ISR District Event #2 2025

FIRST Israel District Event
to Week 1
Enerbox in Hadera, M, Israel - details on

Event in progress

Last Matches

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5990 1937 3339 1576 2231 5614 148 161
5990 1937 3339 1576 2231 5614 176 154
5990 1937 3339 1576 2231 5614 136 142

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4590 3211 5614 1580 6740 3339 123 88
5135 5554 2679 9739 7039 5987 143 92
1954 5990 5715 10139 6168 1576 46 46
3075 3316 7845 1657 7112 4744 81 93
1574 4586 1937 4320 2230 2212 93 106
3388 9740 2679 2231 5135 9739 26 50
7039 6740 3316 3339 6168 5990 89 116
4744 1574 5614 1657 3075 5554 155 92
4320 1580 9740 2212 1937 7845 32 43
1576 3211 4586 1954 2231 2230 56 127
5987 4590 7112 5715 3388 10139 81 55
2679 7039 1580 3316 1574 4320 49 60
6168 2212 2231 7845 4744 1954 77 62
9739 1657 5715 5987 1576 3339 53 133
6740 3388 3075 5554 7112 3211 108 83
1937 10139 9740 5990 4590 4586 11 108
5135 5715 2212 5614 7039 2230 53 177
3211 9739 4320 6168 5554 4744 104 87
2231 2679 4590 5987 4586 3075 135 95
1954 3316 10139 9740 6740 7112 27 93
5990 5614 1580 2230 1576 1657 123 75
3388 3339 1937 1574 7845 5135 131 92
2679 5987 6168 4744 3211 9740 59 87
9739 1954 6740 5715 4320 3075 71 96
4586 5135 3388 1657 3339 3316 58 118
1576 5554 7845 10139 1580 4590 80 45
2231 1937 7112 7039 2212 5990 112 118
9740 5614 1657 1574 2230 3211 110 128
1580 4586 1954 5554 9739 3388 3 18
3075 10139 3339 1937 5715 7039 114 90
6168 7112 5135 2231 3316 5614 84 133
1576 4590 1574 5990 4744 4320 86 71
2230 7845 5987 6740 2679 2212 138 46
9740 5715 3316 10139 1937 1657 59 69
4586 4320 6168 7112 3075 1574 64 103
3211 5987 6740 7845 9739 4590 104 96
5135 4744 7039 2212 1954 1576 60 62
5554 3339 2231 2679 5990 2230 110 136
3388 5614 6168 1580 1937 9739 104 38
2212 1657 3211 4320 10139 5135 49 51
3075 7039 2231 4590 2230 9740 101 123
6740 1576 4744 5715 4586 2679 85 89
3339 7845 7112 1580 1574 5554 41 91
3316 3388 5990 5614 5987 1954 124 123
4744 2679 1937 6740 1657 4586 74 65
3211 3075 1580 5715 2231 1574 95 173
5554 2212 3316 7039 3388 1576 54 106
1954 4320 4590 3339 9739 5614 102 171
7112 5990 10139 5135 9740 5987 112 83
2230 6168 5715 7845 1657 3388 72 78
5614 3075 2212 3339 1954 2679 120 96
5987 4320 5554 4586 9740 7039 97 62
1576 7112 1580 10139 2231 6740 76 148
2230 5135 1937 3316 4590 4744 87 95
5990 1574 9739 6168 3211 7845 160 54
9740 1576 3075 3388 1580 5987 88 81
4590 5715 3339 7112 2679 4320 117 76
4586 2230 5554 5614 6740 5135 105 112
7039 1954 1657 1937 5990 3211 106 161
2212 10139 1574 3316 6168 9739 74 37
4744 2231 4586 7845 1580 5715 148 69
1657 5987 5990 3075 5135 1954 147 69
3211 3339 7039 1937 3316 1576 125 105
4590 5554 6740 1574 9740 6168 95 102
4320 7845 2231 2679 5614 10139 132 100
9739 4744 2230 7112 2212 3388 117 59


