From Wyoming, Michigan, USA
aka Wyoming Public Schools/Gene Haas Foundation/Pridgeon & Clay/Haworth Helps/Benteler&Wyoming High School
Rookie Year: 2002
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Event Results

Team 858 was 14-15-0 in official play and 25-24-0 overall in 2017.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 858 ranked 195 having earned 54 points.

FIM District - Gull Lake Event

in Richland, MI 49083, USA
to Week 3

Team 858 was Rank 39 with a record of 2-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 5
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 5
Total Points 10
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FIM District - East Kentwood Event

in Kentwood, MI 49508, USA
to Week 5

Team 858 was Rank 3 with a record of 12-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 858
Pick 1 6090
Pick 2 4855

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 44
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5664 858 141 5256 1243 5470 260 235
6638 858 6090 3458 141 3875 325 280
216 858 5470 5473 6089 5066 210 96
3458 4409 5664 4855 858 904 235 255
6638 3357 216 858 6114 6089 311 166
3234 244 858 6114 288 6428 305 195
6114 5664 1243 1677 288 858 245 310
4004 6531 6089 3458 5963 858 235 282
858 5256 3357 5963 2054 6534 265 205
904 4337 5256 858 4967 4482 255 349
244 6090 6065 4004 6571 858 330 253
2771 4409 858 2767 3458 3234 255 366
4855 858 6090 5256 6114 244 306 285
4855 858 6090 5256 6114 244 307 255
4482 216 1243 6090 858 4855 302 331
4482 216 1243 6090 858 4855 309 219
4482 216 1243 6090 858 4855 305 255

Grand Rapids Girls Robotics Competition

in Wyoming, MI, USA

Team 858 was Rank 9 with a record of 5-6-0

Captain 858
Pick 1 2771
Pick 2 2054

West Michigan Robotics Invitational

in Zeeland, MI, USA

Team 858 was Rank 5 with a record of 6-3-0

Captain 858
Pick 1 6065
Pick 2 3357
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5256 107 5502 858 5152 5316 190 225
858 3234 2075 1188 5710 2013 330 166
6090 904 3452 858 2867 6627 310 250
2867 74 4004 3875 858 5927 164 250
3572 858 85 2054 3620 4967 309 202
2054 2771 3234 6065 858 3357 280 287
2054 2771 3234 6065 858 3357 305 335
4004 2767 85 6065 858 3357 368 296
4004 2767 85 6065 858 3357 420 213

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Robot Name: DD

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