From Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, USA
aka 84 Four Lumber/The Armory Youth Center/Braskem/ECI/EQT/HRT Solutions/Makrinos Plumbing/Angert Foundation/Zamagias Properties/BAP/Remake Learning/Washington County Manufacturers Association & Family/Community
Rookie Year: 2013
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Robot Name: Kronos

Event Results

Team 4467 was 9-11-0 in official play and 34-41-0 overall in 2018.

Miami Valley Regional

in Dayton, OH 45435, USA
to Week 1

Team 4467 was Rank 39 with a record of 4-5-0

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4467 868 2252 4521 5740 247 182 419
1466 2603 3484 4467 128 1317 288 261
1014 6765 4467 144 5413 3492 301 347
4145 4467 554 3777 3260 1675 378 197
379 6460 3397 6084 1559 4467 394 258
3940 3504 5492 4467 234 6834 366 284
6927 4121 4284 677 4467 3492 207 377
3193 1038 2172 2399 4467 302 211 406
3010 4283 4467 279 451 4362 307 272

Greater Pittsburgh Regional

in California, PA 15419, USA
to Week 4

Team 4467 was Rank 18 with a record of 5-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Judges' Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 2nd Pick of Alliance 7 and were eliminated in the Quarterfinals.

Captain 3954
Pick 1 4521
Pick 2 4467
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WOW Alliance District Championship

in Westerville, OH, USA

Team 4467 was Rank 24 with a record of 2-3-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 4 and were eliminated in the Semifinals.

Captain 4085
Pick 1 4145
Pick 2 677
Pick 3 4467
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4467 7165 6964 2656 3777 4150 274 178
3260 4467 4150 1317 379 2252 241 476
4028 1014 7165 4467 677 379 447 302
291 3492 6916 3324 4467 6027 397 321
4150 4521 6936 1014 4611 4467 290 352

Mahoning Valley Robotics Challenge

in Austintown, OH, USA

Team 4467 was Rank 11 with a record of 3-5-0

Captain 4121
Pick 1 7165
Pick 2 4467
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
48 5811 4547 2010 4467 4269 303 202
4467 1787 9985 4269 4027 5811 181 326
4547 379 4467 4121 3193 2656 394 130
291 3193 48 4467 7165 4780 396 151
4467 9986 4121 379 2010 9985 216 183
2010 2656 4601 4027 4467 48 113 451
4780 3193 4467 2010 4547 1787 245 291
4547 4121 4780 5811 4467 4601 314 198


in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 4467 was Rank 19 with a record of 13-17-0

Captain 48
Pick 1 4265
Pick 2 4467
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
179 4462 4467 2655 3492 5740 277 337
4505 4467 2655 1038 686 3492 382 45
2655 1629 5811 888 2614 4467 435 42
4467 5740 1629 2656 5549 3504 246 293
9999 4265 2656 4467 456 3492 297 256
4467 4265 2656 686 2655 2614 92 447
456 3260 2614 686 4467 5549 258 470
4505 3538 48 3492 1732 4467 355 168
5740 4575 2614 9999 4467 3538 123 418
3260 9999 456 4467 5811 4505 194 300
3504 4467 4462 4265 5740 1732 25 365
4575 48 4467 4462 3260 5549 317 195
2614 5549 5811 3504 4467 4505 334 289
2656 4467 5549 1732 5811 1629 234 460
3504 4462 456 5740 4467 9999 248 198
4265 2614 4467 4462 2655 4575 397 227
48 179 3260 4467 4462 5740 375 308
4467 4505 3538 686 1732 179 229 346
3504 888 5549 4467 2655 456 310 230
3492 9999 4265 3538 4467 3504 234 375
4505 4265 1038 5811 4467 48 348 284
2655 3260 4467 3492 1038 4575 359 259
2614 4467 3492 888 2656 4575 407 284
4467 48 1732 456 3492 5740 366 156
2614 1629 888 686 1038 4467 428 88
686 2655 3538 888 179 4467 303 427
4265 48 4467 686 1732 2656 379 252
4265 48 4467 686 1732 2656 359 335
1629 2614 4575 4265 48 4467 378 211
1629 2614 4575 4265 48 4467 359 236

2018 CORI Invitational

in Columbus, OH, USA

Team 4467 was Rank 3 with a record of 7-5-0

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 3 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4467
Pick 1 4145
Pick 2 1787
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3324 447 1014 677 4467 4145 118 427
3266 1317 4284 4780 4467 4150 396 275
4467 4121 1038 1787 3591 5667 364 175
4467 1014 5667 2399 6567 379 *
4611 3138 6936 4284 5811 4467 *
6936 6916 4467 2252 4269 4145 *
4145 4467 1787 2252 4150 3484 378 299
4145 4467 1787 2252 4150 3484 329 381
4145 4467 1787 2252 4150 3484 383 310
3266 4611 3814 4145 4467 1787 369 344
3266 4611 3814 4145 4467 1787 256 425
3266 4611 3814 4145 4467 1787 183 382
379 5811 3324 4145 4467 1787 316 253
379 5811 3324 4145 4467 1787 272 428
379 5811 3324 4145 4467 1787 302 182

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