Connecticut Regional 2008

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
287 1687 175 126 1071 228 52 40
2265 335 95 1089 743 213 50 36
181 329 61 555 157 549 46 56
195 176 383 177 230 2067 46 66
1124 237 358 2205 236 571 68 34
772 839 2168 1640 173 270 26 32
2523 1991 467 716 1733 1373 30 20
354 1740 369 1493 999 178 12 48
2064 1685 558 1230 905 1665 4 20
870 2621 2104 263 2170 2344 10 0
1784 329 157 1155 95 175 22 62
383 2265 549 195 287 228 80 40
61 213 335 177 126 1687 40 44
1071 173 743 236 270 176 22 52
358 181 230 2168 467 716 50 18
571 1373 555 178 772 369 14 20
1665 237 1991 839 354 905 34 14
1740 2344 558 1685 263 1124 26 46
1089 1493 2064 1784 870 2067 28 70
1230 1640 1733 2170 2621 1155 0 20
2523 2205 213 999 2104 61 14 34
195 270 329 157 173 287 40 36
335 175 383 236 181 716 88 52
176 369 555 95 126 358 64 32
230 467 1071 178 905 237 20 2
1685 2344 228 263 571 354 36 24
177 1373 870 839 1784 2265 0 14
1124 2170 743 1155 2064 772 52 8
999 1991 1089 1687 1493 1230 18 32
549 2168 2067 2621 558 2523 0 24
2205 2104 1640 1733 1665 1740 18 20
173 236 95 181 126 195 44 92
61 383 237 175 178 358 64 86
716 263 555 213 1071 287 44 54
228 270 905 1784 335 1373 14 8
571 369 2064 176 157 467 40 46
1230 354 177 1124 870 329 46 98
839 2170 558 1685 1089 230 14 84
743 549 1640 2104 1493 1991 18 72
2168 1733 999 1665 2067 2344 26 30
2265 2523 1687 772 1740 2621 0 6
1155 263 178 2205 195 173 28 42
716 237 270 95 228 61 36 60
236 1784 905 213 157 369 18 24
354 175 870 555 467 177 82 50
181 176 287 1089 1373 558 44 38
1230 743 571 383 839 1071 50 56
999 1685 549 1733 335 1124 52 58
230 772 2265 329 1665 2104 60 46
2344 1687 358 1640 2523 2064 8 12
126 1155 1493 2168 2205 2621 64 8
2067 2170 228 1740 1991 213 32 34
95 467 354 263 61 173 36 54
558 177 178 157 1089 270 48 52
369 1230 195 181 743 237 66 50
287 905 1733 175 839 176 34 84
571 230 1665 870 335 549 38 42
383 1373 329 1687 999 1640 32 2
2621 1784 126 2104 716 1685 80 40
358 1071 772 1155 2067 1740 4 38
2064 1124 2168 2265 555 1991 62 50
2344 236 2523 1493 2170 2205 18 36
181 263 369 177 270 61 32 46
178 173 176 237 175 213 26 52
230 157 870 228 743 1733 58 12
335 999 839 95 195 558 28 64
126 1089 716 1640 329 571 90 36
354 772 287 358 1230 1784 52 56
1124 1155 2104 1687 2067 467 26 0
1373 2168 1740 549 236 2064 24 34
1493 905 555 383 2170 2523 28 82
1071 1991 1685 2265 2205 2344 38 14
2621 228 176 1665 178 181 24 50
177 999 157 173 237 230 46 72
213 571 195 270 175 1733 70 50
126 263 329 839 358 743 44 26
1155 1687 716 369 870 558 46 58
2064 2104 287 335 236 354 52 26
467 1784 1740 383 555 2168 62 74
549 61 1089 905 772 2344 68 18
1665 2621 1493 1124 1071 1373 36 76
2205 95 2067 2170 1230 2265 20 66
1991 1640 157 1685 2523 195 54 90

Elimination Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
716 175 1124 2170 1230 1071 74 70
716 175 1124 2170 1071 1230 102 30
195 126 173 270 358 236 64 62
195 173 126 270 236 358 112 74
61 230 1991 213 1155 467 68 14
1991 61 230 213 1155 467 84 38
549 383 870 176 555 95 76 48
870 383 549 555 176 95 48 60
383 549 870 176 555 95 68 58
175 716 1124 195 173 126 142 42
716 1124 175 126 195 173 88 64
61 230 1991 870 549 383 70 32
61 1991 230 549 870 383 92 80
716 175 1124 61 230 1991 104 60
716 175 1124 61 230 1991 122 74

