From Westborough, Massachusetts, USA
aka Intel/Viasat/OnShape/Boeing/RTX / Raytheon/Bainwood, Huang & Associates, LLC/Westborough Shopping Center/John F. Arnold Portable Welding Company/Piedmont Plastic/Lowes&Westborough High School
Rookie Year: 2012
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Event Results

Team 4048 was 24-23-0 in official play and 47-34-0 overall in 2014.

As a member of the New England district, Team 4048 ranked 41 having earned 105 points.

WPI District Event

in Worcester, MA, USA
to Week 3

Team 4048 was Rank 14 with a record of 8-7-0

Captain 4909
Pick 1 4048
Pick 2 4906

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 14
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 28
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5347 1687 811 4048 3205 1153 42 48
885 1153 2877 3623 4048 4041 146 59
716 1027 4048 2877 2370 4041 117 71
885 88 4048 3205 238 4097 87 78
2423 2370 839 2648 4048 3466 101 77
4048 190 5122 4905 716 1768 57 79
4048 1687 3236 61 3466 4906 117 108
4473 3930 1100 4048 238 1740 39 37
1100 467 1735 4905 4048 2423 128 135
1350 2423 157 467 4048 4097 93 73
3623 885 4564 4048 4906 4473 146 208
1350 4048 2370 88 1740 4169 148 63
4906 4909 4048 190 2877 4473 122 153
4909 4906 4048 2877 4473 190 121 119
4048 4909 4906 2877 190 4473 110 164

Rhode Island District Event

in Smithfield, RI, USA
to Week 4

Team 4048 was Rank 7 with a record of 12-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Creativity Award sponsored by Xerox

Captain 1100
Pick 1 4048
Pick 2 663

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 14
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 5
Total Points 47
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1757 3780 4048 5112 3719 138 52 95
78 4048 4176 348 2168 138 195 83
4905 1973 1350 4048 4796 190 50 163
190 125 61 4048 2079 663 168 100
1973 1757 3280 4048 5000 5112 41 141
3623 121 4048 4474 4176 3280 102 53
4048 138 4761 190 1965 5163 102 23
2871 4048 1973 2168 4761 3780 77 83
4905 2079 3927 1350 4048 1519 32 152
3719 4908 4905 4311 3280 4048 58 107
4048 2168 3719 1519 4796 2262 220 101
1517 5000 5163 348 125 4048 68 181
1100 4048 663 1350 190 138 92 216
663 1100 4048 190 138 1350 115 112
663 1100 4048 1350 190 138 105 88
4761 125 78 663 4048 1100 116 131
78 125 4761 663 4048 1100 215 119
125 78 4761 4048 663 1100 127 125

New England FRC Region Championship

in Boston, MA, USA
to Week 7

Team 4048 was Rank 41 with a record of 4-10-0

Captain 1153
Pick 1 125
Pick 2 4048

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 24
Alliance Points 6
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
Watch All Matches

BattleCry 15

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 4048 had a record of 14-2-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1735 4048 172 61 1468 88 106 148
4048 839 1100 131 4097 2423 131 62
3525 3958 95 2168 181 4048 43 240
1468 4048 131 3236 138 319 176 111
166 4048 2648 121 1058 716 116 69
3525 4048 2084 467 3499 228 141 86
176 1474 238 1687 4048 246 66 98
2836 3280 3719 1153 4048 230 46 86
78 1073 2262 501 125 4048 126 135
1757 138 1058 4048 2168 3719 88 211
1757 138 1058 2168 3719 4048 93 210
716 2648 181 4048 2168 3719 61 155
181 2648 716 4048 3719 2168 96 47
2648 716 181 4048 3719 2168 64 150
1687 230 246 2168 3719 4048 123 160
1687 230 246 4048 2168 3719 104 221

Beantown Blitz

in Boston, MA, USA

Team 4048 had a record of 9-9-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
195 1511 3461 1965 839 4048 58 83
4048 4761 195 1519 69 2648 18 122
1519 1511 1071 4048 2648 3461 178 62
2648 1687 4473 1058 1071 4048 48 78
1965 69 175 4048 1768 4473 92 141
1519 78 4048 2877 1071 2423 138 62
4048 2877 1100 195 4473 172 92 106
172 88 4048 839 78 1687 87 66
1073 69 4048 1100 1511 125 51 55
1100 839 1768 3461 4048 1687 141 87
2423 195 1519 4048 1100 1511 77 168
1519 2423 195 1100 1511 4048 101 87
2423 195 1519 1100 4048 1511 48 125
1511 1100 4048 1058 1073 4473 159 219
1511 1100 4048 4473 1058 1073 201 143
1100 4048 1511 4473 1073 1058 221 147
1100 4048 1511 2648 175 125 108 170
4048 1511 1100 2648 175 125 141 181

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