From Warrenton, Virginia, USA
aka Riverside Research/Waltz Family/Freer Foundation/Shaw Family/TE Connectivity/Bush Foundation/DeWayne Leppke/Faxlanger Family/Mathnasium - Warrenton/Carmen Rivera State Farm Agency/GH Engineering/Ledos&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2006
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Event Results

Team 1731 was 48-16-0 in official play and 65-23-0 overall in 2023.

As a member of the FIRST Chesapeake district, Team 1731 ranked 2 having earned 342 points.

CHS District Blacksburg VA Event

in Blacksburg, VA, USA
to Week 1

Team 1731 was Rank 4 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Innovation in Control Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1629
Pick 1 1731
Pick 2 1086

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 19
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 59
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8230 9235 3359 2106 3373 1731 22 135
619 9003 422 1629 401 1731 59 99
401 9235 5724 404 1731 3361 110 111
1915 3359 3939 4456 1731 2028 18 85
623 6802 540 1731 3136 8592 74 104
1262 1086 404 3359 1885 1731 38 67
3939 1731 619 1885 1086 6802 82 65
1731 6194 1086 6504 4505 9033 84 47
1731 5724 346 1086 9235 2363 129 88
1262 1731 122 977 2028 5724 72 77
3359 1629 4456 2363 540 1731 100 57
1731 977 6504 1262 3939 2106 75 79
1731 1629 1086 619 8230 122 104 74
1731 1629 1086 8592 977 346 115 102
5724 3939 422 1731 1629 1086 78 108
1731 1629 1086 2363 401 3373 94 137
1731 1629 1086 2363 401 3373 81 113

CHS District Bethesda MD Event

in Bethesda, MD, USA
to Week 2

Team 1731 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 1731
Pick 1 4099
Pick 2 2900

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 73
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1731 611 1389 6326 2961 6863 66 48
8622 1731 1123 614 5841 2914 124 31
6863 4821 1731 8326 4638 1111 97 34
5549 1895 2900 1731 888 4638 48 107
2377 2900 8514 6326 1895 1731 25 119
2914 2377 1731 8514 6326 6239 88 54
4456 1111 1895 5338 5830 1731 74 104
5587 2900 5338 449 1731 2537 49 124
2900 1731 5841 1908 2199 836 72 115
1389 2377 836 1731 8326 7886 79 119
4099 6239 4638 2534 1731 1446 41 109
1731 5549 2199 7886 620 6863 127 78
2900 1731 4099 6326 1389 2377 90 61
4099 1731 2900 5338 1895 1111 115 66
4099 1731 2900 2199 836 2537 85 112
4099 1731 2900 4456 449 6863 147 97
2199 836 2537 2900 1731 4099 98 106
2199 836 2537 2900 1731 4099 114 115

FIRST Chesapeake District Championship

in Fairfax, VA, USA
to Week 6

Team 1731 was Rank 5 with a record of 13-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and won the event.

Captain 2363
Pick 1 1731
Pick 2 2199

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 60
Alliance Points 45
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 15
Total Points 210
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
384 614 1731 1086 4541 1908 140 114
1731 5549 1727 422 623 5724 145 114
8592 1895 2363 6802 1731 2377 174 121
6802 1389 401 1731 1895 3373 148 133
3939 5115 1123 1731 1908 4456 133 129
6326 1731 620 4456 1418 9072 115 109
2537 1731 611 1629 620 8592 143 147
1629 422 1731 2537 5338 8230 184 137
122 3136 1731 686 2106 977 136 112
8230 836 612 1123 1599 1731 136 146
1731 8230 1418 2028 8622 2421 138 129
5587 611 4099 5804 1731 2028 118 178
2199 2363 1731 346 384 449 178 167
2199 2363 1731 6802 422 1111 182 147
8592 1727 2106 1731 2363 2199 178 191
2199 2363 1731 2106 1727 8592 187 174
2199 2363 1731 2106 1727 8592 179 165

Daly Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 1731 was Rank 5 with a record of 7-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Double Elimination Bracket (Round 2).

Captain 2767
Pick 1 1731
Pick 2 7769
Pick 3 2713
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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Lafayette, IN, USA

Team 1731 was Rank 24 with a record of 6-3-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1646 1731 5166 4499 111 234 140 161
3641 3357 1731 33 2338 6081 146 174
5010 1731 2614 3655 180 2910 142 177
5712 3176 1024 1731 2539 5907 145 173
1690 4143 1731 195 1023 4096 163 158
5484 1561 325 5460 1731 11 123 145
5460 1690 4678 1731 930 1706 161 186
11 5166 2767 3175 4028 1731 172 200
1731 118 2468 695 7211 1923 212 194

Israel Off-Season

in Hadera, Haifa, Israel

Team 1731 was Rank 4 with a record of 11-4-0

Captain 1731
Pick 1 2630
Pick 2 3211
Pick 3 7067
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
7112 2230 1731 1942 4590 1943 112 50
2630 1731 4586 2231 1690 1577 163 198
5715 7039 5951 1731 3835 2231 133 130
3083 2231 2096 3065 3075 1731 146 151
1731 8223 7845 1574 2230 5928 133 120
6738 1574 1731 3339 7067 3835 165 113
5987 6738 7067 1942 1731 9999 71 146
5951 1731 4590 8223 5614 6741 161 102
9999 7845 2096 1731 1690 6741 119 181
1574 6741 5990 1731 3211 2679 45 129
3065 5987 3316 1577 1731 2096 152 187
7067 1731 2630 3316 5990 2231 152 125
5951 8223 3339 2630 1731 3211 158 162
1577 1690 6738 2630 1731 3211 197 172
3211 1731 2630 1574 3075 1942 177 192

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