From Clifton Park, New York, USA
aka GLOBALFOUNDRIES - Town of Malta Foundation/Wabtec Foundation/Bilinski Sausage Manufacturing Co./Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute/Advanced Manufacturing Techniques Inc./Gene Haas Foundation/PVA/BAE ES&Shenendehowa High School
Rookie Year: 1992
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Event Results

Team 20 was 33-19-0 in official play and 47-35-0 overall in 2014.

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Troy, NY, USA
to Week 3

Team 20 was Rank 5 with a record of 14-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • FIRST Dean's List Finalist (Bethany Angeliu)
  • Regional Winner
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 1126
Pick 1 20
Pick 2 229
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
578 2053 1708 2911 20 5030 35 66
3044 250 116 20 1665 379 42 33
4508 3003 20 3936 4975 578 176 40
3015 174 2791 20 3990 53 75 155
3015 20 578 229 145 3687 132 52
2228 4975 870 229 1511 20 130 116
174 5149 20 250 2911 4122 123 40
379 250 358 527 20 3936 175 90
1511 3044 3003 1126 20 1708 115 150
527 3990 5236 20 1493 2228 106 181
340 4122 20 379 3193 3059 84 90
5236 3687 20 53 4203 4134 156 67
229 1126 20 3193 2791 3687 248 136
229 1126 20 3687 2791 3193 69 52
20 229 1126 1511 578 3015 169 121
229 20 1126 3015 1511 578 152 121
20 1126 229 145 250 3990 99 121
1126 20 229 250 145 3990 120 65
229 1126 20 145 250 3990 130 93

Finger Lakes Regional

in Rochester, NY, USA
to Week 5

Team 20 was Rank 6 with a record of 16-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 1507
Pick 1 20
Pick 2 378
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1518 191 20 4093 1592 3799 147 135
2791 3181 5240 20 378 5349 69 181
1551 73 2340 20 5240 1493 56 154
3044 1507 3838 1592 250 20 96 106
4023 1126 3015 3838 801 20 155 131
2228 4508 1585 340 174 20 52 141
743 3157 5349 20 2228 3015 32 126
3173 20 3003 639 578 1507 97 237
1155 20 3799 1591 5240 1405 82 93
1518 4930 341 5254 4508 20 215 199
20 2791 1450 3015 1765 1155 146 86
378 2265 1559 4930 334 20 110 128
639 1585 20 1450 1559 1551 217 26
1405 4023 1551 3951 20 3044 97 124
1507 378 20 1511 1551 3003 210 141
1507 378 20 1551 3003 1511 246 170
1507 378 20 341 2791 4930 150 141
20 1507 378 341 4930 2791 215 151
1507 20 378 340 3015 3044 122 140
378 20 1507 3015 3044 340 190 139
1507 20 378 3044 3015 340 260 122

Archimedes Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 20 was Rank 77 with a record of 3-9-0

Captain 4077
Pick 1 195
Pick 2 20
Pick 3 4265
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5041 457 20 2626 2959 5019 82 255
4013 781 2175 4778 527 20 167 107
4265 20 2907 3492 4296 5006 191 134
2978 20 4077 5196 1086 27 183 182
484 1477 1089 319 20 5030 173 165
2500 20 1918 4583 3467 3318 170 200
1671 1625 33 20 2502 5299 310 132
503 20 175 3616 329 2180 246 162
2158 20 1662 548 2056 2341 239 316
3997 4946 2137 1939 20 900 237 142
334 33 27 4077 20 4265 295 227
175 33 27 20 195 4265 198 128

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 20 had a record of 4-5-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
461 20 1114 4488 330 447 261 216
20 4265 494 148 225 2867 176 185
2175 469 27 71 1741 20 280 240
20 399 469 1732 234 51 144 176
368 20 11 2590 3683 3478 221 158
1241 2337 868 1730 107 20 143 76
2468 2013 125 20 624 1625 210 275
254 20 45 340 1619 3098 260 176
1477 20 1086 573 33 1817 155 251

Tech Valley Robot Rumble

in NY, USA

Team 20 had a record of 5-6-0

Captain 250
Pick 1 2370
Pick 2 20
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3044 2791 250 1511 4203 20 82 68
5236 250 4203 20 2370 190 115 68
1493 3044 20 839 2370 1511 142 121
2809 145 4203 1493 5236 20 68 100
20 839 2791 250 190 5236 46 142
2370 145 20 5236 1493 2791 183 114
1493 145 1511 20 4203 190 154 83
2370 2791 190 20 2809 250 88 91
2370 20 250 839 190 145 90 162
2370 20 250 190 839 145 128 127
20 1493 2370 190 839 145 95 108

Rah Cha Cha Ruckus

in NY, USA

Team 20 had a record of 5-5-0

Captain 1511
Pick 1 20
Pick 2 5254
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