From Newport, Rhode Island, USA
aka Naval Undersea Warfare Center/DoD STEM/Teri Degnan Real Estate and Consulting/South Coast Powdercoating&Aquidneck Island Robotics
Rookie Year: 1996
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Event Results

Team 78 was 40-21-1 in official play and 51-31-1 overall in 2014.

As a member of the New England district, Team 78 ranked 5 having earned 259 points.

Groton District Event

in Groton, CT, USA
to Week 2

Team 78 was Rank 3 with a record of 11-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Chairman's Award

Captain 195
Pick 1 78
Pick 2 3719

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 10
Total Points 46
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Rhode Island District Event

in Smithfield, RI, USA
to Week 4

Team 78 was Rank 2 with a record of 16-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Volunteer of the Year (Gary Gabriel)
  • Winner
  • Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers
  • Industrial Safety Award sponsored by Underwriters Laboratories

Captain 78
Pick 1 125
Pick 2 4761

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 10
Total Points 75
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3623 3927 4796 1965 4311 78 29 95
78 4048 4176 348 2168 138 195 83
61 3280 78 4761 4176 1757 202 2
2621 5163 3719 4908 78 1350 21 151
138 1517 78 3623 2871 2079 132 38
2262 5000 1965 5163 4905 78 21 122
4474 78 2262 3719 1973 121 26 12
246 78 1100 1350 5112 2079 112 82
3280 125 5163 78 2871 4796 161 35
138 1519 246 663 2621 78 181 107
4761 663 190 78 3623 3719 52 161
2168 3927 78 3780 2079 1973 141 17
4761 125 78 3623 246 3280 171 88
125 78 4761 3280 3623 246 181 77
4761 125 78 663 4048 1100 116 131
78 125 4761 663 4048 1100 215 119
125 78 4761 4048 663 1100 127 125
1519 5163 2168 78 4761 125 200 145
5163 1519 2168 125 4761 78 168 180
2168 5163 1519 78 4761 125 118 120

New England FRC Region Championship

in Boston, MA, USA
to Week 7

Team 78 was Rank 24 with a record of 8-8-1 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Chairman's Award
  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist (Tyler Fleig)

Captain 716
Pick 1 78
Pick 2 811

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 39
Alliance Points 39
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 30
Total Points 138
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4958 4909 178 228 172 78 53 118
1099 1058 1517 69 1519 78 136 165
1517 2168 78 4048 138 1073 151 132
2067 178 78 4473 125 716 101 167
133 1100 228 811 78 3461 221 188
4564 1153 3930 1073 78 1058 122 122
4909 1991 78 2648 2084 61 135 160
1735 78 4473 176 58 246 221 135
78 2084 125 4055 195 999 205 275
78 3467 1099 175 2067 4925 265 69
5122 1519 1991 230 2064 78 162 225
230 558 1099 78 3525 133 201 102
811 78 716 1519 3467 58 211 151
716 811 78 3467 58 1519 161 216
716 811 78 3467 58 1519 182 180
5122 558 195 716 811 78 178 126
558 195 5122 716 319 78 189 116

Newton Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 78 was Rank 55 with a record of 5-5-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4355 314 2085 78 1731 25 113 203
5016 78 910 1983 48 120 251 132
623 2283 3539 3260 4997 78 215 212
1592 78 1710 58 3238 1294 123 172
2081 78 971 5124 2035 4061 181 63
190 1574 5310 1817 78 133 157 121
4464 612 4500 340 78 2614 124 147
3847 78 364 5057 811 1305 146 123
78 4391 5171 341 4269 3018 87 322
1507 3256 868 78 1261 1156 305 42

BattleCry 15

in Worcester, MA, USA

Team 78 had a record of 5-4-0

Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
78 839 190 1474 1073 3323 151 60
885 126 1468 166 230 78 167 101
2423 716 78 3525 319 3719 126 72
195 78 1761 2423 3499 172 185 102
3280 1735 3555 78 238 1100 57 61
1124 2168 121 3236 61 78 118 116
2084 157 1757 78 3467 3958 74 210
2342 78 246 61 5122 195 71 240
78 1073 2262 501 125 4048 126 135

Beantown Blitz

in Boston, MA, USA

Team 78 had a record of 6-6-0

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