From Rockledge, Florida, USA
aka KSC Deep Space Logistics/Boeing/DoDSTEM/Lockheed Martin/Intuitive Foundation & Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School & Rockledge Senior High School & Space Coast Jr Sr High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 233 was 14-11-0 in official play in 2002.

NASA KSC Southeast Regional

in Kennedy Space Center, FL, USA
to Week 1

Team 233 had a record of 6-5-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
233 21 312 801 40 23
108 343 168 233 30 33
79 945 233 690 37 45
866 233 507 780 32 31
233 212 538 801 18 11
415 59 168 233 0 33
312 945 233 86 50 20
866 233 804 343 10 32
233 547 79 801 10 45
186 343 180 415 233 59 33 20
186 343 180 415 233 59 32 0

Canadian Regional

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 233 had a record of 8-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • #1 Seed
  • Incredible Play Award
  • Motorola Quality Award

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
247 773 233 783 41 34
917 233 48 907 47 52
233 843 919 820 40 23
913 578 918 233 31 46
639 897 233 11 31 40
379 233 758 296 51 43
233 188 641 886 59 52
885 378 771 233 44 45
865 849 233 610 32 38
233 63 378 610 781 865 46 10
233 63 378 610 781 865 12 19
233 63 378 610 781 865 10 21

Archimedes Division

in Orlando, FL, USA

Team 233 won the following awards:

  • Division Champion

No matches played.

Einstein Field

in Orlando, FL, USA

Team 233 had a record of 0-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Leadership in Controls

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
311 308 180 233 25 118 55 10
311 308 180 233 25 118 41 10

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