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 5614 2231 4586 1576
Alliance 2 5990 3339 1937
Alliance 3 1574 2230 2679
Alliance 4 4590 7039 3316
Alliance 5 4744 5987 4320
Alliance 6 3388 3075 5554
Alliance 7 3211 6740 7112
Alliance 8 2212 7845 1657

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4586 2231 5614 7845 2212 1657 169 74
7039 4590 3316 5987 4320 4744 107 116
5990 1937 3339 7112 3211 6740 213 105
1574 2679 2230 3388 5554 3075 127 58

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1657 2212 7845 7039 4590 3316 66 138
7112 3211 6740 5554 3075 3388 64 118
1576 2231 5614 5987 4320 4744 184 132
5990 1937 3339 1574 2679 2230 142 87

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5987 4320 4744 5554 3075 3388 121 120
1574 2679 2230 7039 4590 3316 117 107

Round 4

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1576 2231 5614 5990 1937 3339 150 165
1574 2679 2230 5987 4320 4744 84 121

Round 5

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1576 2231 5614 5987 4320 4744 170 119


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5990 1937 3339 1576 2231 5614 148 161
5990 1937 3339 1576 2231 5614 176 154
5990 1937 3339 1576 2231 5614 136 142

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 5614-2231-4586-1576 1
8 2212-7845-1657 0
Match 7
1 5614-2231-4586-1576 1
5 4744-5987-4320 0
Match 2
4 4590-7039-3316 0
5 4744-5987-4320 1
Match 11
1 5614-2231-4586-1576 0
2 5990-3339-1937 1
Match 3
2 5990-3339-1937 1
7 3211-6740-7112 0
Match 8
2 5990-3339-1937 1
3 1574-2230-2679 0
2 5990-3339-1937 1
1 5614-2231-4586-1576 2
Match 4
3 1574-2230-2679 1
6 3388-3075-5554 0
Match 13
1 5614-2231-4586-1576 1
5 4744-5987-4320 0
Match 10
3 1574-2230-2679 1
4 4590-7039-3316 0
Match 5
8 2212-7845-1657 0
4 4590-7039-3316 1
Match 12
3 1574-2230-2679 0
5 4744-5987-4320 1
Match 9
5 4744-5987-4320 1
6 3388-3075-5554 0
Match 6
7 3211-6740-7112 0
6 3388-3075-5554 1
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Barge Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 5614 4.33 0.17 126.42 36.17 12.83 9-3-0 0 12 52
2 5990 4.17 0.00 112.17 30.25 7.67 10-1-1 0 12 50
3 1574 4.08 0.17 103.58 29.92 9.50 10-2-0 0 12 49
4 2231 3.67 0.00 116.67 31.25 11.83 9-3-0 0 12 44
5 2230 3.67 0.00 113.92 28.58 10.17 8-4-0 0 12 44
6 3339 3.50 0.17 108.67 27.17 4.83 8-4-0 0 12 42
7 4590 3.17 0.08 95.50 25.83 4.50 8-4-0 0 12 38
8 4744 3.00 0.08 89.00 19.75 6.50 7-5-0 0 12 36
9 3388 2.92 0.08 74.50 18.00 6.67 7-5-0 0 12 35
10 3211 2.92 0.00 90.58 17.75 5.67 7-5-0 0 12 35
11 3075 2.83 0.08 93.33 16.17 10.50 6-6-0 0 12 34
12 5987 2.83 0.00 98.58 18.67 8.17 6-6-0 0 12 34
13 2212 2.83 0.00 68.25 17.92 7.83 7-5-0 0 12 34
14 1576 2.75 0.00 78.67 14.50 6.00 6-5-1 0 12 33
15 1657 2.58 0.08 82.42 18.58 8.17 5-7-0 0 12 31
16 4320 2.58 0.08 77.25 15.33 7.00 7-5-0 0 12 31
17 7039 2.58 0.00 93.42 22.92 8.83 4-8-0 0 12 31
18 7845 2.50 0.08 77.50 16.58 9.17 5-7-0 0 12 30
19 10139 2.50 0.00 67.67 18.17 7.50 6-5-1 0 12 30
20 9739 2.42 0.08 77.75 19.08 5.50 6-6-0 0 12 29
21 6740 2.42 0.00 88.33 17.00 6.17 5-7-0 0 12 29
22 7112 2.33 0.00 81.58 18.50 9.17 5-7-0 0 12 28
23 3316 2.33 0.00 77.17 17.75 5.67 5-7-0 0 12 28
24 1937 2.00 0.08 79.17 14.92 6.67 5-7-0 0 12 24
25 5554 1.92 0.08 78.75 18.67 4.50 5-7-0 0 12 23
26 2679 1.92 0.00 77.92 19.00 5.33 5-7-0 0 12 23
27 5715 1.92 0.00 74.00 15.83 5.50 4-7-1 0 12 23
28 6168 1.92 0.00 71.50 16.83 4.33 4-7-1 0 12 23
29 9740 1.83 0.00 69.00 15.00 5.83 5-7-0 0 12 22
30 5135 1.75 0.08 69.17 11.83 7.67 4-8-0 0 12 21
31 1954 1.58 0.08 70.67 19.25 5.17 2-9-1 0 12 19
32 1580 1.58 0.00 64.17 17.58 6.50 2-10-0 0 12 19
33 4586 1.42 0.00 74.00 14.50 3.67 3-9-0 0 12 17

