From Toronto, Ontario, Canada
aka TDSB / APPOLO Machine Ltd. & Etobicoke Collegiate Institute
Rookie Year: 2007
Last competed in 2016
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Event Results

Team 2185 was 22-19-0 in official play in 2009.

Waterloo Regional

in Waterloo, ON, Canada
to Week 4

Team 2185 was Rank 26 with a record of 9-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2013 2609 1558 2185 2702 2076 52 17
1334 2185 296 854 2166 1558 32 58
854 1815 2185 1404 2609 3040 44 72
2609 2505 2185 1605 1305 1075 74 58
1219 2505 2200 2013 2185 3040 58 54
1334 1815 2056 2361 2185 2200 66 14
1334 781 2702 2185 1310 2935 56 42
1605 781 2935 1565 2185 1404 46 72
2185 1141 1219 2013 1605 1310 40 56
1565 2013 781 2056 2185 1558 56 94
2185 2056 2609 296 2361 2013 74 40
2056 2609 2185 2013 296 2361 100 44
2185 2056 2609 1310 854 2935 70 40
2056 2609 2185 2935 1310 854 92 48
2056 2185 2609 1334 781 2200 66 48
2609 2056 2185 2200 1334 781 97 54

Greater Toronto Regional

in Mississauga, ON, Canada
to Week 5

Team 2185 was Rank 46 with a record of 9-6-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner

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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
886 1126 1547 3117 2185 865 68 30
2076 1558 1075 2056 1482 2185 28 88
1312 2185 677 2994 1334 1305 46 42
2625 2809 1815 1514 771 2185 50 34
188 2185 2505 1114 2626 1535 68 62
2013 1846 2185 1503 1518 2634 53 82
1559 1310 1219 2361 1053 2185 64 44
1605 2198 2185 2056 2200 2386 0 108
1114 2185 2056 1310 1547 781 97 40
1114 2056 2185 781 1547 1310 54 34
2185 1114 2056 1334 1241 854 98 50
2185 2056 1114 854 1334 1241 102 93
2056 2185 1114 610 1305 188 74 97
2185 1114 2056 188 610 1305 119 48
2056 1114 2185 610 188 1305 97 90

Curie Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 2185 was Rank 49 with a record of 4-6-0

Captain 175
Pick 1 254
Pick 2 2185
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