From Dexter, Michigan, USA
aka Bosch/Michigan DOE/Dexter Lions Club/3.7 Designs&Dexter High School
Rookie Year: 2011
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Robot Name: Dreadbot III

Event Results

Overall, Team 3656 had an average qual score of 98.04 and an average playoff score of 79.38 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 3656 ranked 49 having earned 141 points.

FIM District - Waterford Event

in Waterford, MI, USA
to Week 2

Team 3656 was Rank 7 with an average qual score of 65.92 and an average playoff score of 78.00

Captain 3656
Pick 1 5216
Pick 2 503

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 13
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 41
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4507 3656 217 313 1 5225 53 53
3656 5048 3414 4851 470 4130 26 6
5233 3656 5703 5650 2619 3707 12 4
217 5650 470 3656 313 5642 78 68
2137 5046 5229 2619 5225 3656 44 26
1250 217 4779 5046 4851 3656 96 80
3656 67 4130 5053 3098 2851 126 75
3656 4779 5229 5233 3098 503 91 76
5067 2851 3656 5233 5662 5048 39 8
3414 503 4737 2137 5053 3656 56 152
308 1718 4377 1250 3656 1025 100 88
67 5561 503 4819 3656 3773 78 30
5216 3656 503 5048 308 4737 84 40
5216 3656 503 3098 4130 4819 66 86
217 1025 5046 5216 3656 503 138 79
2137 67 3707 5216 3656 503 48 74
470 1 2619 5216 3656 503 105 87

FIM District - Gull Lake Event

in Richland, MI, USA
to Week 3

Team 3656 was Rank 7 with an average qual score of 47.75 and an average playoff score of 69.71 and won the following awards:

  • District Event Finalist
  • Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors

Captain 3452
Pick 1 3656
Pick 2 5152

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 18
Alliance Points 15
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 58
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4327 1504 3641 3656 1677 5227 0 12
5204 3656 1528 5256 1940 4408 17 19
3656 5194 5256 3452 1677 5205 78 77
5248 3658 4409 3656 4408 3875 72 60
5227 4453 5161 3656 5448 5501 12 49
4368 3656 5152 5256 4381 3875 67 93
4237 4216 4368 3658 2834 3656 36 46
5623 5532 3656 5535 5194 4482 48 18
1940 5610 3656 830 4216 5194 20 51
5182 5173 5675 4453 3656 830 0 41
4409 3452 3656 2834 5610 1528 112 94
830 5162 1940 5161 5205 3656 14 23
3656 3452 5152 4237 5535 830 77 31
3656 3452 5152 1254 1504 3641 64 91
1254 1504 3641 3656 3452 5152 66 68
2834 4381 5675 3656 3452 5152 38 43
3656 3452 5152 4216 1677 5162 78 31
2834 4381 5675 3656 3452 5152 96 86
2834 4381 5675 3656 3452 5152 98 72

FIRST in Michigan District Championship

in Grand Rapids, MI, USA
to Week 7

Team 3656 was Rank 43 with an average qual score of 141.75

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 42
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 0
Total Points 42

Tesla Division

in St. Louis, MO, USA

Team 3656 was Rank 17 with an average qual score of 144.50 and an average playoff score of 154.00

Captain 1806
Pick 1 4003
Pick 2 2062
Pick 3 3656
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Robot Name: Dreadbot III

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