Goonettes Invitational 2023

Woodhaven High School in Brownstown Charter Twp, MI, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
226 3668 7174 7211 894 6637 69 80
33 5460 4737 9226 8280 3604 111 74
3538 6914 6081 3536 815 2959 56 81
9182 6078 3096 2834 3655 1023 50 78
2399 4398 280 9312 5090 2832 87 95
27 6637 815 3175 9226 894 83 94
3536 3604 7211 3655 7174 8280 84 90
2832 6081 9182 33 9312 6914 101 97
226 5090 2399 1023 3175 3096 76 106
27 280 2959 3668 5460 6078 97 102
3538 894 4398 4737 2834 7211 55 108
5090 1023 7174 6081 8280 33 74 106
6078 9226 3536 2832 226 3175 70 129
6914 3655 6637 4737 2399 27 62 57
9312 815 5460 2834 3096 3668 132 114
280 3538 3604 9182 2959 4398 100 78
6637 3536 4737 5090 33 6078 73 93
3668 1023 894 6914 2832 9226 67 65
3655 280 9312 7174 3175 3538 90 83
8280 2959 2399 815 9182 226 95 60
4398 3604 2834 3096 6081 27 95 108
7211 9312 3175 5460 6914 5090 140 120
9226 33 3668 2399 3538 3655 108 114
815 4737 2832 3604 27 226 48 60
6637 9182 1023 5460 4398 3536 81 123
894 2834 6081 8280 6078 280 125 92
7174 7211 9226 2959 3096 9312 111 118
3175 3668 5090 3604 4737 9182 82 54
6081 3536 3655 894 2399 5460 115 143
6078 226 2834 4398 7174 6914 122 79
3096 2832 8280 2959 6637 3538 86 110
1023 27 33 280 7211 815 132 95


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 5460 9312 4398 5090
Alliance 2 3175 33 7174 3096
Alliance 3 894 2399 9182 280
Alliance 4 2959 7211 6078 6637
Alliance 5 3655 3538 3668 815
Alliance 6 2834 2832 226 9226
Alliance 7 6081 27 1023 6914
Alliance 8 8280 3604 3536 4737

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5090 5460 9312 8280 3604 3536 154 103
2959 6078 7211 3655 3538 3668 106 125
7174 3175 33 27 6081 6914 148 123
9182 894 2399 226 2834 2832 103 111

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4737 3536 3604 7211 6637 2959 94 90
1023 6081 27 2399 894 280 121 106
9312 4398 5460 815 3538 3655 159 100
3096 3175 33 226 2834 2832 120 121

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3668 3538 3655 27 6081 1023 113 111
7174 3175 33 8280 3536 3604 131 89

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9312 4398 5460 226 2834 2832 179 132
7174 3175 33 3655 3538 3668 150 101

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2832 2834 226 33 3175 7174 143 147


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9312 4398 5460 33 3175 7174 157 155
9312 4398 5460 33 3175 7174 132 171
9312 4398 5460 33 3175 7174 144 173

