PNW District SunDome Event 2018

Pacific Northwest District Event
to Week 3
SunDome, State Fair Park in Yakima, WA 98901, USA - details on

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4120 3693 4061 4125 2148 6076 124 164
2811 4608 5920 2926 3220 6831 310 144
3575 1318 4726 6129 3588 3712 359 36
4104 3586 4980 3711 3223 4495 190 299
2522 2915 3218 5450 3826 5468 321 174
2944 2811 4980 3586 3711 4726 381 158
6831 4120 3223 4104 4125 5468 182 321
6076 2522 3826 4495 4061 1318 129 402
3712 2944 5450 5920 3220 6129 152 184
2915 2926 3693 4608 3575 3218 161 324
6831 3711 3588 2148 3223 3826 393 194
6129 3693 4608 4104 3712 5920 139 82
4125 3575 2944 3586 4120 2522 239 296
2926 3588 6076 4980 5468 1318 93 414
3220 2148 2915 3218 2811 4495 63 377
3588 5450 4726 4061 4104 3575 114 246
3712 4125 3586 2148 6831 2811 20 406
4495 2915 4120 5450 3693 3223 337 209
3711 4061 6129 3220 2522 4608 259 338
4980 1318 6076 5468 5920 4726 351 210
3218 2926 4125 6831 2944 3826 177 327
4608 5450 4061 3712 4980 3220 325 172
2926 5468 3223 3586 3588 2944 290 66
2148 3575 2811 3218 3693 1318 340 238
6129 3826 2915 6076 3711 4104 150 353
5920 2522 4495 4726 4120 3220 366 227
4125 4061 3223 3586 6129 3218 389 138
2915 4608 3588 4495 4726 6076 341 271
1318 2944 2522 4980 5920 2148 443 197
3693 4104 4120 3826 2811 2926 107 401
5468 3712 3711 6831 5450 3575 375 244
4726 6129 2944 3588 3220 3693 138 335
3218 6076 5450 1318 3223 3586 277 323
3826 2926 4495 2522 4061 2148 169 223
4104 2811 3711 4608 5468 3712 379 219
4125 6831 5920 2915 4980 3575 334 244
4061 6076 3220 4120 2944 2926 320 32
3223 4104 3218 6129 3575 2522 355 33
1318 5450 2811 3693 4726 4125 410 199
4980 3711 4120 3712 6831 2915 302 161
3588 2148 5468 4608 4495 3586 310 214
3826 4104 3220 5920 2915 5450 376 162
3711 1318 2148 6076 6831 3693 393 240
2522 4726 4980 2811 3712 2926 249 366
5468 4495 6129 4120 3218 5920 243 340
2944 4608 4125 4061 3588 3826 143 353
3575 3586 2926 3223 6129 2811 107 351
3220 6076 5468 3711 2915 4125 202 368
3693 4495 3712 2944 3218 4061 124 332
4726 3826 4608 5450 4120 3575 309 107
2148 3586 6831 3588 2522 4104 309 187
5920 1318 2944 3223 4980 4608 376 187
4726 4495 6831 3826 3218 3711 281 361
6076 5920 3586 2522 5468 3693 158 345
2811 4125 4120 5450 4980 4104 312 255
3575 3220 3588 6129 2926 1318 295 255
4061 3712 2148 2915 3223 2944 250 164
3220 3586 5450 4495 4125 3588 103 376
3223 3712 2522 2811 6076 2915 275 356
5468 3218 6831 2926 4726 4061 333 264
3575 5920 3711 1318 4608 4104 362 336
3693 3826 4980 4120 2148 6129 382 264


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2811 1318 3575
Alliance 2 3711 4061 2915
Alliance 3 2148 3218 2944
Alliance 4 4495 5468 3220
Alliance 5 6831 3223 4120
Alliance 6 4125 4980 5450
Alliance 7 2522 4608 6076
Alliance 8 3826 5920 3588

