From Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
aka NASA Robotics Alliance/United Way/West Virginia University/WV Space Grant Consortium/EQT/Rev Robotics/Boeing/Aurora Flight Sciences/ARC Nano/Qualcomm/Virtus/Novelis/Haas/Hope Gas/Intuitive&NASA&MARS
Rookie Year: 2008
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Hall of Fame (2017): Video, Presentation, Essay

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Event Results

Team 2614 was 54-14-0 in official play and 76-34-0 overall in 2022.

New York Tech Valley Regional

in Albany, NY, USA
to Week 2

Team 2614 was Rank 2 with a record of 15-2-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Winners
  • Autonomous Award sponsored by Ford

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 2 and won the event.

Captain 2614
Pick 1 5484
Pick 2 2601
Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
4122 3015 333 1676 2614 6806 49 66
2614 6300 2234 1860 5149 3314 42 28
2614 229 333 6402 6648 5881 25 32
6401 287 7718 1860 2614 3950 34 60
358 28 2614 709 1676 3950 65 55
7031 3950 5484 810 2614 7030 37 59
5016 3044 2614 20 358 145 56 38
2614 2095 263 2601 6621 250 66 37
6823 2601 2607 1493 2614 5484 46 93
287 806 2614 4458 2791 6300 53 39
5484 2614 2601 3314 333 1860 62 41
5484 2614 2601 3314 333 1860 75 55
5484 2614 2601 2791 20 6402 73 60
5484 2614 2601 2791 20 6402 77 67
3015 1493 5881 5484 2614 2601 63 56
3015 1493 5881 5484 2614 2601 63 71
3015 1493 5881 5484 2614 2601 54 94

Greater Pittsburgh Regional

in California, PA, USA
to Week 3

Team 2614 was Rank 5 with a record of 13-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Finalists
  • Excellence in Engineering Award

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 1787
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 1708
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2614 4547 1787 1511 4991 302 66 51
7274 2614 4050 7515 4085 379 56 10
2614 2656 4467 7274 5492 8027 50 38
5842 3954 7274 325 2614 3814 27 61
5740 4050 7165 120 117 2614 55 72
5492 378 2614 3260 156 4145 77 52
3504 4991 6032 1708 2614 5740 26 68
5492 695 2641 2614 379 2603 63 67
2614 2051 7460 5492 27 144 73 107
2053 554 3504 2252 5842 2614 52 92
3954 3201 2614 3539 6834 2603 46 64
2614 1787 1708 379 1511 4991 71 39
2614 1787 1708 379 1511 4991 81 72
2614 1787 1708 4150 325 4145 99 71
2614 1787 1708 4150 325 4145 97 26
27 3539 695 2614 1787 1708 112 75
27 3539 695 2614 1787 1708 98 77

Smoky Mountains Regional

in Knoxville, TN, USA
to Week 5

Team 2614 was Rank 1 with a record of 14-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Regional Engineering Inspiration Award
  • Regional Finalists

They competed in the playoffs as the Captain of Alliance 1 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 2614
Pick 1 2252
Pick 2 5002
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
2614 3140 2783 4028 4462 3489 75 68
3824 180 6517 2614 5005 4028 92 54
180 2614 8575 5005 4150 1466 124 39
3140 6302 5002 7515 343 2614 22 92
4306 1758 4265 7406 2614 4504 70 72
7406 4576 7525 2252 4462 2614 51 113
2614 1758 4533 4467 5492 3492 78 61
4467 2393 2614 4533 2783 5744 98 34
4576 1051 2614 3984 8575 343 110 58
7516 2614 4451 1051 4533 2856 106 53
3821 4020 63 2614 3492 4050 58 94
2252 2614 5002 4576 4150 5492 106 51
2252 2614 5002 5744 4150 5492 116 56
2252 2614 5002 2393 4028 3492 107 96
2252 2614 5002 2393 4028 3492 116 120
2252 2614 5002 2393 4028 3492 122 106
2252 2614 5002 4265 4451 3824 75 105
2252 2614 5002 4265 4451 3824 100 117

