Aerospace Valley Regional 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6072 5137 2543 4014 6060 3993 58 35
2659 6305 294 2584 599 2404 79 34
1515 1836 6657 7444 2658 5012 72 48
2073 9666 2429 7673 4322 4419 66 54
968 4123 1148 8768 7607 5869 70 43
9471 1538 7682 6479 8569 8006 46 35
5857 399 6060 691 5458 7444 54 68
2404 4419 6305 6657 2658 7673 33 71
3993 968 2659 599 1148 4014 68 51
8006 5137 7607 4322 6479 2543 52 32
8768 691 294 1538 1515 8569 59 79
5458 5869 9666 5012 2584 9471 48 44
4123 6072 5857 1836 7682 399 47 49
2073 6657 8006 7444 2429 5137 52 68
4322 3993 1148 691 6305 2658 75 46
2404 4014 7673 1515 9471 8768 58 48
4419 6479 1836 2584 6072 8569 59 57
1538 2659 5458 5869 2543 2429 80 63
2073 4123 7682 599 5012 399 64 56
7607 6060 968 5857 9666 294 42 46
1836 9471 6072 6305 6657 1148 20 71
3993 1515 7673 6479 2659 5869 64 45
2658 2543 4419 5012 7682 8768 64 45
968 691 4014 4322 2073 2584 45 85
8006 599 5458 7607 399 9666 43 38
8569 2404 2429 6060 1538 4123 50 58
5857 7444 2659 294 1148 5137 45 85
2658 4322 5869 1836 2584 8768 45 49
2543 7607 3993 7682 5458 1515 40 90
2429 399 4014 599 4419 9471 82 65
7673 8006 6060 294 6657 4123 49 83
9666 8569 5137 2404 2073 6072 52 52
5012 6479 1538 7444 968 6305 63 45
5869 599 691 5857 2429 4419 35 70
6657 7682 6060 4322 294 1515 56 54
9471 1148 5458 5137 7673 2073 54 80
8569 2543 6305 399 968 2658 45 90
7444 8768 1538 6072 7607 2659 66 68
9666 2404 6479 4014 5857 1836 32 19
691 4123 2584 8006 5012 3993 65 24
7682 7673 8569 2543 1515 968 64 74
6305 5869 6072 6060 5458 294 67 94
9666 1836 4322 5137 1538 599 47 71
2658 2659 9471 4123 8006 7444 65 41
6479 4014 7607 6657 4419 691 21 62
2404 5857 5012 2429 3993 8768 9 59
399 2073 1515 1148 2584 1538 99 108
7673 4123 599 6072 7444 4322 40 54
4014 6305 8006 4419 5458 968 30 73
2429 6479 6657 7682 3993 9666 74 26
2584 5857 2658 5869 6060 8569 53 45
5012 294 1836 9471 2073 7607 111 23
399 5137 691 8768 2659 2404 61 75
1148 7444 6479 2543 9666 599 73 36
1515 5869 5857 8006 4419 6072 41 54
6060 9471 2429 1836 3993 1538 44 36
968 8768 6657 5458 399 4123 45 55
6305 7682 4322 2659 8569 2073 33 79
294 7673 2584 4014 5012 2543 84 45
5137 2658 2404 7607 691 1148 50 62
4419 7444 399 968 1836 5869 103 44
4322 8768 599 6060 6305 1515 75 43
1538 294 2073 3993 5857 6479 107 16
2543 2584 2659 2404 9471 6657 90 37
8569 7607 2658 7673 2429 5458 48 85
1148 6072 5012 691 8006 7682 47 28
1515 9666 4014 4123 5137 6305 50 47
1538 6657 4322 9471 968 5857 81 33
599 8569 7444 5869 2404 3993 56 25
8768 8006 2543 691 1836 7673 45 46
7607 2429 7682 5137 4014 2584 56 54
2073 5012 4419 2659 1148 6060 57 94
6072 294 399 4123 2658 9666 85 60
5458 4322 2404 1515 691 6479 57 34


