From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
aka Saint Thomas More High School/Langer Roofing & Sheet Metal/Rockwell Automation/Raytheon Intelligence & Space/MSOE/Doral Corporation/Bliffert Lumber and Hardware/Turn-Key Solutions/Milwaukee Tool/GMAR Youth Foundation/US Bank Foundation/Gierach Family&Saint Thomas More High School
Rookie Year: 2006
Last competed in 2024
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Event Results

Team 1714 was 8-12-4 during the 2021 offseason.

No matches played.

No matches played.

Lakeshore FRC Scrimmage Qualifier 1

in Manitowoc, WI, USA

Team 1714 was Rank 10

Captain 1259
Pick 1 7021
Pick 2 1714

No matches played.

Lakeshore FRC Scrimmage Qualifier 3

in Manitowoc, WI, USA

Team 1714 was Rank 12 with a record of 1-4-4

Captain 1714
Pick 1 2826
Pick 2 3
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8518 1714 1732 930 5486 3 6 0
5486 9930 1714 3 2 2826 6 9
1714 18 930 3 12 9930 6 6
18 2 930 1714 8518 2826 6 6
12 930 2826 1714 1732 2 40 6
1732 3 2 2062 1714 18 6 6
12 3 1714 2062 2826 8518 6 6
2826 1714 3 8518 930 12 59 99
2826 1714 3 8518 930 12 70 131

Laser Lights

in Wales, WI, USA

Team 1714 had a record of 7-8-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1714 9999 930 1792 2077 6574 39 85
2077 6421 1259 6823 1714 1732 117 27
6421 1259 1714 9999 9930 6574 92 70
1714 930 2077 1259 9999 1792 98 65
9999 2077 1714 6574 8002 1732 93 103
930 6823 9999 1714 8002 6421 105 119
1714 6574 930 1792 1732 6421 91 89
6574 1714 6823 2077 930 9930 128 70
9930 1792 1714 8002 6421 2077 73 125
1259 1714 9930 8002 1732 930 85 130
6574 1714 1792 1259 6823 8002 118 100
1792 9999 1714 9930 1732 6823 63 109
1259 6574 6823 9930 1714 2077 113 90
1259 6574 6823 9930 1714 2077 136 62
1259 6574 6823 9930 1714 2077 95 106

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