
39 2876 0.18 1691 375 960 450 1 1-10-0 0 11 2

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Newport, Rhode Island, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Amherst, New Hampshire, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Alton, New Hampshire, USA
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Bedford, New Hampshire, USA
Nashua, New Hampshire, USA
Randolph Center, Vermont, USA
Londonderry, New Hampshire, USA
Hollis, New Hampshire, USA
Northborough/Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
North Sutton, New Hampshire, USA
Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA
Dover, New Hampshire, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Concord, New Hampshire, USA
Peterborough, New Hampshire, USA
Gilford, New Hampshire, USA
Team Location Image
Manchester, Massachusetts, USA
Burlington, Massachusetts, USA
Litchfield, New Hampshire, USA
Windham, New Hampshire, USA
Southborough, Massachusetts, USA
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Richmond, Maine, USA
Duxbury, Massachusetts, USA
Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA
Portland, Maine, USA
Wayland, Massachusetts, USA
Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA
Fairfield, Maine, USA
Salem, New Hampshire, USA
Littleton, Massachusetts, USA
Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, USA
Manchester, New Hampshire, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 3467
District Engineering Inspiration Award 467
Rookie All Star Award 6328
District Event Winner 5687
District Event Winner 1058
District Event Winner 4908
District Event Finalist 2084
District Event Finalist 95
District Event Finalist 3958
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 811
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 509
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 5687
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 78
Highest Rookie Seed 6328
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 238
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2084
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 5422
Judges' Award 319
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 1289
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6763
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 5422
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 5902
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 5687 22 30 16 5 73
2 1058 19 30 16 0 65
3 2084 21 20 15 5 61
4 95 18 20 15 0 53
5 467 17 10 11 8 46
6 4908 13 30 1 0 44
7 78 15 10 11 5 41
8 138 18 10 12 0 40
9 6328 19 0 13 8 40
10 131 14 10 12 0 36
11 3958 13 20 2 0 35
12 5735 20 0 14 0 34
13 6763 12 10 6 5 33
14 319 15 0 13 5 33
15 1831 17 0 14 0 31
16 1073 11 10 5 0 26
17 1517 16 0 10 0 26
18 6691 16 0 9 0 25
19 5422 14 0 0 10 24
20 885 13 0 8 0 21
21 3566 10 0 9 0 19
22 238 10 0 4 5 19
23 3467 9 0 0 10 19
24 1100 8 0 10 0 18
25 6324 11 0 7 0 18
26 509 11 0 0 5 16
27 5459 12 0 3 0 15
28 1307 15 0 0 0 15
29 1289 10 0 0 5 15
30 4473 14 0 0 0 14
31 1729 12 0 0 0 12
32 811 7 0 0 5 12
33 5902 7 0 0 5 12
34 1247 9 0 0 0 9
35 1512 8 0 0 0 8
36 3323 6 0 0 0 6
37 4929 6 0 0 0 6
38 6172 5 0 0 0 5
39 2876 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2084 127.16
5687 113.09
5735 111.87
1831 107.06
131 100.59
95 96.53
1517 92.17
1058 88.45
6324 86.46
6328 86.24
6763 85.34
467 82.42
1100 80.17
319 79.33
4908 77.21
1073 76.53
238 76.27
138 73.40
78 71.65
509 64.20
6691 61.97
3323 60.37
4473 56.60
3958 55.90
885 55.78
811 52.55
1289 49.53
1307 49.07
3566 48.13
5422 45.75
5902 43.71
5459 42.33
1247 41.18
3467 33.29
1729 29.56
2876 15.92
4929 13.68
6172 10.79
1512 10.24


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 353 432 81.71%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 201 432 46.53%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 0 144 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 57 144 39.58%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 144 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 143 144 99.31%
Rotor 2 Engaged 134 144 93.06%
Rotor 3 Engaged 63 144 43.75%
Rotor 4 Engaged 4 144 2.78%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 144 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 18 in Q34
High Score 381 in Q55
Average Match Score 195.83
Average Winning Score 232.61
Average Win Margin 73.56
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 12.26 -- --
Average Rotor Points 23.75 79.72 103.47
Average Fuel Points 0.18 0.55 0.73
Average High Goals 0.18 1.72 1.90
Average Low Goals 0.01 0.58 0.59
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 69.79 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 9.58
Average Score 36.19 150.06 195.83


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Mobility 95 96 98.96%
Teleop Takeoff (Climb) 63 96 65.62%
Pressure (kPa) Achieved 0 32 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged (Auto) 26 32 81.25%
Rotor 2 Engaged (Auto) 0 32 0.00%
Rotor 1 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 2 Engaged 32 32 100.00%
Rotor 3 Engaged 30 32 93.75%
Rotor 4 Engaged 7 32 21.88%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + kPa & Rotor Bonuses)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

Highest Pressure (kPa) 9 in QF2-2
High Score 445 in F3
Average Match Score 292.19
Average Winning Score 348.44
Average Win Margin 112.50
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 14.84 -- --
Average Rotor Points 48.75 93.75 142.50
Average Fuel Points 0.03 0.44 0.47
Average High Goals 0.03 1.50 1.53
Average Low Goals 0.00 0.00 0.00
Average Takeoff (Climb) Points -- 98.44 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 14.06
Average Score 63.62 214.50 292.19
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