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1318 2811 3575 5920 3826 3588 368 183
1318 2811 3575 5920 3826 3588 320 314
5468 4495 3220 3223 6831 4120 286 295
5468 4495 3220 3223 6831 4120 0 256
4061 3711 2915 4608 2522 6076 360 290
4061 3711 2915 4608 2522 6076 356 185
3218 2148 2944 4980 4125 5450 242 364
3218 2148 2944 4980 4125 5450 275 461
1318 2811 3575 3223 6831 4120 287 225
1318 2811 3575 3223 6831 4120 348 264
4061 3711 2915 4980 4125 5450 274 0
4061 3711 2915 4980 4125 5450 385 178
1318 2811 3575 4061 3711 2915 405 185
1318 2811 3575 4061 3711 2915 388 187

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Park/Climb Points Auto Ownership Vault Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 2811 2.58 435 314 3264 410 12-0-0 0 12 31
2 3711 2.16 590 344 2932 280 10-2-0 0 12 26
3 4061 2.16 530 373 2322 265 9-3-0 0 12 26
4 1318 2.08 675 339 2890 390 9-3-0 0 12 25
5 2148 1.66 415 244 2198 245 8-4-0 0 12 20
6 3218 1.58 540 216 2578 255 8-4-0 0 12 19
7 4495 1.50 505 281 2399 290 6-6-0 0 12 18
8 6831 1.50 445 268 2474 190 6-6-0 0 12 18
9 4125 1.50 395 221 2062 215 7-5-0 0 12 18
10 2522 1.50 385 291 2291 235 7-5-0 0 12 18
11 3826 1.50 380 212 2435 220 7-5-0 0 12 18
12 5920 1.50 310 236 2306 225 7-5-0 0 12 18
13 4608 1.41 515 245 2125 180 7-5-0 0 12 17
14 3575 1.41 490 241 1815 240 6-6-0 0 12 17
15 3588 1.41 435 181 2095 185 7-5-0 0 12 17
16 5468 1.41 420 215 2426 200 7-5-0 0 12 17
17 4980 1.33 545 286 2184 320 5-7-0 0 12 16
18 3220 1.25 485 169 1769 180 6-6-0 0 12 15
19 3223 1.25 460 238 2153 240 6-6-0 0 12 15
20 2944 1.25 315 245 1998 185 5-7-0 0 12 15
21 6076 1.08 460 204 1909 230 5-7-0 0 12 13
22 4104 1.00 410 189 2218 210 6-6-0 0 12 12
23 4120 1.00 410 181 1675 175 5-7-0 0 12 12
24 2915 0.91 360 159 1993 165 5-7-0 0 12 11
25 3693 0.83 385 197 1768 140 4-8-0 0 12 10
26 4726 0.75 390 284 1929 180 2-10-0 0 12 9
27 2926 0.75 375 206 1639 175 3-9-0 0 12 9
28 3712 0.66 355 206 1487 155 3-9-0 0 12 8
29 6129 0.66 285 154 1495 150 3-9-0 0 12 8
30 5450 0.58 365 216 1697 180 2-10-0 0 12 7
31 3586 0.50 375 150 1402 130 3-9-0 0 12 6

