From Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
aka NASA/Lockheed Martin/ASML/Hillsboro Optimists/Intel/Synopsys/Mozilla Firefox/Lam Research/ARCH Global Precision/Davis Tool/Tripwire/Autodesk/Hillsboro School District&Glencoe High School
Rookie Year: 2013
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Event Results

Team 4488 was 60-15-0 in official play and 66-21-0 overall in 2014.

As a member of the Pacific Northwest district, Team 4488 ranked 1 having earned 337 points.

PNW FIRST Robotics Oregon City District Event

in Oregon City, OR, USA
to Week 2

Team 4488 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Chairman's Award
  • Winner

Captain 4488
Pick 1 2471
Pick 2 3674

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 10
Total Points 78
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2411 4488 3673 4051 4457 2002 115 48
4488 753 2915 4652 4051 4127 70 20
4127 2411 2542 4488 4057 3636 171 70
4488 2002 4692 2635 2517 3574 141 20
1571 3636 1425 2374 4488 2550 17 105
1425 847 997 4488 2471 2635 80 145
3574 997 4488 1540 2915 3636 110 37
4692 2411 4652 5198 4488 2093 13 150
2635 4057 2811 4132 4488 2733 30 80
1540 753 3131 4488 1571 2517 47 105
3131 4488 955 4652 3674 3574 145 45
3024 3812 4488 2542 2093 2002 100 19
3674 2471 4488 3673 3636 3812 90 31
2471 3674 4488 3636 3812 3673 135 6
2471 4488 3674 2635 1540 2411 200 46
3674 4488 2471 2411 2635 1540 190 70
2471 4488 3674 955 2733 1425 140 148
2471 3674 4488 2733 1425 955 240 63
2471 4488 3674 2733 955 1425 70 67

PNW FIRST Robotics Wilsonville District Event

in Wilsonville, OR, USA
to Week 4

Team 4488 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 4488
Pick 1 1425
Pick 2 2002

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 71
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2411 2542 2517 3192 4488 2093 40 100
4488 3131 2093 4692 4057 1510 105 38
3192 2521 2635 957 4488 4110 49 115
4043 1432 4488 1425 2093 957 22 141
4488 956 2411 2374 4132 2471 130 67
2635 4488 4051 957 2471 2002 146 49
5085 4488 3674 4051 3131 4110 180 127
1540 2411 5085 4488 1432 4662 113 71
2471 2990 4488 2374 4043 3674 150 136
2093 4043 4662 1425 3636 4488 30 180
4488 2521 4692 4662 2374 2411 136 76
957 1510 2990 1540 2542 4488 72 151
1425 4488 2002 2517 2635 4051 135 94
2002 1425 4488 2635 2517 4051 140 43
2002 4488 1425 2093 2374 957 121 44
1425 4488 2002 2374 2093 957 136 40
2002 4488 1425 2521 956 2411 190 138
4488 1425 2002 2411 2521 956 136 114

Autodesk PNW FRC Championship

in Portland, OR, USA
to Week 7

Team 4488 was Rank 3 with a record of 14-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 3393
Pick 1 4488
Pick 2 1294

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 60
Alliance Points 48
Playoff Points 60
Award Points 15
Total Points 183
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4061 3663 1595 4488 3070 4131 152 110
2811 4457 4488 2927 1540 2903 100 72
5111 4120 2976 4488 3674 2002 118 186
488 4980 2923 948 4488 2521 67 240
3393 4488 4125 2521 2907 3674 160 113
4120 1425 4488 4131 4038 2928 190 83
4457 4918 4077 4488 3789 4057 66 105
2147 3219 4915 4559 955 4488 159 155
3588 1318 5085 997 4488 1294 106 162
4488 2522 3812 4125 2980 1425 207 73
4488 3238 956 2149 997 955 272 165
4488 4127 4542 492 4450 3711 240 105
1294 4488 3393 2471 955 948 179 116
1294 3393 4488 955 948 2471 171 106
3393 1294 4488 3812 1595 2412 163 130
3393 1294 4488 3812 1595 2412 178 183
3393 1294 4488 1595 2412 3812 144 92
1294 3393 4488 1318 2907 1983 138 180
1294 4488 3393 1983 1318 2907 167 200

Galileo Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 4488 was Rank 11 with a record of 13-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Finalists

Captain 1153
Pick 1 4488
Pick 2 1318
Pick 3 1218
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4063 3138 4488 2642 5122 4288 172 137
1011 4940 3103 148 4488 2980 72 143
353 79 4476 70 4488 2135 152 142
4967 869 973 4488 714 2481 225 130
2177 225 4488 3191 488 4256 190 122
771 2337 384 1730 4488 5098 161 226
4536 5145 4917 3937 4488 1153 129 205
2424 5320 1885 604 4488 862 103 226
3360 955 4488 176 5137 303 249 92
1318 4488 494 4945 1683 884 161 49
1318 4488 1153 836 1023 225 225 165
1318 4488 1153 836 1023 225 132 158
1318 4488 1218 836 1023 225 231 181
1318 4488 1153 188 1310 1730 212 133
1318 4488 1153 1310 494 1730 171 190
1318 4488 1153 1310 494 1730 221 162
973 67 2481 1318 4488 1153 265 82
973 67 2481 1218 4488 1153 185 201
973 67 2481 1218 4488 1153 215 140

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 4488 had a record of 6-6-0

Captain 51
Pick 1 4488
Pick 2 494
Pick 3 234
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
461 20 1114 4488 330 447 261 216
4488 254 11 4039 368 125 221 200
624 2590 4488 45 74 1817 290 167
195 1310 33 4488 233 868 197 165
4488 1241 1741 1732 67 1806 210 133
910 2928 359 503 4488 225 210 185
910 1806 4488 2337 2175 107 220 128
2451 4488 1023 148 71 118 246 250
1108 179 1619 3478 4488 1114 128 215
118 16 67 51 4488 494 192 276
118 16 67 51 4488 494 226 122
118 16 67 51 4488 494 202 121

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