From Kintnersville, Pennsylvania, USA
aka MAR VAN Industries/In Memory of Rich Nast/In memory of Jamie Wright/REV Robotics/Kintner LLC/Cima&Palisades High School
Rookie Year: 1997
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Hall of Fame (2003): Video

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Event Results

Team 103 was 17-10-2 in official play in 2002.

J&J Mid Atlantic Regional

in New Brunswick, NJ, USA
to Week 3

Team 103 had a record of 8-5-1 and won the following awards:

  • Judges Award - Friday

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
174 103 203 136 25 15
103 84 30 95 38 42
176 613 175 103 34 59
637 223 103 293 30 56
7 103 303 209 32 32
103 75 136 211 38 30
550 30 219 103 31 32
663 56 103 102 38 32
174 103 203 869 37 38
103 84 95 637 29 20
176 136 175 103 20 44
175 75 637 103 303 174 58 27
175 75 637 103 303 174 28 50
175 75 637 103 303 174 48 30

UTC New England Regional

in New Haven, CT, USA
to Week 5

Team 103 had a record of 9-5-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
103 96 42 121 28 58
133 521 181 103 22 24
512 134 103 782 45 38
999 103 175 500 41 46
103 562 501 558 46 41
319 467 176 103 40 40
166 157 103 236 53 46
571 103 178 246 37 20
121 69 103 95 505 501 51 21
121 69 103 95 505 501 70 10
157 230 237 121 69 103 20 42
157 230 237 121 69 103 25 49
121 69 103 173 195 88 37 38
121 69 103 173 195 88 57 34
121 69 103 173 195 88 46 0

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