Qualification Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2959 2481 2590 8898 5705 2506 120 31
5612 1745 118 86 4329 1756 114 66
3256 3414 5114 6413 3476 4381 71 95
2168 2638 2147 3970 2438 2601 87 86
2556 5422 5089 1477 5809 6672 77 121
1918 3504 857 8841 8122 4415 78 107
316 1816 401 2974 254 2586 95 135
3459 3937 1732 599 8546 2557 84 76
5724 364 498 1023 2687 4135 94 99
4786 8590 1828 88 3175 3166 89 81
1506 1868 1629 846 8153 2960 95 75
3641 1619 694 1771 1731 5086 119 111
5903 7541 2147 1914 8573 2506 88 68
4329 8841 118 2481 2438 5809 127 63
3970 1816 86 4415 2556 8898 78 98
2601 5114 5612 3459 401 1918 120 108
1477 857 364 2590 2638 3256 128 95
3504 1023 6413 5089 254 3175 56 131
3414 2168 1506 4786 1868 599 92 54
694 4135 2974 3641 2959 4381 130 104
5903 1732 2960 1828 498 3476 97 79
7541 8590 2586 1629 2687 3937 103 116
3166 5724 5086 8546 8573 5422 77 61
1745 1756 8153 88 1619 8122 32 138
846 1914 316 5705 6672 2557 110 115
1731 1918 118 2590 1771 254 131 165
4415 2601 3459 5089 3414 2481 84 116
694 2506 2556 857 6413 2168 75 107
401 1023 86 1828 599 2959 94 73
1732 7541 1506 3970 4381 3175 134 116
2687 2960 3476 3504 4786 4329 99 103
3937 2147 8153 5422 5612 3256 88 69
5809 8122 1914 5086 2974 1629 55 90
5114 8573 846 498 1756 3641 78 103
88 1477 8841 364 1771 5705 92 118
1731 2638 5724 2557 5903 8590 77 80
8898 3166 8546 1868 316 1619 8 125
2586 6672 1816 2438 4135 1745 85 69
3414 401 2556 118 2506 1732 78 150
3256 4786 1918 2481 86 3504 71 130
1914 8153 6413 2590 599 3970 46 97
8122 2168 5086 2687 2147 254 118 164
846 5089 3641 4329 3937 1828 152 123
2601 1771 5422 498 5903 857 96 81
8573 8898 2974 2557 3476 364 65 108
3175 1477 1868 2586 3459 1731 100 78
1629 5114 2959 5612 88 2438 120 81
4135 4415 7541 3166 1619 2960 92 92
5705 1756 4381 5809 8546 2638 92 75
8590 1745 8841 1506 316 1023 103 126
1816 694 2168 6672 1828 5724 127 80
3937 2481 4786 254 8153 498 127 95
8898 846 6413 2974 1918 1732 68 127
2557 3970 4329 5422 2590 3414 95 78
1868 401 3504 5086 2438 8573 102 65
8122 5612 5089 364 5903 4135 30 85
1771 3175 2687 8546 86 5114 161 91
3256 2960 1731 8841 2959 2556 122 83
6672 4381 2638 1619 1023 4415 104 153
5809 2586 694 1506 8590 1914 136 108
1477 599 1756 3166 2601 2506 100 73
3476 3459 5705 857 1629 1745 82 68
118 88 316 5724 3641 7541 156 66
2147 5089 1868 1816 2590 2974 77 101
401 3970 8546 8122 4135 846 78 88
4329 3256 5903 2168 8898 3175 92 94
1619 86 5086 6413 8841 498 134 94
5809 1023 8573 5612 2960 1771 76 132
3166 4381 3937 1918 2687 2438 123 84
1828 2557 8153 2601 5705 2586 75 94
254 2959 3414 1756 857 5724 109 109
599 2147 88 3476 118 694 107 131
2506 6672 1745 5114 3504 8590 84 106
316 1732 1629 1731 4415 1477 132 91
1816 1506 2638 5422 3641 2481 124 120
364 4786 3459 1914 2556 7541 130 80
498 3166 5809 401 2168 3256 84 127
4135 6413 5705 1771 4329 8573 64 128
5086 3414 8898 2586 5089 8153 62 89
694 254 2438 846 3175 2557 135 124
2960 2974 2601 1745 86 3937 112 95
2959 1619 1732 8590 1918 2147 149 103
599 3641 2687 5903 6672 8841 88 77
4415 2506 364 5422 1731 1506 131 109
8546 857 1816 5114 118 1914 67 120
3476 5612 1023 1477 7541 2481 134 120
2590 1629 8122 4381 5724 4786 89 92
1828 1756 3970 316 3459 3504 125 103
2556 88 254 2638 1868 4135 140 69
86 2168 1771 3414 846 8590 116 98
2438 3256 2974 1732 5705 599 88 88
3175 4415 2959 8153 364 5809 89 86
6413 2557 1506 2687 118 857 102 143
5089 3166 401 1745 1914 1731 73 55
3641 8546 4329 1023 2601 1629 115 113
4381 498 3504 2147 1816 1477 40 105
6672 2590 88 2960 5086 3459 109 68
2481 1918 2586 1756 5903 2556 137 89
3937 5724 3476 1868 8841 3970 111 97
7541 5422 1828 8898 8122 5114 85 62
2506 316 5612 2638 694 4786 97 126
1619 3256 254 8573 1506 5089 174 107
8153 2974 1023 2168 118 3166 106 117
2147 2557 3641 1745 6413 4415 115 108
1731 5809 2687 1816 2601 88 128 131
1756 2481 1771 401 1629 6672 137 82
4329 1914 857 1732 4381 1868 70 82
2960 2586 599 364 3970 5114 94 90
3459 498 8898 8590 694 8122 69 98
8573 2638 3414 1918 3937 3175 95 136
8841 1828 2438 2506 7541 8546 72 79
4135 3476 2590 316 5422 86 123 120
5705 3504 5724 5612 2556 1619 42 73
4786 5086 5903 2959 1477 846 120 109
8153 1506 6672 2147 4329 401 86 98
4381 2557 2481 5089 88 2168 119 117
1868 364 8590 2601 6413 1756 86 120
1629 3970 1918 1023 3256 1816 93 100
2974 8546 498 7541 1731 3414 114 91
86 2506 3641 254 5809 3459 94 119
2556 1745 8573 2687 1828 2590 44 160
5705 5114 5903 4415 694 3937 80 127
3175 599 5612 857 5086 316 54 100
2438 2960 1477 5724 8898 1914 124 38
118 846 5422 3504 2586 1619 64 108
3476 2959 1771 2638 8122 3166 145 74
8841 1732 2601 5089 4786 4135 131 81


