From Montreal, Québec, Canada
aka SME Chapter 50 Montreal&Loyola High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 296 was 10-10-0 in official play in 2003.

BAE SYSTEMS Granite State Regional

in Manchester, NH, USA
to Week 1

Team 296 had a record of 4-6-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
501 296 358 811 33 74
151 138 296 172 33 14
811 296 501 358 33 78
213 296 529 151 65 10
131 296 172 42 28 14
131 175 296 501 51 32
319 213 296 529 40 76
126 467 296 176 14 90
885 97 296 138 49 10
358 562 213 296 90 12

UTC New England Regional

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 2

Team 296 had a record of 6-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
173 296 181 177 68 33
491 999 1100 296 17 64
716 296 176 96 41 38
296 177 663 230 39 41
166 296 236 809 59 16
491 126 178 296 71 6
296 571 178 905 97 39
999 157 195 296 41 36
558 296 228 166 9 97
716 19 173 296 8 47

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