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Issaquah, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Bothell, Washington, USA
Vancouver, Washington, USA
Portland, Oregon, USA
Wapato, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Bonney Lake, Washington, USA
Spangle, Washington, USA
Silverdale, Washington, USA
Okanogan, Washington, USA
Reardan, Washington, USA
Renton, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Trout Lake, Washington, USA
Union, Oregon, USA
Sequim, Washington, USA
Pullman, Washington, USA
Cheney, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Umatilla, Oregon, USA
Thorp, Washington, USA
Tekoa, Washington, USA
Asotin, Washington, USA
Kettle Falls, Washington, USA
Saint Helens, Oregon, USA
Bend, Oregon, USA
Palouse, Washington, USA
Northport, Washington, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Hood River, Oregon, USA
Award Winner
District Chairman's Award 1318
District Engineering Inspiration Award 2944
District Event Winner 2811
District Event Winner 1318
District Event Winner 3575
District Event Finalist 3711
District Event Finalist 4061
District Event Finalist 2915
Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox 3711
Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers 5450
Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi 4061
Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson 4608
Highest Rookie Seed 6831
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3218
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 2811
Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 4495
Judges' Award 3575
Quality Award sponsored by Motorola Solutions Foundation 4980
Rookie Inspiration Award sponsored by National Instruments 6831
Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories 2811
Team Spirit Award sponsored by FCA Foundation 4125
Rank Team Qual Points Playoff Points Alliance Points Award Points Total Points
1 2811 22 30 16 10 78
2 1318 19 30 16 10 75
3 3711 21 20 15 5 61
4 4061 20 20 15 5 60
5 3575 14 30 1 5 50
6 6831 16 10 12 5 43
7 4125 16 10 11 5 42
8 4980 12 10 11 5 38
9 3218 17 0 14 5 36
10 4495 17 0 13 5 35
11 3223 11 10 12 0 33
12 2148 18 0 14 0 32
13 2915 9 20 2 0 31
14 4608 14 0 10 5 29
15 5450 5 10 6 5 26
16 5468 13 0 13 0 26
17 4120 10 10 5 0 25
18 2522 15 0 10 0 25
19 3826 15 0 9 0 24
20 5920 14 0 9 0 23
21 2944 11 0 3 8 22
22 3588 13 0 8 0 21
23 6076 11 0 7 0 18
24 3220 12 0 4 0 16
25 4104 10 0 0 0 10
26 3693 9 0 0 0 9
27 2926 8 0 0 0 8
28 4726 8 0 0 0 8
29 3712 7 0 0 0 7
30 6129 6 0 0 0 6
31 3586 4 0 0 0 4

* Although points are calculated for all teams at this event, not all teams may receive points in the District Ranking System for this event.

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
2811 213.63
1318 194.62
3711 156.86
4061 138.09
5468 126.50
6831 123.28
3218 121.37
4495 111.13
2522 108.20
3826 107.07
4980 100.57
3588 93.09
3223 92.66
3220 90.96
4608 90.41
4125 88.87
5920 84.72
2915 71.19
4104 70.18
3575 69.87
4726 59.53
4120 55.07
2148 54.07
2944 51.99
6076 49.79
3693 49.57
5450 32.04
2926 17.15
3586 12.85
3712 10.56
6129 0.73


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 279 372 75.00%
Auto Switch Owned 64 124 51.61%
Auto Quest * 39 124 31.45%
Force Played 27 124 21.77%
Levitate Played 79 124 63.71%
Boost Played 51 124 41.13%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 45 372 12.10%
Face the Boss * 0 124 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
0 124 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 443 in Q29
Average Match Score 256.13
Average Winning Score 336.26
Average Win Margin 160.26
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 11.25 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 0.48 54.48 54.97
Average Switch Ownership Points 7.90 109.67 117.57
Scale Neutral % 96.77% 19.28% 27.03%
Winner Scale Ownership % 2.47% 70.26% 63.48%
Winner Switch Ownership % 34.73% 95.54% 89.46%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 16.92% --
Average # Force Played -- 1.85 --
Average # Boost Played -- 1.96 --
Average Vault Points -- 18.39 --
Average Endgame Points -- 36.13 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 13.15
Average Score 19.64 223.35 256.13


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Auto Run 71 84 84.52%
Auto Switch Owned 17 28 60.71%
Auto Quest * 11 28 39.29%
Force Played 13 28 46.43%
Levitate Played 23 28 82.14%
Boost Played 14 28 50.00%
Climbs (does not include Levitate) 17 84 20.24%
Face the Boss * 0 28 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Auto Quest + Face the Boss)
0 28 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 461 in QF4-2
Average Match Score 274.32
Average Winning Score 347.64
Average Win Margin 146.64
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Auto Run Points 12.68 -- --
Average Scale Ownership Points 1.57 59.54 61.11
Average Switch Ownership Points 10.57 111.50 122.07
Scale Neutral % 89.52% 11.80% 19.57%
Winner Scale Ownership % 7.14% 68.78% 62.62%
Winner Switch Ownership % 33.33% 89.52% 83.90%
Winner Opponent Switch Denial % -- 13.17% --
Average # Force Played -- 2.31 --
Average # Boost Played -- 2.21 --
Average Vault Points -- 25.89 --
Average Endgame Points -- 48.39 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 21.79
Average Score 24.82 251.93 274.32
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