Alliance Captain Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
Alliance 1 1619 254 3175 6672
Alliance 2 1732 118 1816 316
Alliance 3 694 2481 4415 3641
Alliance 4 1771 2168 1731 1918
Alliance 5 3937 364 401 2147
Alliance 6 3476 1756 846 498
Alliance 7 2586 1023 2590 5114
Alliance 8 2687 3970 2974 2557

Playoff Results

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1619 6672 254 3970 2687 2557 143 100
254 3175 1619 3970 2557 2687 126 82
2168 1918 1771 364 3937 401 144 104
2168 1918 1771 364 3937 2147 154 158
2168 1918 1771 364 3937 2147 156 117
316 1732 118 2586 2590 1023 146 131
316 1732 118 2586 2590 1023 150 156
316 1732 118 2586 2590 1023 114 145
4415 694 2481 1756 846 3476 162 163
4415 694 2481 1756 846 3476 101 102
1619 6672 254 2168 1918 1771 169 126
1619 6672 254 2168 1918 1771 118 105
2586 2590 1023 1756 846 3476 130 139
2586 2590 1023 1756 846 3476 118 124
1619 6672 254 1756 846 3476 150 129
1619 6672 254 1756 846 3476 154 126

Playoff Bracket



Rank Team Ranking Score Avg Match Avg Hangar Avg Taxi + Auto Cargo Record (W-L-T) DQ Played Total Ranking Points*
1 1619 3.80 124.90 28.50 29.00 9-0-1 0 10 38
2 1732 3.80 114.20 23.50 29.00 9-0-1 0 10 38
3 694 3.70 118.80 25.00 32.80 9-1-0 0 10 37
4 254 3.60 134.30 29.60 30.80 8-1-1 0 10 36
5 1771 3.60 125.70 22.00 30.80 9-1-0 0 10 36
6 3937 3.60 107.80 26.00 27.00 8-2-0 0 10 36
7 118 3.40 123.70 28.90 26.40 8-2-0 0 10 34
8 3476 3.40 109.10 22.10 29.80 8-2-0 0 10 34
9 2586 3.40 103.50 31.50 24.40 8-2-0 0 10 34
10 2687 3.30 121.00 28.50 26.60 7-3-0 0 10 33
11 2590 3.30 110.90 30.10 25.40 7-3-0 0 10 33
12 2168 3.30 106.20 21.60 25.60 8-2-0 0 10 33
13 2974 3.30 104.80 21.60 25.00 7-2-1 0 10 33
14 4415 3.30 104.00 25.80 29.60 6-3-1 0 10 33
15 2481 3.20 112.90 32.20 24.60 7-3-0 0 10 32
16 2601 3.20 104.00 26.70 27.60 7-3-0 0 10 32
17 2147 3.20 99.60 21.10 24.60 7-3-0 0 10 32
18 1477 3.10 104.60 24.80 29.00 6-4-0 0 10 31
19 2959 3.00 108.90 24.70 30.60 5-4-1 0 10 30
20 3641 3.00 105.20 24.20 27.00 6-4-0 0 10 30
21 364 3.00 103.60 23.60 30.60 6-4-0 0 10 30
22 1816 3.00 98.50 23.10 27.80 7-3-0 0 10 30
23 2960 3.00 97.90 23.60 25.60 6-3-1 0 10 30
24 4786 3.00 94.90 26.40 27.00 7-3-0 0 10 30
25 4381 3.00 94.70 21.90 24.40 6-4-0 0 10 30
26 1756 3.00 92.90 21.80 23.60 6-3-1 0 10 30
