From Pacific Grove, California, USA
aka Microsoft/Apple/Yellow Brick Road/Whitson Engineers/Gene Haas Foundation/Big Sur International Marathon Foundation/Qualcomm/PG&E Dream Maker/Birdie Hunter and Donna Meyers/PGUSD/The Al-Bayaty Family/The Brockmeyer Family/Thomas Lane/Michelle Ford/John Abrahamson/In Honor of Alex and Nadia Zunich&Pacific Grove High School
Rookie Year: 2014
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Event Results

Team 5104 was 17-15-0 in official play and 28-25-0 overall in 2019.

Central Valley Regional

in Fresno, CA, USA
to Week 2

Team 5104 was Rank 32 with a record of 6-10-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 6804
Pick 1 1671
Pick 2 5104
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3189 7589 3303 5104 4135 5461 54 46
5274 766 6981 5104 1678 3303 26 75
6657 1351 2489 6981 1072 5104 35 37
2085 6305 5104 1678 1967 3257 57 95
5104 6711 1422 6804 5817 1072 29 54
5104 5817 3495 2085 6241 3669 64 44
701 6884 7057 6657 5852 5104 39 38
5026 1967 4698 2854 5104 766 53 44
6926 5104 3257 2135 6657 5458 38 53
3970 5104 6241 5461 7663 7413 44 58
5134 2854 6657 3669 6804 5104 45 68
1671 6804 5104 5458 2085 1422 50 40
1671 6804 5104 5458 2085 1422 56 60
1671 6804 5104 5458 2085 1422 58 46
1678 1323 7663 1671 6804 5104 104 50
1678 1323 7663 1671 6804 5104 87 58

Monterey Bay Regional

in Seaside, CA, USA
to Week 4

Team 5104 was Rank 2 with a record of 11-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 5104
Pick 1 253
Pick 2 6884
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
581 7777 299 5104 6059 7667 30 46
581 4984 192 5104 6665 1280 52 49
6353 5104 852 253 299 192 52 70
7777 3256 6039 4984 7413 5104 32 49
4984 5171 7667 2643 192 5104 39 40
6039 7528 5104 4171 2035 253 73 48
7413 702 4171 5104 1671 2073 24 69
702 5104 299 4255 6884 7308 52 51
7308 5104 6822 1671 5171 852 54 51
7401 5104 253 6506 6410 2643 58 38
6059 6814 3256 5104 3495 3128 41 79
3256 6410 5104 1280 5817 2035 46 50
253 5104 6884 192 7413 5823 63 42
253 5104 6884 192 7413 5823 62 56
253 5104 6884 6814 1671 702 53 60
253 5104 6884 6814 1671 702 55 61


in Woodside, CA, USA

Team 5104 was Rank 13 with a record of 6-5-0

MadTown Throwdown

in Madera, CA, USA

Team 5104 was Rank 22 with a record of 5-5-0 and won the following awards:

  • JBT FoodTech Judges Award

Captain 4171
Pick 1 100
Pick 2 5026
Pick 3 5104
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