From Wallingford, Pennsylvania, USA
aka The Boeing Company/Tancredi's Auto & Truck/NAVSEA/Wallingford/ Swarthmore School District/J & K Trash Removal Inc.&Strath Haven High School
Rookie Year: 2000
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Event Results

Overall, Team 486 had an average qual score of 49.04 and an average playoff score of 58.29 in 2015.

As a member of the FIRST Mid-Atlantic district, Team 486 ranked 63 having earned 53 points.

MAR District - Hatboro-Horsham Event

in Horsham, PA, USA
to Week 1

Team 486 was Rank 12 with an average qual score of 49.25 and an average playoff score of 39.00 and won the following awards:

  • Team Spirit Award sponsored by Chrysler

Captain 486
Pick 1 357
Pick 2 341

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 15
Alliance Points 10
Playoff Points 0
Award Points 5
Total Points 30
Watch All Matches

MAR District - Springside Chestnut Hill Event

in Philadelphia, PA, USA
to Week 3

Team 486 was Rank 22 with an average qual score of 48.83 and an average playoff score of 66.00

Captain 203
Pick 1 341
Pick 2 486

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 11
Alliance Points 2
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 23
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4342 2495 3929 2180 1626 486 7 15
5080 4342 486 5684 2095 5181 13 20
5684 4373 3637 484 486 2095 52 54
486 5407 433 4575 2495 321 77 41
2191 225 1712 365 5181 486 125 86
486 708 2495 5640 341 3929 45 28
321 486 816 1218 203 2180 34 81
486 3637 2234 4750 2191 3929 45 12
3974 816 3637 1712 4575 486 98 67
486 3974 2191 5640 5733 4373 12 0
433 4575 5684 486 225 5640 42 72
5684 486 4750 4373 4342 3974 66 63
341 203 486 5181 304 2191 72 56
341 203 486 484 321 3637 45 57
484 321 3637 341 203 486 65 29
1218 225 204 341 203 486 124 103
4373 1712 3974 341 203 486 96 81

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