27 88 2.90 112.40 26.50 29.20 5-5-0 0 10 29
28 4329 2.90 96.90 18.30 24.80 6-4-0 0 10 29
29 2557 2.90 96.10 22.20 24.00 6-4-0 0 10 29
30 5903 2.90 86.10 24.40 21.40 5-5-0 0 10 29
31 316 2.80 112.40 28.00 29.80 5-5-0 0 10 28
32 3175 2.80 106.60 20.40 28.40 6-4-0 0 10 28
33 1506 2.80 102.30 21.60 28.80 5-5-0 0 10 28
34 1629 2.80 96.60 27.40 25.80 5-5-0 0 10 28
35 8590 2.80 91.00 22.40 24.40 4-6-0 0 10 28
36 5086 2.80 90.10 24.10 24.00 5-5-0 0 10 28
37 4135 2.70 86.80 22.90 25.00 5-4-1 0 10 27
38 86 2.60 97.40 25.50 26.40 4-6-0 0 10 26
39 7541 2.60 89.40 25.20 25.20 4-5-1 0 10 26
40 1868 2.60 86.70 21.60 27.40 5-5-0 0 10 26
41 1023 2.50 100.50 14.70 27.60 6-4-0 0 10 25
42 8841 2.50 95.90 28.20 25.40 3-7-0 0 10 25
43 857 2.50 93.50 27.00 23.40 4-5-1 0 10 25
44 5114 2.50 90.20 21.20 27.80 4-6-0 0 10 25
45 401 2.50 88.70 18.20 25.80 5-5-0 0 10 25
46 5612 2.50 86.40 23.40 23.20 5-5-0 0 10 25
47 3256 2.40 97.70 25.20 23.60 4-5-1 0 10 24
48 3459 2.40 89.70 25.00 23.20 4-6-0 0 10 24
49 5089 2.40 87.80 20.80 24.40 4-6-0 0 10 24
50 6672 2.40 87.10 18.30 22.00 4-6-0 0 10 24
51 1828 2.40 84.10 18.60 23.60 4-5-0 1 10 24
52 599 2.40 81.10 20.90 22.20 4-5-1 0 10 24
53 1918 2.30 104.00 29.20 23.20 3-7-0 0 10 23
54 3970 2.30 91.50 19.40 23.20 3-7-0 0 10 23
55 3504 2.30 81.60 21.80 23.60 5-5-0 0 10 23
56 5705 2.30 74.30 15.70 20.80 5-3-1 1 10 23
57 2638 2.20 89.00 25.00 23.20 3-7-0 0 10 22
58 2438 2.20 84.70 24.40 22.20 2-7-1 0 10 22
59 8122 2.20 81.50 20.50 24.20 4-6-0 0 10 22
60 2556 2.20 81.30 24.00 23.40 3-7-0 0 10 22
61 5724 2.10 75.80 16.90 21.00 3-6-1 0 10 21
62 846 2.00 93.00 22.20 24.60 2-8-0 0 10 20
63 5809 2.00 88.30 19.10 22.60 3-7-0 0 10 20
64 3414 2.00 87.80 19.70 23.60 2-7-1 0 10 20
65 2506 2.00 84.60 23.40 24.00 3-7-0 0 10 20
66 498 2.00 82.10 20.60 19.60 2-8-0 0 10 20
67 6413 2.00 82.00 18.10 24.20 3-7-0 0 10 20
68 8546 1.90 70.80 20.10 18.80 3-7-0 0 10 19
69 1731 1.80 95.70 25.50 25.40 1-9-0 0 10 18
70 5422 1.80 85.90 25.00 23.00 2-8-0 0 10 18
71 3166 1.80 64.50 14.30 17.20 3-5-1 1 10 18
72 8153 1.70 73.80 16.20 22.80 2-8-0 0 10 17
73 8573 1.60 74.30 15.80 24.60 1-9-0 0 10 16
74 1745 1.60 74.00 25.20 21.80 1-9-0 0 10 16
75 1914 1.20 71.00 15.80 20.80 1-9-0 0 10 12
76 8898 1.20 57.10 10.40 18.20 2-8-0 0 10 12

