From Austin, Texas, USA
aka Gene Haas Foundation/Choudhary Family/Alam Family/Sagi Family/Broadcom/BAE Systems/West Coast Products/Kakati Family/Mulanax Family/Schnee Family/Texas Workforce Commission/HACKERS, Inc./ThriftyBot/Four Points Automotive/Avand Garde College Prep Services/Fabworks/Gaunt Family/Huang Family/Cloran Family/Austin Dental Co/Leander ISD/ViperBots Friends & Family&Vandegrift High School
Rookie Year: 2018
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Robot Name: Diablo

Event Results

Team 6800 was 62-12-0 in official play and 77-19-0 overall in 2022.

As a member of the FIRST In Texas district, Team 6800 ranked 1 having earned 395 points.

FIT District Dripping Springs Event

in Dripping Springs, TX, USA
to Week 1

Team 6800 was Rank 1 with a record of 18-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 6800
Pick 1 3847
Pick 2 5503

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 73
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
8088 8114 7521 4610 6800 3847 22 54
3735 4328 6800 3481 4063 1296 43 42
5503 4192 4063 8408 6800 1745 44 62
6357 6800 4192 4219 5726 3735 39 37
5726 6800 2966 6357 8610 7521 43 16
4734 8610 6800 8114 8507 3481 73 29
2966 4734 8408 6800 3679 8114 28 61
2582 2789 5503 6800 8088 8507 40 45
8088 7621 6357 6800 5572 4063 18 96
3679 4219 4610 6800 2789 7621 30 65
8055 5726 6800 1296 2582 4734 75 43
2582 7521 6800 4328 8055 4219 87 47
3847 6800 5503 1296 4734 8088 87 17
3847 6800 5503 1296 4734 8088 95 46
3847 6800 5503 3679 4063 4610 93 64
3847 6800 5503 3679 4063 4610 82 42
3847 6800 5503 2582 5572 3834 103 32
3847 6800 5503 2582 5572 3834 119 55

FIT District Austin Event

in Austin, TX, USA
to Week 3

Team 6800 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Winner
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 6800
Pick 1 2468
Pick 2 8144
Backup for 8144 5052

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 22
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 5
Total Points 73
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
457 8750 6800 2969 4219 5572 71 51
2158 6800 4219 8818 2969 5908 96 13
5908 3679 2158 6800 2687 2689 46 112
2583 2881 6800 4219 2687 2789 92 51
8114 5726 5572 6800 8369 5908 58 53
5572 3545 2468 8088 6800 7088 48 74
7312 6377 2881 3679 8610 6800 18 93
6155 2969 6800 8114 3561 8610 70 29
8819 6800 8818 6155 8750 8114 37 53
8819 8750 4219 2789 6800 5726 39 81
8610 8573 8144 6800 8879 7750 37 82
6800 7521 5572 5986 5052 7750 91 14
2468 6800 8144 2969 457 8088 118 50
2468 6800 8144 2969 457 8088 78 27
2468 6800 8144 5572 2689 8879 100 40
2468 6800 8144 5572 2689 8879 104 49
2468 6800 8144 2687 2881 8610 90 54
2468 6800 8144 2687 2881 8610 0 66
2468 6800 5052 2687 2881 8610 92 78

FIRST In Texas District Championship - Apollo Division

in Houston, TX, USA
to Week 6

Team 6800 was Rank 1 with a record of 18-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and won the event.

Captain 6800
Pick 1 148
Pick 2 1745

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 66
Alliance Points 48
Playoff Points 90
Award Points 15
Total Points 219
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
5892 6800 5417 118 2582 7521 91 90
7125 6800 2158 1255 2583 8019 120 54
457 1745 2158 231 8055 6800 54 111
4587 8879 8858 6800 4639 5411 52 115
8879 231 4153 6800 5427 8858 68 121
6800 2714 2468 5414 8576 4219 142 74
6800 2881 5414 2582 231 8114 125 95
4206 7521 7492 8576 8749 6800 65 97
4641 8610 457 8144 6800 4587 31 74
8055 8576 5411 3545 8610 6800 54 78
8114 6800 8088 5892 8879 2583 138 42
8019 4206 6800 2848 7521 4610 172 84
148 6800 1745 7492 8114 8019 126 101
148 6800 1745 7492 8114 8019 143 32
148 6800 1745 5414 4639 4641 74 93
148 6800 1745 5414 4639 4641 120 84
148 6800 1745 5414 4639 4641 127 99
148 6800 1745 4206 2468 4219 116 119
148 6800 1745 4206 2468 4219 128 97
148 6800 1745 4206 2468 4219 126 109

FIRST In Texas District Championship

in Houston, TX, USA
Week 6

Team 6800 had a record of 2-0-0 and won the following awards:

  • District Championship Winner

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Apollo and won the event.

Captain 6800
Pick 1 148
Pick 2 1745

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 0
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 0
Total Points 30
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
148 6800 1745 3847 624 7616 148 121
148 6800 1745 3847 624 7616 112 104

Roebling Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 6800 was Rank 29 with a record of 8-7-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 176
Pick 1 6800
Pick 2 107
Pick 3 2338
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3197 6800 3310 1511 4930 4020 143 73
6800 4481 4593 359 4829 836 118 90
6800 4607 115 176 107 1468 84 95
4593 4265 3620 6800 2212 3075 119 129
6328 5913 1923 7407 6800 4451 103 123
67 4795 8853 5813 2338 6800 126 131
6078 4143 6800 4362 4451 2869 88 132
8717 4013 7483 6800 1987 3467 54 157
2075 7457 230 1923 6800 2341 114 68
4775 7419 6800 4143 5895 2471 112 129
6800 176 107 4143 3197 5895 151 148
6800 176 107 4143 3197 5895 99 136
6800 176 2338 4143 3197 5895 134 114
6800 176 107 2471 5940 6328 107 115
6800 176 2338 2471 5940 6328 142 143

Chezy Champs

in San Jose, CA, USA

Team 6800 was Rank 3 with a record of 9-5-0

Captain 6800
Pick 1 1690
Pick 2 973
Pick 3 8033
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
6800 1619 4499 3478 694 972 185 102
3476 7157 3175 6800 2910 846 111 143
254 6800 5940 3256 3940 2046 165 155
2486 6036 6800 846 1678 4414 159 208
696 604 649 6800 3647 5104 131 144
1700 3940 6800 1690 8033 2486 142 154
6800 2930 973 3478 5507 2910 180 155
254 1700 2046 6800 7034 696 141 149
1700 498 359 6800 971 3310 103 152
973 4499 971 114 3476 6800 157 154
6800 1690 973 1619 7034 7157 146 121
6800 1690 973 254 3175 2910 214 134
4414 498 1678 6800 1690 973 172 164
6800 1690 973 254 3175 2910 163 184

NTX Tournament of Robots

in Rockwall, TX, USA

Team 6800 had a record of 6-2-0

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