From Rochester, Minnesota, USA
aka Medtronic Inc./Rochester Public Schools/McNelius Truck & Manufacturing, Inc./Western Digital Corporatoin/Century, John Marshall, and Mayo High School Booster Clubs/Gene Haas Foundation&John Marshall High School&Mayo High School&Century High School
Rookie Year: 2008
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Robot Name: Fezzik

Event Results

Overall, Team 2530 had an average qual score of 77.84 and an average playoff score of 165.29 in 2015.

Wisconsin Regional

in Milwaukee, WI, USA
to Week 4

Team 2530 was Rank 36 with an average qual score of 56.78 and an average playoff score of 165.29 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners

Captain 2826
Pick 1 2062
Pick 2 2530
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3206 4011 2194 3277 2530 4624 24 54
1781 2530 3081 2709 4296 3352 51 13
1716 4786 4021 706 4011 2530 25 67
5148 3381 3418 2062 2530 4804 89 64
5096 2830 3298 5595 2530 1732 35 42
930 2338 2530 537 2202 5595 97 59
5552 1259 2530 3197 930 1781 22 44
3692 1306 2470 93 4174 2530 74 78
2530 1306 269 967 2506 1091 36 20
2062 2826 2530 5148 3418 2202 119 93
2062 2826 2530 2194 3277 3102 181 94
2062 2826 2530 5148 3418 2202 216 116
2062 2826 2530 2194 3277 3102 186 84
2062 2826 2530 1732 2169 93 116 128
2062 2826 2530 5148 3418 2202 161 120
2062 2826 2530 5148 3418 2202 178 90

Hopper Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 2530 was Rank 71 with an average qual score of 96.80

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Robot Name: Fezzik

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