2025 Insights

Last updated on

Matches 1966 Matches Played

Highest Scoring Qual Match (Minus Penalties)

Highest Scoring Playoff Match (Minus Penalties)

Highest Scoring Match Overall

Average Match Score By Week

All Match Averages
Playoff Match Averages
[[["Week 1", 79.92937021777516]], [["Week 1", 117.45238095238095]]]

Average Winning Margin By Week

All Match Averages
Playoff Match Averages
[[["Week 1", 35.14184814596822]], [["Week 1", 34.535714285714285]]]

Match Score Distribution Percent of Matches vs. Match Score

All Match Scores
Playoff Match Scores
[{"210.0": 0.11771630370806356, "150.0": 2.5897586815773983, "198.0": 0.11771630370806356, "174.0": 0.6180105944673336, "66.0": 11.389052383755152, "78.0": 12.242495585638611, "114.0": 8.681577398469686, "90.0": 11.771630370806356, "138.0": 3.5314891112419065, "42.0": 10.329605650382579, "30.0": 7.121836374337846, "126.0": 5.4738081224249555, "54.0": 11.271336080047087, "18.0": 2.64861683343143, "186.0": 0.2942907592701589, "102.0": 9.770453207769275, "6.0": 0.7945850500294291, "162.0": 1.1477339611536197, "222.0": 0.08828722778104767}, {"210.0": 0.8928571428571428, "150.0": 12.499999999999996, "198.0": 0.5952380952380952, "138.0": 9.226190476190476, "78.0": 7.142857142857142, "114.0": 13.095238095238095, "126.0": 11.30952380952381, "222.0": 0.5952380952380952, "54.0": 2.380952380952381, "102.0": 13.095238095238091, "90.0": 11.904761904761903, "42.0": 1.1904761904761905, "162.0": 7.142857142857142, "174.0": 2.380952380952381, "66.0": 5.357142857142857, "186.0": 1.1904761904761905}]

Winning Margin Distribution Percent of Matches vs. Winning Margin

All Winning Margins
Playoff Winning Margins
[{"67.5": 5.826957033549146, "49.5": 9.123013537374927, "103.5": 1.2360211889346675, "13.5": 16.362566215420834, "22.5": 13.8905238375515, "85.5": 2.4720423778693346, "40.5": 9.888169511477338, "76.5": 4.178928781636257, "157.5": 0.05885815185403178, "4.5": 15.244261330194233, "58.5": 6.4155385520894646, "31.5": 12.713360800470864, "94.5": 1.5303119482048264, "175.5": 0.11771630370806356, "121.5": 0.35314891112419067, "112.5": 0.2942907592701589, "130.5": 0.17657445556209533, "139.5": 0.11771630370806356}, {"67.5": 4.761904761904762, "49.5": 12.499999999999998, "4.5": 16.07142857142857, "13.5": 21.42857142857143, "175.5": 0.5952380952380952, "85.5": 2.380952380952381, "103.5": 0.5952380952380952, "22.5": 7.738095238095238, "40.5": 12.499999999999998, "94.5": 2.380952380952381, "112.5": 0.5952380952380952, "76.5": 2.9761904761904763, "58.5": 5.357142857142858, "31.5": 10.119047619047619}]


Top Blue Banner Winners

3 5614
2 1678, 6574

Top Regional & District Winners

2 5614

Match Predictions

Prediction Accuracy

# Correct # Matches % Correct Brier Score