From Warrenton, Virginia, USA
aka Riverside Research/Waltz Family/Freer Foundation/Shaw Family/TE Connectivity/Bush Foundation/DeWayne Leppke/Faxlanger Family/Mathnasium - Warrenton/Carmen Rivera State Farm Agency/GH Engineering/Ledos&Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2006
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Event Results

Team 1731 was 21-11-0 in official play and 25-13-1 overall in 2008.

NASA / VCU Regional

in Richmond, VA, USA
to Week 2

Team 1731 was Rank 11 with a record of 11-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Judges Award

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2068 2186 2336 1731 1222 620 6 60
2108 1908 2417 2028 1731 611 50 26
2417 1731 623 1793 384 1095 12 40
1731 1095 422 975 1236 619 32 28
384 540 1731 414 405 1033 78 4
2107 2106 1829 1598 1731 1541 20 122
1895 1731 1391 1123 1137 2074 52 22
2021 2028 2421 1907 1731 2402 24 46
2108 1731 1793 2421 122 611 52 38
1793 2108 1731 2421 122 611 48 18
2108 1731 1793 1137 1598 1262 70 76
1793 1731 2108 1137 1262 1598 80 60
1793 2108 1731 1262 1598 1137 56 52
1793 1731 2108 435 1086 1522 52 42
1793 2108 1731 435 1086 1522 44 68
2108 1731 1793 1522 435 1086 74 78

Buckeye Regional

in Cleveland, OH, USA
to Week 4

Team 1731 was Rank 7 with a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2603 2048 48 1731 2387 379 56 34
2252 2665 1731 639 2399 1248 48 6
2031 1731 612 2172 1126 1532 66 48
872 1731 2632 1274 1001 1048 48 44
2228 1731 1024 1008 2031 184 122 34
1990 1024 1714 1317 1731 2172 88 78
1250 2632 1629 1014 1684 1731 72 68
1990 964 2010 1731 1629 1506 0 100
1731 120 191 1386 1990 1317 80 30
94 1731 1990 250 612 1506 100 48
1731 94 1990 1506 612 250 84 88
94 1990 1731 1506 250 612 86 60
1731 94 1990 1590 1250 2632 82 66
94 1731 1990 1590 1250 2632 86 38
1731 94 1990 1126 1024 2048 84 102
94 1990 1731 1024 2048 1126 58 64

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 1731 had a record of 4-2-1

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1731 1739 1114 1519 330 910 112 126
1731 2377 1625 33 968 1503 144 110
494 107 1720 1126 1477 1731 34 92
1731 1747 118 1038 234 1741 30 58
118 93 47 233 1731 141 46 62
1646 888 171 1731 16 2171 50 110
461 70 101 116 1731 2194 60 60

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