*This column is calculated for your convenience by The Blue Alliance using data provided by FIRST and is not official.

Team Location Image
Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA
Houston, Texas, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Carneys Point, New Jersey, USA
Gulfport, Mississippi, USA
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA
Glendale, Arizona, USA
Granada Hills, California, USA
New York, New York, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Houghton, Michigan, USA
Temperance, Michigan, USA
Conroe, Texas, USA
Flint, Michigan, USA
Longmont, Colorado, USA
Accident, Maryland, USA
Warrenton, Virginia, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Richardson, Texas, USA
Peoria, Illinois, USA
Suwanee, Georgia, USA
Edina, Minnesota, USA
Vail, Arizona, USA
Mountain View, California, USA
Princeton Junction, New Jersey, USA
Fremont, Michigan, USA
Spokane, Washington, USA
Groton, Connecticut, USA
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Tremont, Illinois, USA
Franklin, Wisconsin, USA
Niceville, Florida, USA
Tacoma, Washington, USA
Calumet, Michigan, USA
Robbinsville, New Jersey, USA
Flushing, New York, USA
Great Neck, New York, USA
Team Location Image
Austin, Texas, USA
Coloma, Michigan, USA
Birmingham, Michigan, USA
Marietta, Georgia, USA
Sandy, Utah, USA
Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, USA
San Jose, California, USA
Farmington, Michigan, USA
Cary, North Carolina, USA
Irvine, California, USA
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
South Lyon, Michigan, USA
Searcy, Arkansas, USA
Fresno, California, USA
Modesto, California, USA
Saint Peters, Missouri, USA
Richland, Michigan, USA
Cerritos, California, USA
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Cadillac, Michigan, USA
Los Angeles, California, USA
Fenton, Michigan, USA
Westford, Massachusetts, USA
Burton, Michigan, USA
Torreón, Coahuila, Mexico
Salem, Virginia, USA
Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Westby, Wisconsin, USA
Chandler, Arizona, USA
Irving, Texas, USA
Mapleton, Minnesota, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Istanbul, Istanbul, Türkiye
Meridian, Idaho, USA
McAllen, Texas, USA
Fairfax, Virginia, USA
Orlando, Florida, USA
Fullerton, California, USA
Award Winner
Engineering Inspiration Award 4329
Rookie All Star Award 8573
Championship Division Winner 1619
Championship Division Winner 254
Championship Division Winner 3175
Championship Division Winner 6672
Championship Division Finalist 3476
Championship Division Finalist 1756
Championship Division Finalist 846
Championship Division Finalist 498
Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford 1619
Championship Division Highest Rookie Seed 8590
Creativity Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation 2481
Entrepreneurship Award 2590
Excellence in Engineering Award 2168
Gracious Professionalism Award 1477
Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen 3476
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors 118
Innovation in Control Award 846
Judges' Award 5422
Quality Award 364
Rookie Inspiration Award 8841
Team Spirit Award 316

