From Chicago, Illinois, USA
aka Baxter International Foundation/Excellerator Fund/Aviation Institute of Maintenance/The Black Star Project/Agape Werks, Inc/LevelUP IRL&Chicago Knights Robotics
Rookie Year: 2006
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Event Results

Team 1739 was 9-17-0 in official play and 10-24-0 overall in 2007.

Midwest Regional

in Chicago, IL, USA
to Week 3

Team 1739 was Rank 36 with a record of 6-11-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
468 2041 1732 2047 1739 501 64 8
1781 1739 101 74 1756 2040 12 16
2041 107 1739 1732 101 2151 17 47
74 1739 1982 101 904 2040 42 34
1785 1739 288 1716 2115 101 0 22
1732 288 2047 1850 1739 71 36 28
2033 101 1739 107 2115 1716 6 28
2151 468 1000 2022 501 1739 15 4
2040 858 1739 71 1000 2033 0 8
1243 501 1982 1850 9 1739 16 47
1243 501 1982 1850 9 1739 16 47
501 1739 71 1103 1625 2022 21 61
1739 71 501 2022 1103 1625 32 0
501 1739 71 1625 2022 1103 36 4
1000 648 447 501 71 1739 32 4
648 1000 447 501 71 1739 20 2
1000 447 648 71 501 1739 0 30

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 1739 had a record of 1-7-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
68 1739 968 1114 1024 1251 10 44
234 829 111 40 1114 1739 87 46
1902 469 1739 1529 2197 71 16 2
233 1720 888 1739 1094 2171 152 8
177 1018 1739 494 47 93 46 63
393 830 107 537 1739 1555 22 0
292 2194 1008 1528 1739 2197 132 34
2056 1766 1739 40 1327 1646 6 21

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