From Latham, New York, USA
aka Picatinny STEM/Atlas CopCo/Sirco Family Foundation/VM Choppy & Sons LLC/Banerjee Family/IBM/Bellevue Builders Supply&Shaker High School
Rookie Year: 2009
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Event Results

Team 2791 was 17-14-1 in official play and 22-23-1 overall in 2012.

BAE Systems Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 2791 was Rank 15 with a record of 10-6-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Imagery Award in honor of Jack Kamen

Captain 1519
Pick 1 885
Pick 2 2791
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2791 131 3467 157 151 172 37 9
2791 3585 509 2342 4034 238 3 8
2791 1512 1729 1547 213 1517 11 11
1922 1153 885 716 2791 1493 6 43
2791 1153 58 126 175 78 25 26
3609 1058 2791 1831 1729 134 17 16
3597 61 1307 1517 2791 238 8 4
3467 1277 1824 133 2791 3323 9 38
4403 95 3609 2791 4034 885 29 16
1058 172 501 166 61 2791 21 36
1493 716 95 2791 885 1519 18 49
716 1493 95 885 2791 1519 30 46
1519 885 2791 319 501 126 56 25
885 1519 2791 319 126 501 43 33
58 1831 131 885 1519 2791 26 49
131 58 1831 885 2791 1519 43 21
1831 58 131 2791 885 1519 56 12

Northeast Utilities FIRST Connecticut Regional

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 5

Team 2791 was Rank 47 with a record of 7-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 2168
Pick 1 118
Pick 2 2791
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BattleCry 13

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 2791 had a record of 1-7-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2342 716 2648 2791 839 3467 19 18
131 138 2168 558 1100 2791 64 14
2791 195 230 663 166 1124 15 26
190 23 2791 2079 1991 1073 6 11
3280 175 195 78 2791 319 34 18
1735 121 78 88 467 2791 16 35
181 61 3236 2791 121 125 28 26
173 2791 166 2713 172 125 3 21

Rah Cha Cha Ruckus

in Henrietta, NY, USA

Team 2791 had a record of 4-2-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2791 1405 229 2228 378 73 4 16
3015 2791 578 48 3044 174 26 39
2228 3181 2791 3951 1551 3683 26 23
2791 3173 610 2228 340 4203 56 42
1518 3157 1334 2791 4124 3683 0 40
2340 145 1507 191 1511 2791 16 57

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