Elimination Bracket



Rank Team Qual Score Seeding Score Match Points Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Qual Score/Match*
1 1124 16 43.00 98 8-0-0 0 8 2.00
2 175 14 52.25 88 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
3 230 14 41.50 84 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
4 870 14 37.50 98 7-1-0 0 8 1.75
5 383 12 53.00 88 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
6 195 12 52.50 92 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
7 270 12 44.75 52 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
8 126 12 42.00 92 6-2-0 0 8 1.50
9 176 10 42.75 84 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
10 213 10 41.25 70 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
11 1230 10 41.25 66 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
12 157 10 40.75 58 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
13 61 10 39.50 68 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
14 369 10 35.50 66 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
15 2523 10 35.25 90 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
16 1071 10 35.25 76 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
17 1685 10 33.50 90 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
18 549 10 33.25 80 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
19 1665 10 32.00 50 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
20 2265 10 31.25 80 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
21 2170 10 31.00 82 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
22 1493 10 30.75 72 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
23 2104 10 30.50 72 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
24 2621 10 29.50 80 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
25 1155 10 27.00 64 5-3-0 0 8 1.25
26 287 8 45.00 54 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
27 181 8 44.25 92 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
28 173 8 41.75 72 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
29 329 8 40.00 98 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
30 335 8 40.00 88 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
31 237 8 36.50 72 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
32 1784 8 35.50 80 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
33 95 8 35.50 64 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
34 358 8 34.75 86 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
35 1991 8 34.50 72 4-3-0 0 7 1.14
36 1089 8 33.25 90 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
37 2064 8 32.25 62 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
38 178 8 29.75 86 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
39 1740 8 28.50 62 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
40 2067 8 25.75 70 4-4-0 0 8 1.00
41 555 6 43.25 74 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
42 177 6 42.25 66 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
43 467 6 37.25 62 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
44 558 6 34.25 64 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
45 263 6 30.75 54 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
46 839 6 29.50 84 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
47 228 6 29.50 60 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
48 1687 6 24.25 52 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
49 772 6 23.50 60 3-5-0 0 8 0.75
50 236 4 32.25 52 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
51 1640 4 29.00 54 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
52 2168 4 28.00 74 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
53 999 4 27.25 52 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
54 1733 4 26.50 58 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
55 2205 4 25.50 42 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
56 905 4 22.00 34 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
57 1373 4 20.25 76 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
58 2344 4 18.00 36 2-6-0 0 8 0.50
59 571 2 39.50 70 1-7-0 0 8 0.25
60 716 2 39.00 90 1-7-0 0 8 0.25
61 354 2 33.75 82 1-7-0 0 8 0.25
62 743 2 31.50 52 1-7-0 0 8 0.25

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Upton, Massachusetts, USA
White River Junction, Vermont, USA
Clinton, Massachusetts, USA
Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA
Tolland, Connecticut, USA
Enfield, Connecticut, USA
Windsor Locks, Connecticut, USA
South Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Farmington, Connecticut, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Southington, Connecticut, USA
Keene, New Hampshire, USA
Meriden, Connecticut, USA
Shelton, Connecticut, USA
Old Lyme, Connecticut, USA
Watertown, Connecticut, USA
Ronkonkoma, New York, USA
Deer Park, NY, USA
Mastic Beach, New York, USA
Medford, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Hauppauge, New York, USA
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA
Leominster, MA, USA
Montclair, New Jersey, USA
New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Falls Village, Connecticut, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
LaSalle, Ontario, Canada
Feeding Hills, Massachusetts, USA
Southold, New York, USA
Milford, CT, USA
Cheshire, Connecticut, USA
Wolcott, Connecticut, USA
Hightstown, New Jersey, USA
Avon, Connecticut, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Storrs, CT, USA
Albany, New York, USA
Downingtown, Pennsylvania, USA
Hudson, New York, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Ledyard, Connecticut, USA
Litchfield, CT, USA
Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Southbury / Middlebury, Connecticut, USA
Guilford, Connecticut, USA
Worcester, MA, USA
Groton, Connecticut, USA
Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA
Mount Vernon, NY, USA
Bronx, New York, USA
Yonkers, New York, USA
Saint Johnsbury, Vermont, USA
Bedford, MA, USA
Award Winner
Regional Chairman's Award 236
Regional Engineering Inspiration Award 126
Rookie All Star Award 2621
Woodie Flowers Award Ernest Smoker of FRC Team 558 (558)
Outstanding Volunteer Award David Goric
Regional Winner 1124
Regional Winner 175
Regional Winner 716
Regional Finalist 230
Regional Finalist 61
Regional Finalist 1991
Autodesk Visualization Award 383
Chrysler Team Spirit Award 178
Delphi "Driving Tomorrow's Technology" Award 1991
General Motors Industrial Design Award 175
Highest Rookie Seed Award 2523
Imagery Award 571
Johnson & Johnson Gracious Professionalism 558
Judges Award 467
Judges Award 157
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Entrepreneurship Award 1124
Motorola Quality Award 772
Rockwell Automation Innovation in Control Award 383
Rookie Inspiration Award 2344
Underwriters Laboratory Industrial Safety Award 772
Website Award 177
Xerox Creativity Award 95

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
1124 47.95
175 47.16
126 37.13
383 36.39
230 29.70
195 28.83
61 26.53
287 25.57
716 23.93
555 23.13
1493 23.00
1089 22.08
1230 21.51
870 21.31
1784 20.81
1685 19.27
181 19.17
571 18.14
1991 16.34
95 15.84
177 15.44
549 14.88
173 14.58
178 14.57
2265 14.46
2523 13.86
176 13.65
157 13.27
1740 13.08
369 12.61
236 12.60
2170 12.19
1665 10.69
2067 10.64
558 10.63
270 10.46
329 9.28
354 9.17
237 8.45
999 8.38
213 7.42
335 7.37
2104 7.25
839 7.24
2168 6.59
743 6.37
228 6.03
1155 6.02
358 6.01
1071 5.97
772 5.81
467 5.11
2344 4.53
1640 3.83
2621 0.12
1733 -0.41
2205 -0.98
2064 -1.26
263 -3.28
905 -6.90
1373 -8.71
1687 -10.33
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