From Rochester Hills, Michigan, USA
aka General Motors/Aptiv/State of MI/Molex/Salem Steel/Thyssenkrupp/R & G Drummer/Stellantis/Fanuc/Tek Pros Today/Chris Pickard/Adambots Friends & Family/Rochester Advanced Dentistry/Thyssenkrupp Plastics&Adams High School
Rookie Year: 1999
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Event Results

Team 245 was 40-22-0 in official play and 45-29-0 overall in 2009.

As a member of the FIRST In Michigan district, Team 245 ranked 3 having earned 132 points.

Kettering University FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Flint, MI, USA
to Week 2

Team 245 was Rank 1 with a record of 16-3-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winner
  • Motorola Quality Award
  • Website Award

Captain 245
Pick 1 70
Pick 2 2619

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 20
Alliance Points 16
Playoff Points 30
Award Points 7
Total Points 73
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1783 818 910 66 245 1322 65 92
1718 66 314 245 1243 1504 48 72
245 49 2145 2586 397 1243 66 34
494 68 1684 2163 548 245 40 84
1506 1025 1504 245 397 818 42 76
245 302 3060 1025 70 1322 54 64
468 68 245 33 910 548 70 46
245 2337 862 2145 470 894 76 22
1025 1243 830 65 245 2627 30 54
1189 470 245 2627 830 2337 78 20
245 830 314 302 107 27 62 69
1 2163 2619 2586 70 245 22 62
70 245 2619 1718 470 66 60 58
245 70 2619 66 1718 470 81 66
70 245 2619 818 2337 1 89 42
70 2619 245 2337 818 1 54 85
2619 70 245 1 818 2337 70 46
70 2619 245 65 2771 2586 70 40
245 70 2619 2586 2771 65 74 61

Lansing FIRST Robotics District Competition

in Lansing2009, MI, USA
to Week 4

Team 245 was Rank 5 with a record of 12-7-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalist
  • Motorola Quality Award

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 16
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 20
Award Points 5
Total Points 41
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
858 2474 2617 2767 288 245 30 102
397 245 70 494 858 2163 72 36
67 1023 3114 245 470 2163 64 62
1896 216 3098 94 245 74 44 74
1 397 518 1896 67 245 52 88
3114 245 1188 2054 68 894 74 76
1677 216 2075 2611 1 245 52 82
245 830 894 518 1711 2337 76 24
468 1711 245 1918 2145 2054 61 62
2015 1 1711 27 245 2474 34 64
494 1023 245 216 1502 830 58 67
245 518 1502 858 74 1940 76 44
216 245 1 1188 397 74 84 40
245 216 1 74 397 1188 97 24
1 216 245 1918 494 470 72 93
245 1 216 494 1918 470 90 73
216 245 1 470 1918 494 54 40
67 68 858 245 216 1 105 70
68 67 858 1 3098 245 115 88

Michigan FIRST Robotics Competition State Championship

in Ypsilanti, MI, USA
to Week 6

Team 245 was Rank 29 with a record of 6-6-0

District Points Earned

Category Points
Qual Points 8
Alliance Points 0
Playoff Points 10
Award Points 0
Total Points 18
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Curie Division

in Atlanta, GA, USA

Team 245 was Rank 29 with a record of 6-6-0

Captain 816
Pick 1 245
Pick 2 341
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Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Indianapolis, IN, USA

Team 245 had a record of 5-7-0

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