OPRs (?)

Team OPR
254 68.28
118 57.86
1771 57.72
1619 57.03
2481 51.61
316 51.52
1506 50.26
2687 50.24
1732 48.57
3937 47.95
694 45.75
364 45.69
88 44.98
2590 44.22
2974 44.11
2168 43.83
1477 43.72
4415 43.36
2601 42.44
3641 41.89
3476 39.56
2586 39.00
5114 38.80
1023 38.51
3175 38.22
1756 37.43
846 37.37
2557 36.63
4786 36.58
401 36.29
5086 35.70
2960 35.40
1828 35.16
1918 34.86
8590 34.10
4329 34.01
2147 33.88
8841 33.84
2638 33.83
3970 32.53
6672 32.29
5089 32.19
4381 32.18
3256 31.70
5809 31.32
2959 31.08
1731 30.97
7541 30.18
857 29.64
86 28.68
498 26.72
2506 26.00
6413 25.97
1629 25.27
1816 24.54
4135 24.35
5903 22.42
5612 21.13
2556 21.07
8546 20.45
3504 20.12
1745 19.96
8122 19.88
3414 19.84
8573 19.70
3459 18.73
5705 18.26
5724 17.86
1868 16.43
1914 16.41
5422 15.30
599 12.52
2438 12.02
3166 11.68
8898 5.10
8153 4.35


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Taxi Line 715 762 93.83%
Quintet Achieved 160 254 62.99%
Low Climb 19 762 2.49%
Mid Climb 155 762 20.34%
High Climb 102 762 13.39%
Traversal Climb 254 762 33.33%
Cargo Bonus RP Achieved * 221 254 87.01%
Hangar Bonus RP Achieved * 197 254 77.56%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Cargo Bonus + Hangar Bonus)
110 254 43.31%

Match Statistics

High Score 174 in Q102
Average Match Score 98.68
Average Winning Score 114.48
Average Win Margin 31.60
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Taxi Points 5.63 -- --
Average Cargo Count (Lower) 0.23 0.79 1.02
Average Cargo Count (Upper) 4.76 23.12 27.88
Average Cargo Count 4.99 23.91 28.90
Average Cargo Points 19.50 47.04 66.53
Average Hangar Points -- 22.98 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 3.54
Average Score 25.13 70.01 98.68


Bonus Objective Statistics

Objective Count # Opportunities % Success
Taxi Line 95 96 98.96%
Quintet Achieved 0 32 0.00%
Low Climb 0 96 0.00%
Mid Climb 15 96 15.62%
High Climb 7 96 7.29%
Traversal Climb 54 96 56.25%
Cargo Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
Hangar Bonus RP Achieved * 0 32 0.00%
"Unicorn Matches"
(Win + Cargo Bonus + Hangar Bonus)
0 32 0.00%

Match Statistics

High Score 169 in SF1-1
Average Match Score 132.56
Average Winning Score 143.31
Average Win Margin 21.50
Auto Teleop Overall
Average Taxi Points 5.94 -- --
Average Cargo Count (Lower) 0.03 0.19 0.22
Average Cargo Count (Upper) 6.09 33.28 39.38
Average Cargo Count 6.12 33.47 39.59
Average Cargo Points 24.44 66.75 91.19
Average Hangar Points -- 30.31 --
Average Foul Points -- -- 5.12
Average Score 30.38 97.06 132.56
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