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 5460-9312-4398-5090 1
8 8280-3604-3536-4737 0
Match 7
1 5460-9312-4398-5090 1
5 3655-3538-3668-815 0
Match 2
4 2959-7211-6078-6637 0
5 3655-3538-3668-815 1
Match 11
1 5460-9312-4398-5090 1
6 2834-2832-226-9226 0
Match 3
2 3175-33-7174-3096 1
7 6081-27-1023-6914 0
Match 8
2 3175-33-7174-3096 0
6 2834-2832-226-9226 1
1 5460-9312-4398-5090 1
2 3175-33-7174-3096 2
Match 4
3 894-2399-9182-280 0
6 2834-2832-226-9226 1
Match 13
6 2834-2832-226-9226 0
2 3175-33-7174-3096 1
Match 10
2 3175-33-7174-3096 1
8 8280-3604-3536-4737 0
Match 5
8 8280-3604-3536-4737 1
4 2959-7211-6078-6637 0
Match 12
2 3175-33-7174-3096 1
5 3655-3538-3668-815 0
Match 9
5 3655-3538-3668-815 1
7 6081-27-1023-6914 0
Match 6
7 6081-27-1023-6914 1
3 894-2399-9182-280 0
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Match Avg Charge Station Avg Auto Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 5460 2.83 114.00 29.66 32.00 5-1-0 0 6 17
2 9312 2.50 104.16 23.00 29.66 5-1-0 0 6 15
3 3175 2.50 99.50 30.66 37.00 5-1-0 0 6 15
4 894 2.33 94.00 23.33 32.66 5-1-0 0 6 14
5 2959 2.33 93.66 30.00 28.66 4-2-0 0 6 14
6 3655 2.33 90.66 26.33 30.50 5-1-0 0 6 14
7 2834 2.16 103.33 27.33 32.50 4-2-0 0 6 13
8 33 2.00 103.33 25.33 33.00 4-2-0 0 6 12
9 6081 2.00 99.33 22.66 29.33 4-2-0 0 6 12
10 2399 1.83 93.33 30.00 29.50 3-3-0 0 6 11
11 8280 1.83 87.66 30.66 28.33 3-3-0 0 6 11
12 1023 1.66 89.66 19.66 35.83 4-2-0 0 6 10
13 2832 1.66 82.83 19.33 28.16 3-3-0 0 6 10
14 226 1.66 77.33 26.00 27.33 3-3-0 0 6 10
15 3096 1.50 93.33 19.00 33.16 3-3-0 0 6 9
16 3536 1.50 90.16 24.33 30.16 2-4-0 0 6 9
17 5090 1.50 85.50 23.66 32.33 3-3-0 0 6 9
18 6078 1.50 84.50 27.00 29.83 3-3-0 0 6 9
19 27 1.50 83.66 25.66 27.33 3-3-0 0 6 9
20 3538 1.50 81.83 26.33 26.66 3-3-0 0 6 9
21 6637 1.50 77.83 23.66 30.16 3-3-0 0 6 9
22 7211 1.33 99.66 24.66 34.16 3-3-0 0 6 8
23 815 1.33 80.66 24.33 29.16 2-4-0 0 6 8
24 280 1.16 87.83 30.00 30.00 2-4-0 0 6 7
25 3668 1.16 86.66 16.00 30.33 3-3-0 0 6 7
26 4737 1.16 73.50 24.33 22.50 2-4-0 0 6 7
27 4398 1.00 82.16 24.66 29.83 1-5-0 0 6 6
28 3604 1.00 72.00 24.00 26.50 2-4-0 0 6 6
29 7174 0.66 82.33 23.33 30.50 1-5-0 0 6 4
30 9226 0.50 87.00 19.66 31.83 1-5-0 0 6 3
31 6914 0.50 71.33 16.00 20.83 1-5-0 0 6 3
32 9182 0.50 70.66 18.33 29.66 1-5-0 0 6 3

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Clarkston, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Troy, Michigan, USA
Taylor, Michigan, USA
Allen Park, Michigan, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Temperance, Michigan, USA
Shaker Heights, Ohio, USA
Livonia, Michigan, USA
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, USA
Coloma, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, USA
Hartland, Michigan, USA
Auburn Hills, Michigan, USA
Brownstown, Michigan, USA
Mason, Michigan, USA
Whitmore Lake, Michigan, USA
Traverse City, Michigan, USA
West Bloomfield, Michigan, USA
Trenton, Michigan, USA
Lapeer, Michigan, USA
Holt, Michigan, USA
Manchester, Michigan, USA
Carney, Michigan, USA
Allen Park, Michigan, USA
Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA
Holly, Michigan, USA
Detroit, Michigan, USA
New Boston, Michigan, USA
Riverview, Michigan, USA
Albion, Michigan, USA
Award Winner
Mentor of the Year (Woodie Flowers) Kyle Hughes (27)
Volunteer of the Year Brandon Queen
Volunteer of the Year Maddie Hernandez
Winner 3175
Winner 33
Winner 7174
Winner 3096
Finalist 5460
Finalist 9312
Finalist 4398
Finalist 5090

COPRs (?)

# Team COPR


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 136 192 70.83%
Auto Docked 51 64 79.69%
Auto Engaged 44 64 68.75%
Coopertition Criteria Met 48 64 75.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 7 64 10.94%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 30 64 46.88%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
5 64 7.81%

Match Statistics

High Score 143 in Q29
Average Match Score 91.92
Average Winning Score 103.03
Average Win Margin 22.22
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 6.38 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 14.48 30.97 --
Average Park Points -- 1.75 --
Average Charge Station Points 9.12 15.22 --
Average Link Points -- -- 10.31
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.69
Average Score 29.98 47.94 91.92


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Mobility 84 96 87.50%
Auto Docked 30 32 93.75%
Auto Engaged 28 32 87.50%
Coopertition Criteria Met 0 32 0.00%
Sustainability Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
Activation Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Sustainability Bonus + Activation Bonus)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 179 in SF11-1
Average Match Score 128.50
Average Winning Score 140.88
Average Win Margin 24.75
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Mobility Points 7.88 -- --
Average Game Piece Points 19.75 43.38 --
Average Park Points -- 0.62 --
Average Charge Station Points 11.00 24.31 --
Average Link Points -- -- 20.16
Average Foul Points -- -- 1.41
Average Score 38.62 68.31 128.50
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