From Ronkonkoma, New York, USA
aka Retlif Testing Laboratories/BAE Systems/New York State Society of Professional Engineers Long Island Chapter /Chubs Meats/Optimum&Sachem High Schools North and East
Rookie Year: 1999
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Robot Name: Aftershock

Event Results

Overall, Team 263 had an average qual score of 100.05 and an average playoff score of 122.42 in 2015.

No matches played.

South Florida Regional

in Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
to Week 1

Team 263 was Rank 6 with an average qual score of 70.09 and an average playoff score of 104.38 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 263
Pick 1 2383
Pick 2 386
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3242 2016 179 263 2234 2383 80 76
263 179 5196 714 159 3164 36 9
263 744 4953 4517 2152 2383 91 32
3992 3233 386 5591 159 263 26 46
2641 263 5655 612 2383 5329 57 48
3410 5557 263 1065 21 87 74 65
263 3242 5283 1592 3502 5591 80 22
3932 1251 1622 263 5410 4516 68 117
4471 108 5283 5243 3233 263 106 65
263 612 192 125 4562 179 74 73
3653 5243 4517 1523 4013 263 5 55
192 3242 59 2383 263 386 72 90
3502 348 2016 2383 263 386 94 77
2383 263 386 192 3242 59 115 86
2383 263 386 3502 348 2016 120 116
1592 744 3164 2383 263 386 99 131
2383 263 386 3502 348 2016 111 106
2383 263 386 3502 348 2016 87 118
2383 263 386 3502 348 2016 104 100

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Troy, NY, USA
to Week 4

Team 263 was Rank 5 with an average qual score of 87.25 and an average playoff score of 102.00 and won the following awards:

  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 263
Pick 1 5030
Pick 2 527
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SBPLI Long Island Regional

in Hempstead, NY, USA
to Week 5

Team 263 was Rank 4 with an average qual score of 101.78 and an average playoff score of 139.43 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists

Captain 1690
Pick 1 263
Pick 2 601
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4122 3137 1803 263 4458 353 15 90
1751 352 1468 871 1554 263 15 74
514 329 263 2869 2161 2347 178 45
1690 1601 3624 263 4006 5099 138 144
2027 263 2872 1554 2638 4567 59 67
263 358 287 496 2601 296 100 65
5659 569 263 3171 329 5099 179 170
271 545 1796 1537 263 3460 86 58
1537 334 601 28 263 1601 37 34
263 1690 601 2638 5099 2601 130 52
263 1690 601 1796 271 287 122 100
263 1690 601 1796 271 287 172 92
263 1690 601 3950 3171 3137 180 138
1156 329 4122 263 1690 601 84 189
263 1690 601 3950 3171 3137 38 147
263 1690 601 3950 3171 3137 145 161

Hopper Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 263 was Rank 14 with an average qual score of 146.80 and an average playoff score of 155.50

Captain 573
Pick 1 2169
Pick 2 263
Pick 3 4130
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Robot Name: Aftershock

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