Leviathans Robotics Rampage 2024

Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2143 9993 9996 6574 9990 9994 55 38
930 2531 9576 6381 8744 2062 84 79
2194 9996 6381 5826 2062 2143 76 51
2531 9994 9993 2194 5826 930 55 57
6574 9576 5826 2143 8744 9990 54 47
8744 9996 9994 6381 9990 930 43 37
2062 6574 2531 9993 9576 2194 55 73
5826 9990 2531 9994 930 2143 60 47
9993 9996 6574 9576 2194 8744 22 77
2062 9993 930 6381 2143 6574 69 8
9576 2062 9996 8744 5826 9994 59 70
9990 2194 6574 6381 2531 2062 61 59
9996 930 9990 8744 5826 9993 57 74
2143 2531 2194 9994 9576 6381 63 31
9990 2143 9576 9996 6381 5826 50 82
930 6574 8744 2194 9994 2062 43 67
2531 8744 9996 9993 6381 9990 66 49


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2
Alliance 1 2194 9576 2143
Alliance 2 5826 930 2062
Alliance 3 2531 8744 9990
Alliance 4 9993 9996 6381

Playoff Results

Round 1

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2194 2143 9576 9996 6381 9993 74 47
930 2062 5826 2531 8744 9990 79 88

Round 2

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2194 2143 9576 2531 8744 9990 73 97
9993 6381 9996 5826 2062 930 57 72

Round 3

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2194 2143 9576 5826 2062 930 76 75


Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
9990 8744 2531 9576 2143 2194 98 75
9990 8744 2531 9576 2143 2194 72 58

Playoff Bracket

Match 1
1 2194-9576-2143 1
4 9993-9996-6381 0
Match 3
1 2194-9576-2143 0
3 2531-8744-9990 1
Match 2
2 5826-930-2062 0
3 2531-8744-9990 1
3 2531-8744-9990 2
1 2194-9576-2143 0
Match 5
1 2194-9576-2143 1
2 5826-930-2062 0
Match 4
4 9993-9996-6381 0
2 5826-930-2062 1
Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Coop Avg Match Avg Auto Avg Stage Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 2194 3.14 0.14 67.00 26.00 4.43 7-0-0 0 7 22
2 5826 2.43 0.14 58.86 21.57 3.86 6-1-0 0 7 17
3 2531 2.00 0.29 59.71 21.71 3.14 4-3-0 0 7 14
4 8744 2.00 0.14 57.86 21.71 3.14 4-3-0 0 7 14
5 9993 1.86 0.14 48.00 17.43 3.43 4-3-0 0 7 13
6 9996 1.86 0.00 58.29 22.57 5.29 4-3-0 0 7 13
7 9576 1.71 0.14 60.86 27.43 3.00 4-3-0 0 7 12
8 6381 1.57 0.14 52.00 19.29 3.71 2-5-0 0 7 11
9 2062 1.43 0.14 58.14 20.86 2.57 2-5-0 0 7 10
10 9994 1.43 0.14 43.57 16.71 3.86 3-4-0 0 7 10
11 930 1.29 0.29 52.86 18.86 2.86 3-4-0 0 7 9
12 9990 1.14 0.00 49.29 16.43 3.14 2-5-0 0 7 8
13 6574 0.86 0.00 36.29 14.86 2.43 2-5-0 0 7 6
14 2143 0.71 0.00 45.29 16.43 3.71 2-5-0 0 7 5

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Mukwonago, Wisconsin, USA
Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USA
Chaska, Minnesota, USA
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA
Whitewater, Wisconsin, USA
Eau Claire, Wisconsin, USA
Loretto, Minnesota, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA
Manchester, NH, USA

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