From San Jose, California, USA
aka NASA Ames Research Center/Greg & Gloria Shean/West Coast Products/Vivid-Hosting/Fabworks/Swerve Drive Specialties/AMEX Plating/Gilbert Spray Coat/Johnson & Johnson MedTech/Apple/LinkedIn/The Gu Family/NVIDIA/Boeing/Gene Haas Foundation/BAE Systems/Intuitive Foundation/SolidWorks/Dropbox&Bellarmine College Preparatory
Rookie Year: 1999
Details on
Hall of Fame (2004): Video

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Robot Name: Barrage

Event Results

Team 254 was 70-7-0 in official play and 112-16-0 overall in 2014.

Central Valley Regional

in Madera, CA, USA
to Week 2

Team 254 was Rank 1 with a record of 17-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 254
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 2135
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1072 702 3120 973 254 4159 10 151
3303 2643 254 3970 691 3482 141 22
254 4695 2761 2643 649 691 131 28
973 4695 1671 254 4973 702 105 116
4973 3303 5136 2443 254 2073 96 78
4543 254 3501 1159 2085 1148 137 105
3120 254 1458 1323 4543 2761 206 72
2135 670 4135 254 3045 3562 56 150
3512 3022 841 256 1323 254 28 275
5104 295 254 2637 3501 4159 190 97
295 1422 5102 1671 254 696 28 54
2135 3256 2443 3970 3512 254 82 150
2135 973 254 256 3512 2643 185 92
254 2135 973 3512 2643 256 191 67
254 2135 973 3501 649 2073 206 148
254 2135 973 649 3501 2073 280 44
2135 254 973 1323 1671 3970 130 136
254 973 2135 3970 1323 1671 244 158
254 2135 973 3970 1671 1323 148 109

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 254 was Rank 2 with a record of 17-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson
  • Quality Award sponsored by Motorola

Captain 254
Pick 1 2056
Pick 2 865
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
771 1305 4519 1334 3756 254 32 80
1285 4943 254 5033 2702 4907 181 27
5032 254 4069 3949 3683 1241 170 250
4039 1114 254 5033 3949 4732 215 24
1334 771 2056 3161 1241 254 105 266
3161 4992 4943 4069 254 4777 56 311
2702 254 3949 3756 771 4525 245 62
4039 4917 5039 3949 254 4992 270 145
1241 4525 1285 4519 254 4907 176 256
1334 781 254 3756 5039 3161 245 80
254 2056 4525 4732 781 4777 220 120
3683 4732 254 4917 5033 2056 206 141
4917 771 254 4732 781 4943 167 97
254 2056 865 4519 2702 3161 346 147
254 2056 865 4519 3161 2702 220 143
865 254 2056 4777 1285 4917 350 118
254 2056 865 1285 4777 4917 326 126
1241 3683 4992 2056 254 865 189 255
3683 1241 4992 254 865 2056 128 256

Silicon Valley Regional

in San Jose, CA, USA
to Week 6

Team 254 was Rank 3 with a record of 16-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson

Captain 971
Pick 1 254
Pick 2 1662
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2813 254 2035 1072 1662 751 183 66
3256 5027 668 3482 295 254 55 181
1280 2367 1700 2144 1678 254 72 276
8 604 1967 846 254 2135 70 169
971 846 1323 5023 254 368 230 150
2367 254 1388 114 4904 2035 151 118
3669 115 5023 1351 254 2473 56 103
1388 4543 3482 254 4171 4765 47 151
840 192 254 2144 5026 1351 235 155
192 841 2135 1323 254 1662 145 265
100 581 254 852 4186 2489 171 61
971 254 1662 2473 3256 1868 227 94
1662 971 254 3256 1868 2473 325 69
254 971 1662 846 1323 2135 196 172
1662 254 971 670 2135 846 195 121
254 971 1662 4171 368 1678 195 183
1662 971 254 1678 368 4171 198 142

Curie Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 254 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners
  • Innovation in Control Award sponsored by Rockwell Automation

Captain 254
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 2848
Pick 3 74
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1241 3386 254 3660 1323 3230 260 83
5125 4334 4362 294 5093 254 196 205
3476 1732 4915 75 254 125 175 210
5036 5024 2478 772 254 2928 100 246
1595 254 135 3015 359 5191 235 113
3692 5172 254 865 5002 4522 366 116
28 254 1718 2073 3794 5179 221 58
4055 2848 2619 4935 254 5076 71 225
2648 191 3812 4486 2016 254 122 171
74 11 254 2443 230 540 230 96
469 2848 254 624 987 3476 270 175
2848 469 254 624 987 3476 270 185
469 74 254 359 118 4334 250 260
469 2848 254 359 118 4334 201 125
469 2848 254 359 118 4334 270 206
469 2848 254 1718 2451 573 231 226
469 2848 254 1718 2451 573 270 215

Einstein Field

in St. Louis, USA

Team 254 had a record of 4-1-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Winners

Captain 254
Pick 1 469
Pick 2 2848
Pick 3 74
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1477 2590 1625 469 2848 254 235 320
1477 2590 1625 469 2848 254 245 261
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 236 361
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 240 153
1678 1640 1114 469 2848 254 250 280

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 254 had a record of 13-2-0

Captain 254
Pick 1 1114
Pick 2 330
Pick 3 2013
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Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 254 was Rank 5 with a record of 13-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Winner

Captain 1678
Pick 1 254
Pick 2 973
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
696 254 2135 846 1678 1323 161 243
971 5136 973 1323 2485 254 150 246
2085 971 254 3309 1868 399 170 110
604 192 399 1983 254 2928 67 204
114 3476 2073 604 254 766 165 114
2073 254 687 2135 971 841 190 107
254 4201 4159 2813 3309 1983 150 178
2085 5012 1983 254 3476 148 97 246
4201 1318 3482 5136 1671 254 146 232
254 114 2813 8 4543 2928 255 81
973 1678 254 3476 2085 1671 306 151
973 254 1678 3476 1671 2085 255 107
1678 973 254 148 1318 766 261 201
1678 973 254 1318 766 148 311 150
254 1678 973 846 2135 971 310 270
1678 254 973 2135 971 846 273 147

MadTown ThrowDown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 254 was Rank 4 with a record of 16-4-0

Captain 254
Pick 1 973
Pick 2 1671B
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1323B 852 4255 973B 4498B 254 41 136
1662 254 971 4498B 4498 3482 302 27
3970 2073 4255 971 1323 254 53 287
4255 3482 254 3495 971C 971 126 246
254 971B 1671B 5458 971 3970 280 54
2073 1671B 1662 254 3495 1678 60 226
254 1422 2073 971B 2073B 3482 212 57
2135 2073B 5458 3482 254 973B 83 89
2073B 4498B 973 1323 254 852 71 104
971C 2135B 254 973 971B 973C 193 86
254 2813 2135 2135B 1671 1422 311 125
1671 3970 254 973B 1323B 1678 107 164
2135 1323 971C 1323B 254 973C 178 82
973 1671B 254 1662 3482 2073 188 71
973 254 1671B 2073 3482 1662 151 78
2813 4498B 971 1671B 254 973 201 171
2813 971 4498B 254 973 1671B 240 271
2813 971 4498B 1671B 254 973 211 220
2073B 1678 971C 254 973 1671B 247 290
1678 971C 2073B 1671B 973 254 310 341

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Robot Name: Barrage

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