From Flushing, New York, USA
aka BAE Systems/Boeing Aerospace/The Gene Haas Foundation/The Mu Family/Professional Steel Supply/THHA/Onsurd/Magellan Aerospace/THHS PTA/Queens College, CUNY/Steel Hawks Robotics Inc.&Townsend Harris High School
Rookie Year: 2008
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Robot Name: Steel Hawking

Event Results

Team 2601 was 20-23-0 in official play and 31-32-0 overall in 2018.

Hudson Valley Regional

in Suffern, NY 10901, USA
to Week 4

Team 2601 was Rank 13 with a record of 10-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Judges' Award
  • Wildcard

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 694
Pick 1 2601
Pick 2 6806
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
694 2265 369 6880 6401 2601 297 134
2601 3017 329 4122 6911 354 222 251
2265 5298 2601 3419 6601 3950 304 212
1155 2601 2869 2265 5123 1880 134 94
2601 7004 806 5016 4571 6982 297 146
1155 1880 5202 7318 4122 2601 248 348
5865 395 4707 2601 6982 7016 377 252
2601 5943 694 353 2869 2875 391 180
4571 3950 329 2590 229 2601 130 569
6401 7016 2590 369 2601 5016 428 238
5202 2601 5123 7004 4091 6880 363 392
5016 6880 2579 6806 2601 1880 310 200
2601 694 6806 5865 6911 2869 386 224
2601 694 6806 5865 2579 2869 346 144
2601 694 6806 354 6880 5016 483 114
2601 694 6806 354 6880 4707 411 105
1796 2590 6401 2601 694 6806 435 232
1796 2590 6401 2601 694 6806 413 322

SBPLI Long Island Regional #2

in Hempstead, NY 11550, USA
to Week 7

Team 2601 was Rank 21 with a record of 7-8-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 353
Pick 1 2601
Pick 2 2641
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4567 1751 2601 2875 5806 353 252 340
5736 2601 496 3015 870 3171 163 472
533 884 4458 2601 6422 1601 319 74
2641 1635 1751 287 2601 5599 137 404
6422 527 545 3171 2601 1635 198 418
3950 1601 4567 2601 870 1468 71 536
806 369 810 2601 6636 271 288 576
5806 329 2601 601 810 263 80 390
545 810 2601 7201 6636 1796 251 430
2487 369 2601 6232 4050 4567 369 112
2601 601 533 2487 5736 4528 492 110
1554 2601 6232 1468 287 2872 176 426
533 527 2872 2601 353 2641 342 398
533 527 2872 2601 353 2641 388 340
533 527 2872 2601 353 2641 440 335

Curie Division

in Detroit, MI, USA

Team 2601 was Rank 49 with a record of 3-7-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2601 7103 3452 1023 4814 1025 305 384
1555 2601 379 4384 7198 2826 320 419
3082 4342 2601 263 2265 3538 355 393
263 2601 2826 236 126 1599 295 435
7103 6933 316 2601 1747 1684 251 405
1071 558 3244 1023 4903 2601 314 411
230 302 6401 2601 45 6933 441 219
5813 5460 2054 910 4655 2601 375 361
6032 4607 7021 1718 4405 2601 242 370
5804 2601 3314 70 5687 20 305 314

Hudson Valley Rally

in Brooklyn, New York, United States

Team 2601 was Rank 5 with a record of 8-4-0

Brunswick Eruption

in North Brunswick, NJ, USA

Team 2601 was Rank 15 with a record of 3-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 5 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 5599
Pick 1 395
Pick 2 2601
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
219 5421 6911 533 2601 694 381 221
2590 222 2601 11 1089 9999 283 430
25 341 2601 6590 193 75 388 242
25 1626 1257 2601 4505 4575 407 312
747 2601 303 2554 527 555 415 234
1089 2590 5421 395 5599 2601 428 220
1089 2590 5421 395 5599 2601 341 351
1089 2590 5421 395 5599 2601 364 252

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Robot Name: Steel Hawking

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