From Tolland, Connecticut, USA
aka Triumph/Pratt & Whitney, A Raytheon Technologies Company/Intuitive Foundation/CNC Software & Ellington High School & Tolland High School
Rookie Year: 1995
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Event Results

Team 173 was 20-8-0 in official play and 26-11-0 overall in 2005.

UTC New England Regional

in Hartford, CT, USA
to Week 2

Team 173 had a record of 15-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
195 20 173 1685 176 271 75 2
157 19 173 571 1568 999 49 0
178 521 173 1493 230 1685 10 0
177 173 228 1099 157 230 41 37
173 1373 558 296 228 571 8 0
69 178 1568 195 839 173 30 16
173 716 546 809 1524 1124 47 42
1665 173 181 716 558 521 25 28
69 1124 839 296 905 173 51 18
236 1071 173 999 1665 296 44 13
546 20 905 173 177 1099 23 16
1071 178 1524 571 173 126 18 64
20 173 230 1568 157 1665 72 0
20 173 230 1568 157 1665 64 9
20 173 230 236 228 195 73 36
20 173 230 236 228 195 54 51
20 173 230 20 173 230 45 27
20 173 230 20 173 230 36 39
20 173 230 20 173 230 25 39

Chesapeake Regional

in Annapolis, MD, USA
to Week 3

Team 173 won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Industrial Design

No matches played.

Archimedes Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 173 had a record of 5-4-0

Captain 173
Pick 1 93
Pick 2 1027
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
350 1444 1266 173 476 830 30 64
179 766 155 812 1071 173 75 39
1497 173 342 716 138 191 38 54
228 173 359 612 527 931 58 32
494 173 93 1676 515 1286 48 30
57 662 1211 322 1394 173 28 49
288 386 335 274 173 79 19 49
245 217 766 173 93 1027 70 38
245 217 766 173 93 1027 61 55

Battlecry@WPI 6

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 173 had a record of 6-3-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
190 467 173 228 1307 1350 36 37
96 121 173 809 271 238 79 0
350 175 571 173 40 126 28 79
237 1568 809 42 222 173 46 29
237 173 96 1307 228 166 19 21
126 155 1687 157 173 1276 31 75
173 571 663 1519 131 1687 48 32
173 1568 271 177 88 1519 42 23
596 173 350 562 237 1568 86 10

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