From Houston, Texas, USA
aka Shell/Bechtel/ExxonMobil/Gene Haas Foundation/Texas Workforce Commission/EPO Houston/Argosy Foundation&Lamar High School&Carnegie-Vanguard High School&Westside High School
Rookie Year: 2008
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Event Results

Team 2587 was 21-9-0 in official play and 40-25-0 overall in 2013.

Lone Star Regional

in Houston, TX, USA
to Week 2

Team 2587 was Rank 15 with a record of 10-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Excellence in Engineering Award sponsored by Delphi

Captain 57
Pick 1 2587
Pick 2 3847
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2587 4346 653 3728 3305 3672 37 17
2587 3335 624 1429 418 4295 45 36
2982 4639 2587 457 3103 1801 18 20
624 3961 2438 3847 2587 148 40 82
1477 4672 653 4746 3516 2587 58 49
2982 3516 4355 2587 3730 3696 28 76
118 4328 4731 2587 4355 4280 95 81
2737 2882 2936 2587 57 418 46 124
2737 2587 3481 231 3335 3741 55 73
2585 1255 1865 3961 2587 118 29 104
57 3847 2587 1801 4328 441 54 51
3847 57 2587 4328 441 1801 116 65
1429 231 192 3847 2587 57 91 96
231 1429 192 2587 57 3847 75 79
148 2789 118 2587 3847 57 134 93
118 148 2789 57 3847 2587 145 68

Alamo Regional sponsored by Rackspace Hosting

in San Antonio, TX, USA
to Week 5

Team 2587 was Rank 2 with a record of 11-3-0

Captain 2587
Pick 1 1592
Pick 2 4603
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Texas Robot Roundup

in Austin, TX, USA

Team 2587 had a record of 3-5-0

Robot ReMix

in TX, USA

Team 2587 had a record of 8-6-0

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