From Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA
aka Huntington Bank/Toyota/Michigan Department of Education/First Independence Bank/Zo's Good Burger/Robin Hobb&Crestwood High School
Rookie Year: 2018
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Event Results

Team 7174 was 18-22-0 in official play and 22-30-0 overall in 2022.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 7174 ranked 161 having earned 75 points.

FIM District Livonia Event presented by Aisin

in Livonia, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 7174 was Rank 29 with a record of 5-9-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Engineering Inspiration Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 5467
Pick 1 5641
Pick 2 7174

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 9
Alliance Points 8
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 8
Total Points 25
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FIM District Belleville Event

in Belleville, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 7174 was Rank 19 with a record of 9-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 245
Pick 1 5050
Pick 2 7174

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 13
Alliance Points 3
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 26
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1189 830 4737 123 8519 7174 62 27
7211 245 815 8124 7660 7174 92 50
7174 815 1701 6618 2834 123 76 55
33 2620 8623 7211 4362 7174 66 88
8623 1025 1684 240 7174 7772 68 49
6615 7660 1250 7174 6152 2834 50 78
4737 7174 1025 4362 4838 6616 50 65
240 4838 2620 245 6618 7174 37 54
7174 5436 8623 313 4838 469 46 36
7224 7174 6057 2137 3656 8124 37 65
8427 1684 66 830 7174 4838 36 40
7174 1684 2620 8519 5050 815 81 61
5050 245 7174 6344 6152 6618 100 71
5050 245 7174 6344 6152 6618 79 67
2834 1701 240 5050 245 7174 116 82
2834 1701 240 5050 245 7174 65 58

FIRST in Michigan State Championship

in University Center, MI, USA
Week 7

Team 7174 won the following awards:

  • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 0
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 24
Total Points 24

No matches played.

Carver Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 7174 was Rank 64 with a record of 4-6-0

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