Hopper Division

in Houston, TX, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 12 with a record of 12-4-0 and won the following awards:

  • Championship Division Finalist

They competed in the playoffs as the 3rd Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 4499
Pick 1 148
Pick 2 4522
Pick 3 2614
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Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
1625 3794 7617 4522 4911 2614 68 142
5806 2614 7617 8822 4926 2443 62 94
2614 5505 4499 4421 2767 597 114 102
2614 7315 8575 2202 2052 6135 71 121
2771 1574 1807 525 2992 2614 73 126
4063 2832 3538 8745 2614 1706 110 115
5454 8825 4213 3128 2976 2614 84 103
8159 2976 3512 2614 1538 148 114 174
3512 6135 2614 8701 5216 1339 103 91
829 7021 1156 494 2614 7153 56 119
4499 148 2614 494 2252 2992 160 125
4499 148 2614 2252 494 2992 178 116
4499 148 2614 1339 6036 1574 150 140
4499 148 2614 1339 6036 1574 168 135
5454 1678 1706 4499 148 2614 157 127
5454 1678 1706 4499 148 2614 166 160

Indiana Robotics Invitational

in Columbus, IN, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 47 with a record of 2-8-0

Watch All Matches
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
3538 1987 1339 2614 3357 2539 110 77
4635 340 234 2614 2056 3175 112 129
118 1023 33 4926 2614 829 170 102
340 180 2614 624 5484 503 149 135
234 3176 2614 67 587 3357 43 150
4265 2614 5712 2767 1706 5010 109 131
1720 5712 5406 4028 1732 2614 127 116
180 1533 2056 1024 2614 4499 177 113
325 2338 2614 7457 694 4028 75 116
2614 4635 1987 4143 2338 2075 115 122

WVRoX 2022

in Morgantown, WV, USA

Team 2614 was Rank 4 with a record of 20-12-0

They competed in the playoffs as the 1st Pick of Alliance 2 and were eliminated in the Finals.

Captain 3940
Pick 1 2614
Pick 2 3504
Match Red Alliance Blue Alliance Scores
456 686 3504 2614 9999 3538 46 95
2614 4265 1732 3492 2656 325 148 31
5740 2051 2614 9999 325 1732 100 82
5811 3940 2614 3538 1732 2363 76 146
3504 117 2614 2656 3260 9985 47 19
2614 117 2656 456 3940 9999 35 71
2363 325 2614 117 4991 48 31 32
3260 2614 686 4991 456 2363 68 74
2051 3260 3504 9985 48 2614 35 60
5811 2614 3260 2656 456 2051 37 71
2614 7515 2051 4265 3504 3940 41 56
48 346 3492 1732 4991 2614 48 89
2363 48 9985 2614 4467 4265 78 103
9985 2614 9999 4467 4265 5811 71 59
48 456 2614 9999 3492 5811 102 37
7515 2614 3492 686 5811 9985 54 26
7515 4991 9999 2614 3940 346 34 118
346 4991 7515 9999 2614 5811 32 81
2614 2656 346 48 686 3538 68 228
2051 5740 325 3492 2614 456 84 60
3940 3492 5740 456 2614 117 70 73
117 2656 7515 2614 5740 2363 24 115
2614 686 3260 4467 2363 5740 63 82
325 2614 9985 1732 3538 4467 90 128
3940 2614 4265 1732 117 3260 97 77
686 2051 2614 117 346 5740 79 65
2614 3940 3504 9999 4467 456 98 60
2614 3940 3504 9999 4467 456 97 62
2614 3940 3504 48 2363 2656 118 80
2614 3940 3504 48 2363 2656 116 81
3538 1732 3260 2614 3940 3504 154 107
3538 1732 3260 2614 3940 3504 133 106

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