From Cokato, Minnesota, USA
aka Forsman Farms/APT/Cokato Motor Sales/Resonetics/AWI/Bud Jones & Sons Auto Salvage/First National Bank of Cokato/Holt Motors/Canvasworks Inc./Arvu Auto/United Auto Body, Inc/Christopher Hansen Trust/Bohnsack Family Dentistry/Nordsyn/Facility Enhancement Inc./Dahlman Seed Company/Perennial Bank/Trelleborg/Kingston Auto, Inc/SnapAir Heating/Cooling/Plumbing/AR Engh Heating and Air Conditioning Inc/Doosan Bobcat/Peter Bortnem State Farm/Darlene Schottler&Dassel-Cokato High School
Rookie Year: 2014
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Event Results

Team 5348 was 11-5-0 in official play and 30-14-0 overall in 2023.

Lake Superior Regional

in Duluth, MN, USA
to Week 1

Team 5348 was Rank 4 with a record of 11-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2847
Pick 1 5348
Pick 2 5826
Backup 8836
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6047 2538 5348 6217 2239 4728 50 66
4229 2847 4693 1816 2530 5348 64 119
5348 4656 3297 8372 1816 2531 99 47
3291 5348 2239 7068 4741 2511 100 82
5348 5690 5826 2574 4011 1732 128 74
3197 5826 8878 4693 5348 3276 82 108
7893 6047 3267 3042 2531 5348 38 96
5348 2227 2526 5253 8836 7797 89 46
3294 1714 4009 8516 5348 8836 90 76
5348 5826 2847 7068 3297 3276 64 106
2847 5826 5348 2530 4741 1816 118 93
2823 5690 93 2847 8836 5348 90 118
5653 4728 2264 5348 8836 2847 97 115
3276 3297 7068 5348 8836 2847 87 113
4011 1714 6045 5348 8836 2847 129 95
4011 1714 6045 5348 5826 2847 127 108

Minnesota State High School League Championship

in Minneapolis, MN, USA

Team 5348 was Rank 10 with a record of 9-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 3 and won the event.

Captain 2847
Pick 1 4728
Pick 2 5348
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Central Minnesota Robotics Conference Championship

in Becker, MN, United States

Team 5348 was Rank 3 with a record of 10-4-0

Captain 5348
Pick 1 4728
Pick 2 6175
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3276 4226 4238 3058 5348 3026 53 85
3276 4239 3058 6628 8516 5348 63 72
4239 3026 4607 5638 5348 7028 85 107
5348 4693 6175 3026 4728 8516 87 95
5348 4238 7028 6628 4728 4226 69 68
6175 3276 5348 7028 7068 4693 148 115
7068 3058 5348 4238 6628 3026 116 85
6175 6628 6709 4239 5348 4226 30 99
5348 4607 4728 4226 4239 7068 98 81
7028 7068 6709 4728 5348 6175 93 101
8516 4607 3276 4728 5348 6175 134 103
4728 5348 6175 5638 3026 3058 104 86
8516 4607 3276 4728 5348 6175 151 92
8516 4607 3276 4728 5348 6175 130 118
8516 4607 3276 4728 5348 6175

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