From Los Angeles, California, USA
aka The Boeing Company/BAE Systems/Vertirbi School of Engineering/USC-MESA/X-treme Solutions/Perkins Grant/Foshay Learning Center/Citizen Business Bank/Robnett Education Foundation/American Institute of Aerospace & Astronautics/City of Los Angeles Council District 8/Gene Haas Foundation/LAUSD EOP for after school STEM programs&James a Foshay Learning Ctr
Rookie Year: 2001
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Hall of Fame (2015): Video, Presentation

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Event Results

Team 597 was 12-19-1 in official play in 2007.

Los Angeles Regional

to Week 2

Team 597 was Rank 39 with a record of 3-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Underwriters Laboratory Industrial Safety Award

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Las Vegas Regional

in Las Vegas, NV, USA
to Week 5

Team 597 was Rank 38 with a record of 7-10-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • Regional Finalist

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
815 2069 1669 597 2061 1641 49 37
842 2090 1425 1983 597 1110 64 4
1868 59 1324 597 2069 1101 6 19
1911 1724 597 1572 1983 473 2 36
2150 1425 39 597 2025 1641 132 15
987 1548 1911 1425 2069 597 22 46
1883 597 1572 987 2037 1101 16 8
597 1641 1972 1911 987 1101 0 38
597 1572 1885 1703 254 2061 10 31
1517 79 842 597 987 39 16 84
842 1517 79 987 597 39 40 32
1517 842 79 597 39 987 0 2
1902 60 815 987 597 39 0 28
2069 60 1902 39 597 987 20 12
1902 60 2069 987 597 39 0 94
1425 1983 254 987 597 39 76 54
1425 1983 254 597 987 39 56 40

Newton Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 597 was Rank 66 with a record of 2-4-1

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
597 1622 88 573 75 1592 74 34
68 597 1657 75 2217 457 128 16
597 102 2016 1188 348 2217 0 2
2016 597 128 501 1846 148 45 291
476 1657 340 597 1985 49 32 30
1746 340 573 190 597 1540 0 0
1503 1138 128 168 597 1676 24 4

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