From Manor, Texas, USA
aka FIRST In Texas/Gene Haas Foundation/Texas Work Force Commission/Qualcomm/Hack Club/Bae Systems/Whisker Technologies/Manor Independent School District/NI/Optimum&Manor New Tech High School
Rookie Year: 2009
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Event Results

Team 2789 was 16-14-0 in official play and 29-31-0 overall in 2014.

Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting

in San Antonio, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 2789 was Rank 38 with a record of 8-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Captain 2468
Pick 1 148
Pick 2 2789
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3743 2789 4696 3337 2936 704 2 51
3335 3614 3345 2721 2789 3103 92 17
4378 4597 2969 4610 2789 2985 62 11
2789 441 231 3029 4219 499 41 10
2952 190 457 2789 4747 57 31 51
2833 57 4063 118 422 2789 10 105
2386 2789 3008 3305 3481 4670 78 12
3366 3999 2789 2881 3700 3240 38 61
2190 5052 2158 1255 2789 4412 51 15
2789 457 3481 653 3561 3802 66 72
2789 148 2468 3337 2158 2386 155 27
2789 148 2468 3337 2386 2158 130 33
148 2468 2789 3335 190 3103 170 51
2468 2789 148 190 5052 3335 126 36
624 3008 118 148 2468 2789 95 55
624 3008 118 148 2468 2789 95 85

Dallas Regional

in Irving, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 2789 was Rank 11 with a record of 8-6-0

Captain 5057
Pick 1 2789
Pick 2 2587
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Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 2789 had a record of 8-9-0

Captain 624
Pick 1 118
Pick 2 2789
Pick 3 5414
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2848 2587 4610 2789 624 2950 47 225
2587 418 2789 3005 1817 3735 27 161
4587 148 2468 2583 1477 2789 181 116
9999 2805 2789 418 118 3997 25 43
457 2789 2881 4335 9999 1477 27 97
1296 3999 624 2789 2158 3735 141 66
457 3310 3735 3005 2789 4610 121 30
1817 418 4063 1296 3481 2789 122 45
2881 5052 3310 5414 2789 5287 200 30
2468 3847 2789 1296 2583 2805 176 86
624 118 2789 3103 418 3847 152 102
624 118 2789 3103 418 3847 190 81
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 171 101
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 92 201
2789 624 118 3310 2848 457 182 115
2789 624 118 3735 1477 4587 176 118
2789 624 118 3735 1477 4587 211 161

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