From Melbourne, Florida, USA
aka NASA Kennedy Space Center/Boeing/L3Harris Technologies, Inc./Lockheed Martin/Brevard Public Schools&Melbourne High School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Team 386 was 19-14-1 in official play in 2008.

Florida Regional

in Orlando, FL, USA
to Week 3

Team 386 was Rank 14 with a record of 5-3-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
744 1270 1403 386 1523 1251 36 60
2422 386 108 1884 1390 1902 38 22
1029 845 386 1251 108 1872 48 62
457 386 312 845 1543 21 36 24
86 79 168 386 348 69 74 40
233 386 168 801 180 312 50 60
425 804 59 56 386 801 18 44
1144 179 1341 386 86 1270 6 42

Palmetto Regional

in Columbia, SC, USA
to Week 5

Team 386 was Rank 11 with a record of 12-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Chrysler Team Spirit Award

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
386 2092 1553 1102 343 1539 18 50
386 1102 1398 343 393 342 34 36
1436 804 2092 386 281 1251 14 56
281 393 1026 804 900 386 40 48
1026 386 845 1539 665 1319 84 62
393 900 665 1539 2237 386 12 60
1876 386 393 2237 1249 665 46 48
1959 1270 1261 1436 386 2430 14 36
342 2430 1251 2425 386 2483 76 54
1051 342 386 1758 1746 1876 40 34
1051 2237 1261 1758 2483 386 0 12
2237 1261 1051 1758 386 2483 46 54
1758 386 2483 1270 845 1251 76 100
1758 386 2483 845 1270 1251 68 32
2483 386 1758 1270 845 1251 50 44
342 343 804 2483 386 1758 48 52
804 342 343 2483 1758 386 44 56

Archimedes Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 386 was Rank 65 with a record of 2-6-1

Captain 816
Pick 1 555
Pick 2 386
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
386 1771 2575 2024 816 2449 56 56
1094 1398 386 1727 1646 1746 30 50
1547 1379 386 1024 1398 365 38 78
386 701 525 555 1379 1218 116 52
2624 322 386 236 499 337 74 42
49 292 41 386 190 949 74 40
116 122 71 292 386 499 108 96
1124 1024 177 386 816 555 108 68
177 1024 1124 816 555 386 90 26

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