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Misgav, HaZafon, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Ashkelon, HaDarom, Israel
Ein Shemer, Haifa, Israel
Modi'in-Maccabim Reu't, HaMerkaz, Israel
Be'er Sheva, HaDarom, Israel
Lod, HaMerkaz, Israel
Herzliya, HaMerkaz, Israel
Shoham, HaMerkaz, Israel
Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel
Hod Hasharon, HaMerkaz, Israel
Yeruham, HaDarom, Israel
Tel Aviv, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Kfar Yona, HaMerkaz, Israel
Gan Yavne, HaMerkaz, Israel
Petah-Tikva, HaMerkaz, Israel
Modi'in, HaMerkaz, Israel
Hakfar Hayarok, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Hadera, Haifa, Israel
Yehud, HaMerkaz, Israel
Netanya, HaMerkaz, Israel
חולון, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Dabburiya, HaZafon, Israel
Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Modiin, HaMerkaz, Israel
iksal, HaZafon, Israel
Pardes Hana, Haifa, Israel
PARDES HANA, HaMerkaz, Israel
Kadima-Zoran, HaMerkaz, Israel
Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel
Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut, HaMerkaz, Israel
yavne, HaMerkaz, Israel
Mate Asher, HaZafon, Israel
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 5614 22 30 16 0 68
2 2231 19 30 16 0 65
3 5990 21 20 15 0 56
4 3339 18 20 15 0 53
5 1574 20 7 14 0 41
6 4744 16 13 12 0 41
7 5987 15 13 12 0 40
8 2230 18 7 14 0 39
9 1576 14 24 0 0 38
10 1937 10 20 2 0 32
11 4320 13 13 5 0 31
12 4590 17 0 13 0 30
13 3388 16 0 11 0 27
14 3211 16 0 10 0 26
15 3075 15 0 11 0 26
16 7039 13 0 13 0 26
17 2212 14 0 9 0 23
18 1657 13 0 8 0 21
19 7845 12 0 9 0 21
20 6740 11 0 10 0 21
21 2679 9 7 3 0 19
22 7112 11 0 7 0 18
23 5554 9 0 6 0 15
24 3316 10 0 4 0 14
25 10139 12 0 0 0 12
26 9739 12 0 0 0 12
27 4586 4 7 1 0 12
28 5715 9 0 0 0 9
29 6168 8 0 0 0 8
30 9740 7 0 0 0 7
31 5135 7 0 0 0 7
32 1954 6 0 0 0 6
33 1580 5 0 0 0 5

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

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