From Corvallis, Oregon, USA
aka HAAS/HP, Inc/Argosy Foundation/LAM Research/Corvallis Public School Foundation/Factorywiz/Marie Lamfrom Foundation/JW Gibbs Construction, LLC/Oregon State University - College of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences/Grocery Outlet&Corvallis High School
Rookie Year: 2002
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Robot Name: Spartacus

Event Results

Overall, Team 997 had an average qual score of 75.11 and an average playoff score of 79.10 in 2015.

As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 997 ranked 46 having earned 107 points.

PNW District - Oregon City Event

in Oregon City, OR, USA
to Week 1

Team 997 was Rank 13 with an average qual score of 39.75 and an average playoff score of 69.80

Captain 2521
Pick 1 997
Pick 2 2733

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 14
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 37
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3812 997 956 2635 3674 2811 16 0
3812 2093 2521 1571 997 1540 31 7
4057 5450 2733 997 3673 3024 6 14
2471 997 4057 753 5468 3674 66 31
3711 3673 2411 4132 997 2521 19 39
2733 2093 2550 4488 4043 997 30 104
997 4692 3674 5468 4662 4488 12 48
4132 4488 2411 1510 997 2733 72 20
3636 997 753 2811 3131 2093 19 22
997 5468 2635 3636 3192 2733 80 16
3711 4051 997 2811 4132 2471 84 91
4692 1571 4132 5450 997 2517 4 16
997 2521 2733 1540 5468 1510 78 52
997 2521 2733 2811 956 5450 74 14
997 2521 2733 3024 2471 4043 48 44
997 2521 2733 1540 5468 1510 87 84
2550 4488 2093 997 2521 2733 121 62

PNW District - Philomath Event

in Philomath, OR, USA
to Week 5

Team 997 was Rank 16 with an average qual score of 69.75 and an average playoff score of 88.40

Captain 190
Pick 1 997
Pick 2 5085

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 13
Alliance Points 11
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 34
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2517 997 4692 2374 4057 2093 4 26
1510 2550 5198 4127 997 4043 114 43
997 2990 1510 5450 2811 5085 94 56
957 5497 2990 997 3024 4127 11 33
2811 997 2192 2521 2093 2002 118 104
3024 4043 2811 4057 1510 997 32 34
1432 997 190 2517 1510 3024 66 2
2915 2811 1983 5497 3192 997 135 82
957 4110 4692 997 2374 2521 70 89
847 997 2002 955 5497 2192 80 100
997 5198 5497 1432 5085 2093 12 24
4057 5450 2192 997 1983 956 100 182
2811 2002 5198 997 190 5085 74 74
2521 956 2915 997 190 5085 66 119
955 1983 847 997 190 5085 167 80
2990 2550 4127 997 190 5085 139 67
997 190 5085 1510 2192 957 102 46

Pacific Northwest District Championship

in Cheney, WA, USA
to Week 6

Team 997 was Rank 36 with an average qual score of 115.83

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 36
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 36
Watch All Matches

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Robot Name: Spartacus

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