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 1148 1538 599 6479
Alliance 2 294 2659 4322
Alliance 3 5458 1515 968
Alliance 4 2429 2073 2543
Alliance 5 2584 4419 5137
Alliance 6 6657 399 7444 691
Alliance 7 7673 2658 1836 7682
Alliance 8 6072 4123 8768

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1538 599 1148 4123 8768 6072 89 75
2073 2543 2429 4419 5137 2584 86 92
4322 2659 294 1836 2658 7673 115 59
1515 968 5458 399 7444 6657 89 96

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6072 8768 4123 2429 2543 2073 88 81
2658 7682 1836 5458 968 1515 76 71
1538 599 1148 5137 4419 2584 73 93
4322 2659 294 399 7444 6657 128 74

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1538 599 1148 1836 2658 7673 90 68
6657 691 399 4123 8768 6072 70 63

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2584 4419 5137 294 2659 4322 55 90
6657 691 399 1148 599 1538 51 85

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2584 4419 5137 1148 6479 1538 54 98


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4322 2659 294 1148 6479 1538 104 104
4322 2659 294 1148 6479 1538 108 123
4322 2659 294 1148 6479 1538 123 104
4322 2659 294 1148 6479 1538 91 82

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 1148-1538-599-6479 1
8 6072-4123-8768 0
Match 7
1 1148-1538-599-6479 0
5 2584-4419-5137 1
Match 2
4 2429-2073-2543 0
5 2584-4419-5137 1
Match 11
5 2584-4419-5137 0
2 294-2659-4322 1
Match 3
2 294-2659-4322 1
7 7673-2658-1836-7682 0
Match 8
2 294-2659-4322 1
6 6657-399-7444-691 0
2 294-2659-4322 2
1 1148-1538-599-6479 1
Match 4
3 5458-1515-968 0
6 6657-399-7444-691 1
Match 13
5 2584-4419-5137 0
1 1148-1538-599-6479 1
Match 10
6 6657-399-7444-691 1
8 6072-4123-8768 0
Match 5
8 6072-4123-8768 1
4 2429-2073-2543 0
Match 12
6 6657-399-7444-691 0
1 1148-1538-599-6479 1
Match 9
1 1148-1538-599-6479 1
7 7673-2658-1836-7682 0
Match 6
7 7673-2658-1836-7682 1
3 5458-1515-968 0
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 1148 3.09 0.73 70.00 25.00 8.00 9-2-0 0 11 34
2 294 3.00 0.55 75.18 26.36 7.00 9-2-0 0 11 33
3 2659 2.91 0.82 65.55 25.09 7.27 9-2-0 0 11 32
4 1538 2.82 0.64 68.82 28.18 4.73 9-2-0 0 11 31
5 5458 2.73 0.73 61.73 24.27 6.91 10-1-0 0 11 30
6 2429 2.64 0.64 60.27 23.73 5.64 9-2-0 0 11 29
7 2584 2.36 0.73 61.09 20.45 7.00 7-4-0 0 11 26
8 4419 2.36 0.73 60.91 25.36 4.36 7-4-0 0 11 26
9 6657 2.36 0.64 59.91 27.27 4.64 8-3-0 0 11 26
10 2073 2.27 0.73 67.55 28.09 6.55 6-4-1 0 11 25
11 7673 2.18 0.64 56.27 24.64 5.00 7-4-0 0 11 24
12 399 2.09 1.00 66.91 23.91 6.64 6-5-0 0 11 23
13 6072 2.09 0.64 54.45 20.91 3.64 6-4-1 0 11 23
14 5137 2.00 0.82 57.91 21.64 4.45 6-4-1 0 11 22
15 4123 2.00 0.82 56.73 22.82 4.73 6-5-0 0 11 22
16 7444 1.91 0.73 56.18 22.18 6.91 6-5-0 0 11 21
17 968 1.91 0.55 54.27 16.82 4.64 5-6-0 0 11 21
18 1515 1.91 0.45 59.64 24.00 4.00 6-5-0 0 11 21
19 1836 1.82 0.91 45.55 16.82 3.82 6-5-0 0 11 20
20 2658 1.82 0.82 54.64 20.18 5.73 5-6-0 0 11 20
21 7682 1.64 0.45 49.18 20.73 2.91 6-5-0 0 11 18
22 2543 1.64 0.45 48.82 18.27 5.00 4-7-0 0 11 18
23 4322 1.64 0.36 52.27 22.36 3.55 5-6-0 0 11 18
