From Lapeer, Michigan, USA
aka General Motors Corporation/Lapeer Community Schools/MI Dept of Education/Cypress Intergration Solutions, Inc.&Lapeer High School&Center for Innovation
Rookie Year: 2015
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Event Results

Team 5460 was 53-20-1 in official play and 84-54-2 overall in 2022.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 5460 ranked 6 having earned 333 points.

No matches played.

FIM District Kettering University Event #1

in Flint, MI, USA
to Week 1

Team 5460 was Rank 4 with a record of 15-2-1 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 27
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 5538

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 70
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8193 6610 5166 4377 5460 5247 32 59
5247 8767 7202 5460 6091 27 27 104
5114 7202 7784 6610 5697 5460 49 33
5460 5561 3542 6067 5067 4994 56 31
1506 6548 7192 5460 8193 5067 57 68
5084 5538 3542 494 815 5460 50 94
5114 5460 8774 6548 8385 5641 73 40
5460 5234 5641 5114 6610 1506 68 42
8385 5166 5460 27 4377 6067 60 78
7192 2145 27 5260 5460 4998 70 70
1322 5460 2145 8767 6091 5084 49 46
3322 6067 5460 3568 1322 8385 78 35
5460 27 5538 5641 6067 3542 107 27
5460 27 5538 5641 6067 3542 103 34
5460 27 5538 5166 5114 1322 117 47
5460 27 5538 5166 5114 1322 118 61
5460 27 5538 5084 494 6610 73 58
5460 27 5538 5084 494 6610 89 55

FIM District Troy Event presented by Magna

in Troy, MI, USA
to Week 5

Team 5460 was Rank 4 with a record of 15-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Innovation in Control Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2337
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 7192

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 59
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5478 5460 8895 322 8623 5642 50 17
8332 8895 3534 1481 247 5460 86 50
8899 2224 5460 1025 6096 1250 73 43
7769 8332 5460 3302 5239 8899 118 11
2224 226 7769 3534 5460 6566 74 86
1025 3302 8623 5460 226 8352 20 94
5460 4854 6914 6532 5478 3534 86 60
8332 7716 3632 5460 1025 910 31 82
5460 1250 7192 6566 51 5478 79 63
5239 5460 5532 2673 573 8352 61 45
3096 5460 4384 27 6566 1025 86 113
7769 5053 67 573 5907 5460 96 114
5460 2337 7192 1481 6914 5053 113 61
5460 2337 7192 1481 6914 5053 102 25
5460 2337 7192 8332 3534 6566 113 79
5460 2337 7192 8332 3534 6566 131 104
67 27 4384 5460 2337 7192 105 86
67 27 4384 5460 2337 7192 0 99
67 27 4384 5460 2337 7192 150 87

FIRST in Michigan State Championship - DTE Energy Foundation Division

in University Center, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 5460 was Rank 15 with a record of 13-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 3 and won the event.

Captain 3538
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 3322

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 42
Alliance Points 42
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 0
Total Points 174
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4392 5460 5150 5114 3618 67 115 131
1502 862 6120 3322 1189 5460 67 114
5460 4384 1502 1718 3534 4130 65 125
245 3655 5114 862 5460 5525 128 80
240 2611 7191 5460 7211 3618 63 106
6088 67 1684 4779 5460 3534 121 127
4967 5150 201 5505 2834 5460 74 80
4130 5660 5460 2834 67 862 93 134
5460 6088 6642 3538 1718 5505 96 123
7244 5460 3452 5525 7211 2054 119 83
2054 6120 5460 5150 2405 4237 107 75
5460 4237 245 2834 5980 74 85 78
5460 3538 3322 5505 1189 1502 117 115
5460 3538 3322 5505 1189 1502 162 138
2834 4362 4237 5460 3538 3322 93 95
2834 4362 4237 5460 3538 3322 134 132
2834 4362 4237 5460 3538 3322 85 133
1718 2054 2611 5460 3538 3322 140 94
1718 2054 2611 5460 3538 3322 118 131
1718 2054 2611 5460 3538 3322 107 129

FIRST in Michigan State Championship

in University Center, MI, USA
Week 7

Team 5460 had a record of 3-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of DTE Energy and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 3538
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 3322

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 0
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5460 3538 3322 503 2767 5612 131 102
5460 3538 3322 503 2767 5612 123 102
5460 3538 3322 2337 27 5090 156 138
5460 3538 3322 2337 27 5090 146 152
5460 3538 3322 2337 27 5090 127 152

Turing Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 5460 was Rank 9 with a record of 7-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 8 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 5460
Pick 1 5172
Pick 2 3061
Pick 3 3360
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Rainbow Rumble

in Mason, MI, USA

Team 5460 was Rank 7 with a record of 8-6-1

Captain 9997
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 1555
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8728 3357 6078 5460 3655 3656 70 58
9997 5704 2832 4926 5460 6591 36 90
6861 3655 3656 5460 6591 226 58 72
3656 4926 5704 6078 9997 5460 34 24
5460 5704 6861 3656 8424 1555 44 32
9997 5460 8424 6078 3655 1555 70 41
5460 5704 6078 226 2832 6861 49 73
3656 3357 9997 226 5460 8728 99 79
226 6078 9997 6861 8424 5460 74 52
6861 4926 8728 1555 5460 3655 81 61
6861 3357 5460 1555 2832 4926 53 53
8728 5460 3656 6591 1555 5704 80 26
6591 8424 3655 5460 2832 3357 42 98
3655 3656 5704 2832 226 5460 32 72
1555 226 8728 2832 6591 5460 63 88
9997 5460 1555 3656 8728 8424 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 3656 8728 8424 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 3656 8728 8424 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 3656 8728 8424 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 3656 8728 8424 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 3656 8728 8424 ? ?
3357 226 5704 9997 5460 1555 ? ?
3357 226 5704 9997 5460 1555 ? ?
3357 226 5704 9997 5460 1555 ? ?
3357 226 5704 9997 5460 1555 ? ?
3357 226 5704 9997 5460 1555 ? ?
3357 226 5704 9997 5460 1555 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 6591 6078 3655 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 6591 6078 3655 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 6591 6078 3655 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 6591 6078 3655 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 6591 6078 3655 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 6591 6078 3655 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 4926 6861 2832 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 4926 6861 2832 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 4926 6861 2832 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 4926 6861 2832 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 4926 6861 2832 ? ?
9997 5460 1555 4926 6861 2832 ? ?

Kettering Kickoff - Day 2

in Flint, MI, USA

Team 5460 was Rank 26 with a record of 6-8-0

Captain 3534
Pick 1 2834
Pick 2 5460
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Great Lakes Bay Bot Bash

in Midland, MI, USA

Team 5460 was Rank 10 with a record of 8-6-0

Captain 3538
Pick 1 5460
Pick 2 6642
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