From Rockledge, Florida, USA
aka KSC Deep Space Logistics/Boeing/DoDSTEM/Lockheed Martin/Intuitive Foundation & Cocoa Beach Jr Sr High School & Rockledge Senior High School & Space Coast Jr Sr High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 233 was 32-23-0 in official play in 2013.

Orlando Regional

in Orlando, FL, USA
to Week 2

Team 233 was Rank 16 with a record of 11-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Marian Passmore)
  • Regional Finalists

Captain 125
Pick 1 4451
Pick 2 233
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1876 4352 4024 233 179 945 2 73
4471 4562 2383 233 4352 3932 18 52
3557 233 801 4622 108 4066 32 46
386 180 3557 4118 4013 233 102 51
4451 233 4471 4707 1772 2757 69 55
108 233 1065 3732 1523 1649 70 54
3164 3611 233 4091 2152 4065 32 19
3998 3502 1902 233 4197 665 129 40
3011 86 4769 233 2556 3998 60 78
4451 125 233 801 86 1592 75 78
125 4451 233 801 1592 86 105 60
4451 233 125 86 801 1592 111 64
233 4451 125 21 179 1065 124 136
4451 125 233 179 21 1065 128 89
233 125 4451 179 21 1065 104 92
1772 744 79 233 4451 125 81 109
744 1772 79 233 4451 125 97 95
79 744 1772 125 233 4451 103 82

Bayou Regional

in Kenner, LA, USA
to Week 4

Team 233 was Rank 17 with a record of 8-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

Captain 3847
Pick 1 233
Pick 2 1912
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4832 2078 4136 4179 4209 233 24 14
2183 4107 4516 3164 3616 233 11 56
2080 3469 233 4805 3991 3606 10 45
3337 4336 233 2080 1421 364 32 119
3937 442 233 4113 3337 3469 62 6
4770 4668 2221 1818 3991 233 35 36
3753 233 2078 118 4589 4087 79 76
3039 233 3410 1649 1912 3782 79 58
1758 233 3847 4316 1304 2973 81 14
1477 4336 2992 4113 2973 233 61 34
3847 233 1912 3616 2992 364 100 84
3847 1912 233 2992 3616 364 98 131
3847 1912 233 3616 2992 364 125 76
3753 4589 118 1912 3847 233 117 97
118 4589 3753 1912 3847 233 119 108

Silicon Valley Regional

in San Jose, CA, USA
to Week 6

Team 233 was Rank 6 with a record of 8-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Engineering Inspiration Award

Captain 233
Pick 1 100
Pick 2 846
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Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 233 was Rank 28 with a record of 5-5-0

Captain 359
Pick 1 233
Pick 2 16
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Einstein Field

in St. Louis, USA

Team 233 won the following awards:

  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler

No matches played.

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