24 691 1.55 0.64 47.09 15.00 4.73 5-6-0 0 11 17
25 6479 1.55 0.45 40.36 15.00 3.55 5-6-0 0 11 17
26 8768 1.45 0.64 53.64 15.27 5.36 4-7-0 0 11 16
27 6060 1.45 0.55 54.36 21.73 5.18 5-6-0 0 11 16
28 5012 1.36 0.73 45.45 16.82 4.73 3-8-0 0 11 15
29 9666 1.36 0.73 42.36 16.00 3.73 5-5-1 0 11 15
30 8569 1.36 0.64 50.18 21.45 5.09 3-7-1 0 11 15
31 7607 1.18 0.55 39.36 16.27 3.36 4-7-0 0 11 13
32 599 1.18 0.45 50.00 19.18 3.45 4-7-0 0 11 13
33 3993 1.18 0.45 38.36 17.18 3.73 4-7-0 0 11 13
34 2404 1.09 0.55 39.27 16.55 2.91 3-7-1 0 11 12
35 5857 1.09 0.36 35.64 12.64 4.09 3-8-0 0 11 12
36 6305 1.00 0.73 46.82 19.45 3.73 2-9-0 0 11 11
37 4014 1.00 0.73 39.82 14.27 3.27 3-8-0 0 11 11
38 9471 0.82 0.64 41.55 20.09 2.91 3-8-0 0 11 9
39 8006 0.82 0.64 35.09 17.27 2.73 3-8-0 0 11 9
40 5869 0.55 0.45 43.91 14.36 2.91 1-10-0 0 11 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Redondo Beach, California, USA
Lancaster, California, USA
Granada Hills, California, USA
Stevenson Ranch, California, USA
West Covina, California, USA
Studio City, California, USA
Beverly Hills, California, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Elk Grove, California, USA
Pasadena, California, USA
La Canada Flintridge, California, USA
Chula Vista, California, USA
Calabasas, California, USA
San Diego, California, USA
Mission Hills, California, USA
Newhall, California, USA
Stanford, California, USA
Bellflower, California, USA
Orange, California, USA
San Marcos, California, USA
Palmdale, California, USA
San Marcos, California, USA
Woodland, California, USA
Walnut, California, USA
Quartz Hill, California, USA
Rosamond, California, USA
Newport Beach, California, USA
Fresno, California, USA
Tempe, Arizona, USA
Visalia, California, USA
istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
Palmdale, California, USA
New Taipei City, New Taipei, Chinese Taipei
Bahçelievler, Istanbul, Türkiye
Los Angeles, California, USA
New Taipei City, New Taipei, Chinese Taipei
Fresno, California, USA
Pasadena, California, USA
Victorville, California, USA
Award Winner
Regional FIRST Impact Award 2429
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 2073
Rookie All Star Award 9471
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award Kiet Chau (1538)
Volunteer of the Year Kriss Vanderhyde
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Samantha K (6305)
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award Lucian M (2073)
Regional Winners 294
Regional Winners 2659
Regional Winners 4322
Regional Finalists 1148
Regional Finalists 1538
Regional Finalists 599
Regional Finalists 6479
Autonomous Award 1148
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2659
Excellence in Engineering Award 7673
Gracious Professionalism Award 599
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 5012
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2584
Innovation in Control Award 6657
Judges' Award 5458
Quality Award 1538
Rookie Inspiration Award 9666
Team Spirit Award 2543
Team Sustainability Award sponsored by Dow 7607
Wildcard 4322

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